世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/09/05 13:37
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  • a dual-income family

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  • We both work.

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「共働き」a dual-income family と表すこともできますが、 簡単に、My wife and I, we both work. と言った方がよりナチュラルな感じがします。 例: We both work. 私たちは共働きです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Satoshi Oguri アイアクセス・バンクーバー主宰 英文法コーチ/通訳・翻訳
  • We are a working couple.

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  • We are a double-income couple.

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  • We are both working.

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ネイティブと話すときに、彼らが会話の中で使う確率が高いなと感じるのは、 We are both workingの表現です。 子供の保護者と話すときなど、うちは共働きですという場合には We are both workingという返事をする場合が多いです。 double-incomeは、2つの収入があるカップル([夫婦](という表現ですので、 世間話のようなシチュエーションでは二人とも[働いている](という表現のほうが 向いていると思います。
  • We both work.

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  • Both my wife and I work.

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  • My girlfriend works and so do I.

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'I and my wife both work' is incorrect grammar. It should be, 'My wife and I both work.' ... or 'Both my wife and I work.'...or informally, 'Me and my wife both work.'
'I and my wife both work' は、文法的に間違っています。 正しくは 'My wife and I both work.' ... か 'Both my wife and I work.'..で、または, 'Me and my wife both work.' カジュアルですが、こういった表現もできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We both work

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  • My girlfriend/wife and I both work

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*-'We both work.' *-'My girlfriend/wife and I both work.' *-means that both people have jobs/there are two incomes.
We both work.' 'My girlfriend/wife and I both work.' これは2人がどちらも[仕事](がある、または[収入](が2人分あることを意味します。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • We both have jobs.

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  • My girlfriend/wife and I both work.

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If you want to say that your household has two people working, you can simply say, "we both work." You can also say, "we are a dual income family." This means that your household has two incomes.
共働きという場合、シンプルに "we both work." または"we are a dual income family."ということができます。つまり二人の収入から生計を立てているということを表します。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • My wife/girlfriend and I both work.

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  • My wife/girlfriend and I are both full time employed.

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>My wife/girlfriend and I both work. >My wife/girlfriend and I are both full time employed. *both=refer to two people *full-time=occupying or using the whole of someone's available working time. Example Friend: Hey, do you work for the house? You:My wife I both work. Friend: Awesome. Does your wife work half day? You:My wife and I are both full time employed.
My wife/girlfriend and I both work. My wife/girlfriend and I are both full time employed. *both=二人の両方という意味の表現です。 *full-time=全ての仕事時間を使っている、占めているという意味です。 (例文) Friend: Hey, do you work for the house? 家事をしているのですか? You:My wife I both work. 妻も私も働いています。 Friend: Awesome. Does your wife work half day? いいですね。半日稼働ですか? You:My wife and I are both full time employed. 私も妻も正社員です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) Both of us work

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  • B) My girlfriend and i / My wife and i both work

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A) Both of us work *Both-used for emphasis to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together. Example-"both his parents love him very much" *Us-used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition. Example-"let us know" B) My girlfriend and I / My wife and I both work *Girlfriend-a person's regular female companion with whom they have a romantic Example-"he lives with his girlfriend" *Wife-a married woman considered in relation to her spouse. Example - Sarah is John's wife I hope this helps ! :-)
A) Both of us work *both - 2人や2つどちらも一緒に、と強調するために使われます。 例 Both his parents love him very much. - 彼の両親は2人とも彼のことをとても愛している。 *Us - 話し手自身と他の人を含めた2人以上のことを、動詞や前置詞の目的語として話すときに使われます。 例 Let us know. 私たちに知らせてください。 B) My girlfriend and I / My wife and I both work. *girlfriend - その人とロマンティックな関係でいつも一緒にいる女性のこと 例 He lives with his girlfriend. (彼はガールフレンドと一緒に住んでいる。) *wife - 夫婦の関係で結婚している女性 例 Sarah is John's wife. (セイラはジョンの妻です。) 参考になれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • My wife and I both work.

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  • My wife and I both have jobs.

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  • We both work.

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Both is used when you want to include 2 people or objects together. "We both work" assumes that we are talking about my wife and myself. To have a job means you are employed and working.
2人または2つのものが一緒ということを言う時、 both という言葉を使います。 "We both work."というと、奥さんと自分の両方のことを話していることがわかります。 have a job は雇用されていて仕事をすることを意味します。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • My wife and I are both currently working.

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  • Both my wife and I are holding down full-time jobs.

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  • My wife and I both have full-time occupations.

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My wife and I are both currently working. This means that you and your wife are both working at present (currently / at the moment). Both my wife and I are holding down full-time jobs. This means that you and your wife are both presently employed on a permanent basis. My wife and I both have full-time occupations. This means that you are both employed and are working full-time.
【例】 My wife and I are both currently working. (妻と私は二人とも働いています/共働きです) これはあなたとあなたの奥さんは二人とも今現在働いているという事を意味しています。 【例】 Both my wife and I are holding down full-time jobs. (妻と私はどちらも仕事を持っています) これはあなたとあなたの奥さんんは二人とも終身雇用のフルタイムで雇われているという意味になります。 【例】 My wife and I both have full-time occupations. (妻と私はフルタイムの仕事をしています) これはあなたと奥さんはどちらもフルタイムとして雇用されているという意味になります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Both my girlfriend and I have jobs.

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  • Both my girlfriend and I work.

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  • We both work.

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We can either talk about, "having jobs," or we can simply use the verb, "to work," to describe this idea. Lastly we don't have to mention, "my girlfriend and I," but simply use the pronoun, "we," to discuss the same group of people.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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