世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/03/25 21:17
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  • Mmmmmmmm one second.....I know how to say this....

  • It's on the tip of my tongue........................

  • I know it...I know it........!

It's a little frustrating when you are sure you know the right word but it's temporarily lost in your grey matter - and someone is waiting for you to say something. The silence while you are thinking needs filling. In fact, saying things like, "Mmmmmmmm one second.....I know how to say this...." may even help your thought process! Grey matter = the brain, the place where your thought processes operate.
分かっているのに、正しい言葉が出てこない時はイライラします-そしてその答えを誰かが待っている時。 あなたが考えている間の沈黙、次のように言うことが出来ます。 "Mmmmmmmm one second.....I know how to say this...." (んんん、ちょっと待ってください、なんていうかわかってます) もしかしたらこのように言うことで思考回路を助けてくれるかもしれませんね。 頭脳、脳の思考回路 = Grey matter
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's on the tip of my tongue...

  • know...

  • Let me see.../Let's see.../Let me think...

そう言うときは 例文1 It's on the tip of my tongue.(直訳)それは、私の舌(tongue)の先(tip)の上にある  ということで「もう少しで思い出しそうなんだけど・・・」などといったり、あるいは 例文2のように know...(ええと・・・ほら、わかるでしょ。。。」としたり 例文3のように Let me see...や、Let’s see, Let me think(ちょっと考えさせて)と言って時間を稼ぎます。 なかなか言葉が出てこないことって誰にでもあることですから、気にせず頑張ってくださいね ご参考まで。
  • Just hang on one second, I am trying to find the right word.

  • It's on the tip of my tongue.

If you are trying to remember the right word, during an online English lesson you cab use the following sentences to fill the space :- 1. Just hang on one second, I am trying to find the right word. 2. It's on the tip of my tongue.
オンランレッスン時に、正しい言葉が出てこなかったら次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 1. Just hang on one second, I am trying to find the right word. (ちょっと待ってください、今正しい言葉を思い出しています) 2. It's on the tip of my tongue. (すぐそこまで出かかっています)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Give me a moment I am trying to figure it out.

  • Give me a minute I will tell you now.

*Give me a moment I am trying to figure it out.- Give a moment means may you please give me some time. I am trying to figure it out means you are trying to think of the right answer to tell the teacher. *Give me a minute I will tell you now.-This also means that you would like a few minutes to think of the correct answer.
*Give me a moment I am trying to figure it out. (少し待ってください、今考えています) "Give a moment"とは少し時間をください、ちょっと待ってください、という意味です。 "I am trying to figure it out"とは正しい答えを考えているという意味です。 *Give me a minute I will tell you now. (今答えるので、ちょっと待ってください) これもまた正しい答えを考えるのに少し時間をください、と言う意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Wait a moment while I think of the word.

  • Just wait a second it's on the tip of my tongue.

"Wait a moment while I think of the word." This is a polite way of saying I need a second to think of the word I want to use. "Just wait a second it's on the tip of my tongue." It's on the tip of my tongue is an English expression used to explain that you know the word you want to use, but your brain just can't seem to remember it at the current moment.
"Wait a moment while I think of the word."(言葉を思いつくまで少し待ってください) - 言葉を思いつくまで少し待って欲しいと丁寧にお願いしています。 "Just wait a second it's on the tip of my tongue."(少し待ってください、ここまで出かかっているんです) - "It's on the tip of my tongue"(もう少しで思い出せそうなんだけど)は、その瞬間言葉が思い出せないことを伝える表現です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I can't think of the word

  • The word has escaped me

These phrases will allow the person speaking to have more time to think until the words come back to them, or perhaps until they get another word which is fitting.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • It's on the tip of my tongue

  • Bear with me, I know this!

  • Let me think about this

Sometimes you know what you want to say but you can't remember exactly for a short time so have to think about it this is said to be on 'the tip of your tongue' by saying 'bear with me, I know this!' you are telling the other person that you don't need help and are trying to answer the question but need some time to think
たまに知っていることが一時的に思い出せなくなることがありますね。これは 'on the tip of my tongue'(喉まで出かかっている)で説明できます。 'Bear with me, I know this!'(少し待ってください、これは知っています) これは、与えられた問題について、手助けは要らないけれども考える時間が少し欲しいことを伝えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Whats the word...

  • It's on the tip of my tongue

"What's the word" used the majority of the time, especially in the UK when you cannot think of the word but it is very close to being said by yourself. "It's on the tip of my tongue" can be very frustrating when experiencing this, tip of my tongue refers to when you know the word but you cannot remember it.
特にイギリスでは、言葉が思い浮かばないときにはたいてい "What's the word"(何でしたっけ)と言います。これは独り言に近いです。 "It's on the tip of my tongue"(喉まで出かかっている) = これはすごくイライラしますね。"tip of my tongue" は、言葉を知っているけれども思い出せない状態を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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