世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/01/04 17:49
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  • I'm looking for a scarf. Could you show me where it is?

  • Do you have any scarves?

  • I wonder if you could help me find a scarf?

英語では、薄手のものでも厚手のものでも、首に巻くものをscarfと呼びます。 日本で言う「マフラー」を指したい場合は、knit scarf(ニットのスカーフ)と言うと具体的に伝わりやすいと思います。 I'm looking for a scarf. Could you show me where it is? (スカーフを探しているのですが。どこにあるか教えてもらえますか?) Do you have any scarves? (スカーフは置いていますか?) I wonder if you could help me find a scarf? (スカーフを探すのを手伝ってもらえますか?)
DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • Excuse me. I'm looking for a scarf. Could you help me find it?

  • Excuse me. Do you have scarves?

Excuse me. I'm looking for a scarf. Could you help me find it? すみません、スカーフを探しているのですが、見つけるのを手伝っていただけますか? Excuse me. Do you have scarves? すみません、スカーフを置いていますか? 英語ではマフラーはscarf、複数はscarvesです。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Excuse me, where are the scarfs?

  • Hi, where are the scarfs?

  • Where may I find the scarfs, please?

Any of these phrases is appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to buy a scarf. Where can I find one?

Usually a store is organised in a way that you can easily find the things you are looking for . However if you are struggling explaining what you want a picture would be a better way to explain what you are looking for.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please point me to the scarfs?

  • Where do you keep your scarves?

Another way to ask for directions is to ask one to "point me" in the direction. It is a quick way to obtain the general direction one must go to find something. To ask "where do you keep" in a retail establishment refers to the department where an item may be found. Note that there are two plural forms for the word "scarf." Both are correct, but "scarves" is more commonly used these days.
場所を尋ねるときには、"point me" を使うこともできます。だいたいの場所を手っ取り早く把握することができます。 "where do you keep" は、その商品が売られている売り場を尋ねます。 "scarf" の複数形には二種類あります。どちらも正しいですが、現代では "scarves" の方が一般的です。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking for a scarf, in which aisle can I find it?

  • Do you sell scarfs? Can you please assist me to find them.

>I am looking for a scarf, in which aisle can I find it? *Aisle=shelves of goods in a supermarket. >Do you sell scarfs? Can you please assist me to find them. #Example Me:Do you sell scarfs? Him:Yes we do. Me:Can you please assist me to find them. !Both phrases clearly indicate that you are looking for a scarf and that you need help to find it in the shop.
>I am looking for a scarf, in which aisle can I find it? (マフラーを探しています。どちらの棚で見つけることはできますか?) *Aisle(通路)=スーパーの商品の棚。 >Do you sell scarfs? Can you please assist me to find them. (マフラーを販売していますか?マフラーを見つるのを助けてくださいませんか?) 例) 私:Do you sell scarfs? (マフラーを売っていますか?) 彼:Yes we do. (はい。) 私:Can you please assist me to find them. (マフラーを見つけるために助けていただけませんか?) どちらののフレーズも、マフラーを探しおり、 お店で見つけるためには助けが必要であることを表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Where are the scarfs located, please?

  • Where in the shop can I find the scarfs?

  • Where is the scarf section?/ accessories section.

A scarf is an accessory, it is used to decorate what you are already wearing. There are many different styles, colors, and sizes of scarfs. Some are a plain, solid color (one color) while others are colorful or have patterns or images on them. Scarfs can also be used to keep your neck warm in the winter time. If you would like to buy a scarf from a store and don't know where in the shop you can find them, ask one of the store assistants by using the sentences above. "Hi, I am looking for a red scarf, do you have any in the store?" "Where in the store can I find your scarf section?"
 scarfは、アクセサリーで、すでに着ているものに付け加えるものです。 様々なスタイル、色、サイズのマフラーがあります。模様のないもの、単色のものもあれば、カラフルなもの、柄物、絵のついたものまであります。   マフラーは、冬に首を温めるものとしても使われます。お店でマフラーを買いたくて、どこにあるかわからないときは、お店の人にこれらの文を使って聞くといいでしょう。   "Hi, I am looking for a red scarf, do you have any in the store?" (すみません、赤色のマフラーを探しているのですが、お店にありますか?) "Where in the store can I find your scarf section?" (お店のどこにマフラーのセクションがありますか?)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I find your scarves?

  • Do you sell scarves?

"Where can I find your scarves?" Asks the person to show you where in the shop they are. "Do you sell scarves?" Asks the person if the shop sells them.
Where can I find your scarves? 店にマフラーがあるか教えてほしいと尋ねています。 Do you sell scarves? マフラーを売っているかどうかを尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Where are the scarves?

  • I would like a scarf, please show me where I can find them.

scarf (singular) scarves (plural) ================= "Where are the scarves?" "I would like a scarf, please show me where I can find them."
scarf(単数) scarves(複数形) ================= "Where are the scarves?" (マフラーはどこですか?) "I would like a scarf, please show me where I can find them." (私はマフラーがほしいです、どこにマフラーがあるか教えてください。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry, I am looking for a scarf. Could help me?

  • Excuse me, where are the scarfs?

If you want to ask this question, I recommend you to use any of these sentences but be aware that the second one is shorter and quicker to ask.
これについて尋ねるなら、上記の言い方がおすすめです。 二つ目の方が短くて言いやすいと思います。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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