世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/09/07 13:15
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  • He knows a lot of business people.

  • He is well-connected.

  • He is widely known

「顔が広い」という表現はたくさんあると思いますが、思いついたものをいくつか。「顔が広い」つまり、「よく知られている」とか、「色々な人たちとつながりがある」という意味で考えました。 He knows a lot of people in the financial world. 「in the 業界」を付ければ、knows a lot of people でも十分通じると思います。 well-connected 「たくさんの人とつながりがある」から「顔が広い」 widely known 「広く知られている」から「顔が広い」 ちょっと難しい単語ですが、acquaintanceを使って、 “He has a large circle of acquaintances” (彼は広範な知人関係を持っている) 「交際の輪が広い」という表現でも「顔が広い」という意味になると思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Satoshi Oguri アイアクセス・バンクーバー主宰 英文法コーチ/通訳・翻訳
  • He has a lot of connections in many diverse industries.

  • He has a network of associates in numerous industries.

  • He is someone with multi-industry connections.

Any of these phrases express adequately this person's position.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He has many connections in several industries.

When a person knows a lot of people, we say that he/she has a lot of connections. "He has a lot of connections in many industries." "He has connections in almost all industries."
たくさんの人を知っている人のことを、he/she has a lot of connections.と言います。 "He has a lot of connections in many industries."彼は業界でたくさんの人脈がある。 "He has connections in almost all industries."ほとんどの産業経営者とつながりがある。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • He knows people.

  • He has a strong network of people.

顔が広い、は以下のように英訳できます。 1)He knows people. =彼は人を知っている=顔が広い このPeople は、その状況によってどのような人が変わりますが、その事柄に関連している人達のことを指しています。 2)He has a strong network. = 彼は強いネットワークを持っている=顔が広い I hope it helps :)
  • He is well known in many industries.

  • He knows too many people in different industries.

>He is well known in many industries. *well known=widely or generally known >He knows too many people in different industries. *too many people= a lot of people
He is well known in many industries. *well known=幅広く、一般的に知られていることを意味します。 He knows too many people in different industries. *too many people= 多くの人々を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He has a lot of connections in many industries.

  • He knows many people from many industries.

「彼は多くの業界でコネを持っている」 「彼は多くの業界の多くの人を知っている」 のように表現してみたら良いかと思います(^^)
  • Connected:

  • He is definitely in the running for CEO he is so connected in our field !

When we describe someone as "connected" ...we are saying the have lines of communication that go in many directions...and they are known and respected. "He is definitely in the running for CEO; he is so connected in our field!"
「connected」な人とは...色々な方面に繋がりを持つ...有名でリスペクトされている。 "He is definitely in the running for CEO he is so connected in our field!" (彼は間違いなく将来のCEO候補です、業界の人脈が広い)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Well-connected

  • Widely connected in the business world.

When someone is very popular in the business world, you would say that they are "well-connected" or "widely connected/known in the business world". For example: -John is well-connected in the advertising industry. -John is widely known in the business world, especially for his work in advertising.
ビジネスの世界である人はとても知られているのであれば、they are "well-connected" or "widely connected/known in the business world".ということが出来ます。 例文 -John is well-connected in the advertising industry. ジョンは広告業界で顔が広い -John is widely known in the business world, especially for his work in advertising. ジョンは特に広告の仕事に関してビジネスの世界でよく知られている
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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