世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/10/21 16:23
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  • We had a panoramic view of the ocean from our hotel

  • The view of the ocean from our hotel was to die for!

A panoramic view =a view, as of a landscape, seascape, which is extensive, unbroken and in all directions: "From higher ground, take in panoramic views across the reservoir and the surrounding villages." To die for =excellent or to be strongly wished for: "She has a figure to die for." "That chocolate cake is to die for."
A panoramic view =景色、海の景色、広範囲の、または全方位で見られる広範囲の景色。 "From higher ground, take in panoramic views across the reservoir and the surrounding villages." 標高の高い場所からは、ため池から周りの村々まで広範囲の景色を取り込める。 To die for =すごく立派な、すごく欲しい 例 "She has a figure to die for." 彼女は誰もが憧れる体型をしている。 "That chocolate cake is to die for." あのチョコレートすごく欲しいよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Right in front of the hotel was a beautiful beach.

「綺麗な海」ですが、英語的には beach の方が言いやすいのではと思いました。 Right in front of the hotel was a beautiful beach. これは倒置してあります。 元の語順は A beautiful beach was right in front of the hotel. 美しい浜辺がホテルのすぐ目の前にある。 なのですが、a beautiful beach を強調したいので、 倒置して逆にしてあります。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • We had a great ocean view from the hotel (room).

maimaiさんへ 以前のご質問への回答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 今回のように「目の前が海だった」などと 「誰がどうする」という記述が無くても 英語にしてみると、We had ... のように なる場合があります。 例えば、「昨日はついていなかった」でしたら、 I had a bad day yesterday. 「飛行機はすごく快適だった」でしたら、 I had a very comfortable flight. 「そのお城にはとても美しいガラス窓がある」でしたら、 The castle has very beautiful glass windows. などです。 こうした日本語と英語の違いは、学者さんの中でも 「日本語は状況描写中心で、英語は動作中心の言語」と 分析している人もいます。つまり、英語を話す時に 「誰がどうする」を少し意識すると、話しやすくなる という訳です(これには数多くの経験が 必要となり、決して他人の説明を聞いただけでは マスターできる訳ではありませんが)。 今回は、We had a great ocean view で、まさに 「オーシャンビューを楽しんだ」というニュアンスを 出せます。 また、シンプルですが、have は奥が深いです。 ご興味があれば、辞書等で掘り下げてお調べください。 ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 maimaiさんの英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • The hotel where I stayed at had the most beautiful ocean view.

  • The best ocean view was from the hotel where I stayed at.

>The hotel where I stayed at had the most beautiful ocean view. >The best ocean view was from the hotel where I stayed at. Both sentences clearly indicate that you had a very good view of the ocean from the hotel that you stayed at. Any of the two sentences can be used in the situation.
The hotel where I stayed at had the most beautiful ocean view. The best ocean view was from the hotel where I stayed at. どちらの文もホテルから素晴らしい海の景色をみることができること意味する表現です。 この状況でどちらの表現も使うことができます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I had a panoramic view of the ocean from my hotel room

---->Panoramic = a view, as of a landscape, which is extensive, unbroken and in all directions ---->The view from a window or high place is everything which can be seen from that place, especially when it is considered to be beautiful. "I had a panoramic view of the ocean from my hotel room."
---->Panoramic =景色、または全方位を見渡すことのできる景色。 ---->The view from a window or high place とは、その場所から見られる全景色、一般的に綺麗だと考えられます。 例 "I had a panoramic view of the ocean from my hotel room." 私のホテルの部屋からは、オーシャンビューのパノラマが見られるよ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • From my hotel room window, there was a stunning view of the ocean.

  • From my hotel room balcony, there was a stunning view of the ocean.

If the ocean was right in front of the hotel, the best views of it could be obtained either from the window of the room where you were staying or the 'balcony' of your hotel room if there was one. You use the adjective 'stunning' to mean 'extremely beautiful or attractive'. In the second sentence, you use the noun 'balcony' which means 'a platform enclosed by a wall or balustrade on the outside of a building, with access from an upper-floor window or door'. You may also say: From my hotel room balcony, there was an extremely beautiful view of the ocean.
もしホテルの前が海だったらまどかもしくはバルコニーからの眺めは最高でしょうね。 2つ目の文は、stunningという形容詞を使っています。 これはextremely beautifulまたはattractiveという意味です。 Balconyとは、部屋の壁や手すりに接している外に出て上の回の窓やドアへアクセスするためのプラットフォームを意味します。 From my hotel room balcony, there was an extremely beautiful view of the ocean.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A) The view of the hotel i stayed at was breathtaking

  • B) I had a stunning view at the hotel i stayed at.

