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下着が透けて見える服は安物だと思います。 という文を頭で組み立てて言おうとしたのですが、どうにもうまくいかなくて質問させていただきました。 considerを使うとどう言えますか?
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2017/06/24 22:58
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  • I consider clothes that show one's underwear cheap.

considerを使った表現にしました。 ここでは仮にone's としましたが、your, his, herなど置き換えることができます。
Kureha 通訳・翻訳家
  • I consider revealing clothes to be sleazy

  • Clothes that expose one's underwear are cheap

sleazy = this means that something is unpleasant to see. I assume this is what you are implying when you say "cheap".
sleazy = あんまり見たくないもののことを指します。 cheap =下品 と暗にいいたいときなど、代わりにこういうことができますね。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Her clothes are tawdry

  • Her clothes are very brazen.

  • Her clothes are nearly transparent

Tawdry - this means cheap and low quality. Her clothes are tawdry and I can see VPL - VPL means Vi=sible Panty Line, or her underwear. Brazen - this means something is shameless and overly confident. Sometimes it has a positive meaning but when we describe clothes it means they are showing too much skin or underwear in this case. Transparent - this means you can see through something. if someone wears transparent clothes then you can see through them to the underwear. Hope this helps Jane :)
tawdry - これは安くて悪い品質のことです。 Her clothes are tawdry and I can see VPL. - VPLは Visible Panty Line (目に見える下着の線)または下着のことを意味します。 Brazen - これは恥知らずで自信たっぷりなことを意味します。 ときどきそれはいい意味もありますが、この場合は服について、しかも露出が多いとか下着が見えることを意味します。 transparent - これはなにかが透けて見えることを意味します。transparent clothes(透明な服)を来ていたら、下着が見えてしまします。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I consider it cheap, the kind of clothes you can see her/his underwear through.

consider を使ってということなので、consider O C(OをCだと思う)を使った文にしましたが、そのまま使うと目的語Oがすごく長くなってしまうので、最初に it を目的語として、その後に it の指すものを持ってくる形にしました。 「シースルーの服」と言ったりしますが、英語の see A through B (Bを通してAが見える、Bから透けてAが見える)からきています。 その表現を使って、you can see her/his underwear through(下着が透けて見える)にしました。 「下着が透けて見えるような(類の)服」というニュアンスだと思いますので、kind (種類)を使った、the kind of clothes 〜 (〜ような類の服)を前に付けています。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Mutsumi 英語講師
  • I don't think it's very becoming to have see through clothes that show underwear

  • See through clothes showing underwear are really tacky

  • See through clothes showing udnerwear are really downm,arket

Not becoming/unbecoming - (especially of clothing or a colour) not flattering., unflattering, unattractive, unsightly, plain, ugly, ugly-looking, hideous "a stout lady in an unbecoming striped sundress" Tacky = showing poor taste and quality, tawdry, tasteless, kitsch, vulgar, crude, garish, gaudy, showy, loud, trashy, cheap, cheap and nasty, nasty, common, second-rate, "Even in her faintly tacky costumes, she won our hearts" Downmarket = towards or relating to the cheaper or less prestigious sector of the market. "an interview for the downmarket tabloids"
Not becoming/unbecoming - (特に服装や色が)好ましくない、魅力的でない、などなど 類義語, unsightly, plain, ugly, ugly-looking, hideous "a stout lady in an unbecoming striped sundress" 似つかわしくないストライプのサングラスをしたぽっちゃり女性 Tacky =ださい、質が良くなさそう、美味しくなさそう、類義語; tawdry, tasteless, kitsch, vulgar, crude, garish, gaudy, showy, loud, trashy, cheap, cheap and nasty, nasty, common, second-rate, "Even in her faintly tacky costumes, she won our hearts"ちょっとださめな恰好だったが、彼女は俺たちの心を掴んだ。 Downmarket =安い、ハイエンド向けではない市場のこと "an interview for the downmarket tabloids" 大衆タブロイド紙のインタビュー
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can see her pants, its not very classy.

  • When you can see VPL its not very sophisticated

  • I think its tacky when you can see someone's underwear through their clothes

*I can see her pants, its not very classy.* Meaning= I can see her pants through her clothes, its not a good look. Classy= is someone who dresses well with clothes that suit them. *When you can see VPL its not very sophisticated * Meaning= VPL= visible pant line. Another way of saying when you can see someone’s pants through their clothes it isn’t a good look. *I think its tacky when you can see someone's underwear through their clothes* Meaning= tacky= same as not classy. Opposite of sophisticated. Tacky is when something looks cheap. ‘ I think she got her dress from Walmart, it looks so tacky’
I can see her pants, its not very classy. (彼女のズボンは、それほど上品ではない事がわかる。) 意味=その服の見た目が良くない事が、彼女の服をやズボンを通してわかります。 *Classy(上品な)=似合った服をうまく着る人の事 When you can see VPL its not very sophisticated. (VPLが見えるという事は、その服はそれほど凝っていない) 意味= VPL =くっきりわかるパンツの線 ズボンが透けてパンツが見える時、あまり良い外観ではない事を伝える別の言い方です。 I think its tacky when you can see someone's underwear through their clothes. (その服から下着が(透けて)見えていたら安っぽい) 意味=tacky=上品でない意味と同じ 洗練されたという意味の逆の意味です。tackyは安く見えるときですに使います。 I think she got her dress from Walmart, it looks so tacky. ウォルマート(スーパーの名前)から買った彼女のドレスをは安っぽく見えると私は思う。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I think clothes that one can see the underwear through are cheap.

  • I think clothes that are transparent are cheap

1)I think clothes that one can see the underwear through are cheap.- This is a direct way of saying it. 2) I think clothes that are transparent are cheap- Transparent means something that is clear or see through. Therefore this means you can see through their clothes.
1)I think clothes that one can see the underwear through are cheap. (下着が見える服は安いと思う) *この言い方は直接伝える言い方です。 2)I think clothes that are transparent are cheap (透ける服は安いと思う) *Transparent(透明)は、明らかもしくは見える事を意味しています。 したがって、彼らの服を通して見えていることを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Her clothes are nearly transparent

  • The kind of clothes you can see her/his underwear through, I will consider it cheap

The first sentence is pretty neutral and doesn't show anyone your personal opinion about it. The second, on the other hand, is expressing not only the situation but your thoughts on it at the same time.
一つ目の例は中立的です、個人的な意見は伝えていません。 一方、二つ目の例では状況を説明するとともに意見も伝えています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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