世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/06/07 23:29
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  • A monthly contract

  • Monthly subscription

>A monthly contract a written or spoken agreement >Monthly subscription an arrangement by which access is granted to an online service Example a. It is better to take out a monthly contract and pay one amount every month than to pay everyday. b. A monthly subscription works so much better than to pay day by day.
A monthly contract 書面もしくは、口頭の合意を意味する表現です。 Monthly subscription オンラインサービスへのアクセスが認められるための構成を意味します。 (例文) a. It is better to take out a monthly contract and pay one amount every month than to pay everyday. 月額制で毎月払う方が毎日支払うより良いです。 b. A monthly subscription works so much better than to pay day by day. 月額制は日額制よりよいです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Monthly subscription

A subscription is an amount of money that you pay regularly to receive a product or service. It can be monthly or annually. You may choose to pay the subscription by direct debit, whereby the supplier collects it directly from your bank account every month, or, you may choose to personally deposit the money into the supplier's account every month.
subscription とは商品やサービスを定期的に受け取るために支払う金額のことです。 あなたは銀行引き落とし(サービスの提供元が直接金額をあなたの銀行口座から毎月引き落とす)や、毎月提供元にお金を振り込む方法か、選ぶことができます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I pay my subscription by monthly direct debit. It's so convenient!

  • My monthly subscription is paid by standing order.

  • My cable TV bills are paid monthly automatically from my bank account.

Direct debit = a regular bank payment, which may be variable, deducted directly from your bank account on the request of a supplier. Standing order = A regular bank payment made under your instructions, for a fixed amount of money. Automatic payment = A regularly payment made from your bank account which may be either a direct debit or a standing order. Direct debits or standing orders are the usual ways for people to pay their bills in the UK. Other methods of payment may be: cash or credit card.
Direct debit =通常の銀行支払いで、変動する可能性があります。サプライヤーからの要請により銀行口座から直接控除されることもあります。 Standing order =あなたの指示のもとで行われた通常の銀行支払いで、一定の金額。 Automatic payment =銀行口座からの定期的な支払いで、口座引き落としまたは発注のいずれかです。英国で請求書を支払うための通常の方法です。他の支払い方法は、現金またはクレジットカードなど。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Monthly system

  • Monthly payment system

「monthly」とは「1ヶ月当たり」という意味で、様々な文脈で使えます。「制」は「system」と訳されることが多いです。もっとはっきり言いたいのであれば、「monthly payment system」と言って、「1ヶ月あたりに支払う制度」みたいな言い方が2番です。 ところで、「お得」は「a (good) bargain / economical」なので、「DMM Eikaiwa has a monthly payment system, so taking lessons everyday is economical / a good bargain」となります。
  • A monthly subscription

subscription - an arrangement to receive something
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Monthly payment plan

A payment plan is a plan or way of paying monthly for a service. You could say: The DMM Eikaiwa service is good value for money because you pay for lessons with a monthly payment plan and you can have lessons every day. I hope this helps :)
“Payment plan”とはサービスの月々の支払い計画または支払い方法のことです。”The DMM Eikaiwa service is good value for money because you pay for lessons with a monthly payment plan and you can have lessons every day.“(DMM英会話は月額制で毎日レッスンを受けられるためお得です)ということができます。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I pay a monthly fee.

  • You get more for your money if you pay a flat monthly rate.

The first expression is a simple way to show the frequency of your payments. The second expression has a lot of meaning. By saying "you get more for your money" you are showing that it's better and cheaper to pay monthly. The word "flat rate" means the amount you pay every month doesn't change so you can use the service as much as you want for the same price.
一つ目は支払いの頻度を言うシンプルな文です。 二つ目の文にはいろいろな意味があります。 "you get more for your money" で、月ごとに支払った方がいい、その方が安くなる、と伝えています。 "flat rate" は「毎月の支払額が変わらない、同じ金額で好きなだけサービスを利用できる」ことを表します。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • monthly

monthly = every month I top up my mobile phone monthly because it's better value than doing it weekly. My loan repayment comes out bi-monthly(occurring or produced twice a month or every two months.)
monthly = 毎月 I top up my mobile phone monthly because it’s better value than doing it weekly. (私は、週払いよりお得だから、携帯電話代を毎月払います。) My loan repayment comes out bi-monthly. (私のローンの支払いは2か月ごとです。)bi-monthly = 2か月ごと、2か月に1回
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • A monthly contract

  • I pay a monthly fee

The second sentence is the simpliest way to say it. Fee means a fixed sum charged by someone. The first one is a more "complicated" version but practically means the same.
二つ目の例が最もシンプルな言い方です。'Fee' は「定額料金」を指します。 一つ目の例はより複雑な言い方ですが、意味は同じです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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