A) The view of the hotel i stayed at was breathtaking *The view-a sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place. Example-"a fine view of the castle" *Hotel-an establishment providing accommodation, meals, and other services for travellers and tourists. Example-"a five-star hotel" *Stayed-(of a person) live somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest. Example-"the girls had gone to stay with friends" *Breathtaking -astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away. Example-"the scene was one of breathtaking beauty" B) I had a stunning view at the hotel i stayed at. *Stunning -extremely impressive or attractive. Example-"she looked stunning" I hope this helps :-)
A) The view of the hotel i stayed at was breathtaking *The view-展望、ビュー、自然の綺麗な風景など 例 "a fine view of the castle" 城の見事な風景 *Hotel-宿泊施設、食事などを提供する施設、ホテル、宿. 例 "a five-star hotel" 5つ星ホテル *Stayed-ゲウト、ビジターとして一時的に滞在する。 例 "the girls had gone to stay with friends" 彼女たちは友達と一緒に住みに行った。 *Breathtaking -息をのむほどの、びっくりするような、目を見張るほどの、 例 "the scene was one of breathtaking beauty" その風景は息をのむほど美しかった。 B) I had a stunning view at the hotel i stayed at. *Stunning -非常に印象的な、 例 "she looked stunning" 彼女は非常に印象的だった。 I hope this helps :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoyed a dazzling view of the ocean right infront of my hotel.

  • From my room I could see an alluring view of the ocean.

There are a number of words that one can use to say that they had a wonderful or great view of the ocean. Other words that can be used for beautiful are: Dazzling Exquisite Stunning Wonderful Magnificent Marvelous Another word for view is sight. To use these in a sentence would be: The sight of the ocean from my hotel was magnificent.
「海の眺めが素晴らしかった」と伝えるときに使える単語はたくさんあります。 "beautiful" の代わりに使える単語には: Dazzling(素晴らしい/魅力的な) Exquisite(素晴らしい) Stunning(素晴らしい/見事な) Wonderful(素晴らしい/素敵な) Magnificent(素晴らしい/堂々とした) Marvelous(素晴らしい/素敵な) などがあります。 "sight" は "view" と同じ意味です。 これらを文に使うと: The sight of the ocean from my hotel was magnificent. (ホテルからの海の眺めが素晴らしかった)
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • My hotel had a beautiful ocean view.

To explain that there was a beautiful view of the ocean in front of the hotel you stayed at, you can say: "My hotel had a beautiful ocean view."
「泊まったホテルの前がきれいな海だった」は、次のように言えます。 "My hotel had a beautiful ocean view." (ホテルからきれいな海が見えた)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • My hotel room had the most beautiful view, I could see the ocean nearby.

  • From my hotel room I could see an amazing view of the ocean.

  • I had the best ocean view experience from inside my hotel room.

"I had the best ocean view experience from inside my hotel room." This sentence speaks of the view as an experience, that it was something that you lived out during the time that you were in that hotel room. You got to experience the ocean from the comfort of your hotel room.
"I had the best ocean view experience from inside my hotel room."(ホテルの部屋からきれいな海が見えました) この文は話し手の経験です。ホテルにいたときにそれを経験した、美しい海が見えたと伝えます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The hotel we stayed at had an amazing view of the ocean.

  • We stayed at a beachfront hotel with an amazing view of the ocean.

If you want to explain to someone that the hotel you stayed at was right in fron of the beach and had an amazing view of the ocean, you can simply say "The hotel we stayed at had an amazing view of the ocean." or "We stayed at a beachfront hotel that had an amazing ocean view!".
「泊まったホテルの前がビーチで、きれいな海が見えた」は、シンプルに次のように言えます。 "The hotel we stayed at had an amazing view of the ocean."(ホテルからすごくきれいな海が見えた) "We stayed at a beachfront hotel that had an amazing ocean view!"(泊まったホテルの前がビーチで、きれいな海が見えた)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • The hotel where I stayed has a beautiful view of the ocean.

  • I could see a beautiful view of the ocean right in front of the hotel.

If you want to express that right in front of the hotel there is a beautiful view of the ocean, you can use the following expressions:- 1. The hotel where I stayed has a beautiful view of the ocean. 2. I could see a beautiful view of the ocean right in front of the hotel. Any of these sentences can be used:-
「ホテルの前にはきれいな海が広がっている」は次のように言えます。 1. The hotel where I stayed has a beautiful view of the ocean.(泊まったホテルの目の前がきれいな海だった) 2. I could see a beautiful view of the ocean right in front of the hotel.(ホテルの目の前がきれいな海だった) どちらの文も使えます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It was a great view of the ocean right in front of the hotel

  • We had the best view of the ocean from our hotel

Basically, both of these sentences mean the same, although, the second one looks a bit more common for me to say. Example - we had the best view of the ocean from our hotel. The weather was nice and we are very happy about this trip.
この二つの文は基本的に同じ意味ですが、二つ目の言い方の方が一般的だと思います。 例: We had the best view of the ocean from our hotel. The weather was nice and we are very happy about this trip. (ホテルからきれいな海が見えました。天気も良くて最高の旅行でした)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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