世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


相手に発音を褒められて「留学してたの?」と聞かれた際に、 「いや、多分発音だけ得意なんだ(笑)」にフランクに答えるフレーズを教えてください!
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2017/11/05 18:36
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  • No, by some stroke of luck I just seem to be good at pronunciation!

By some stroke of luck... = a stroke of luck. something good that happens to you by chance: Example) "He had exactly the part that I needed so that was a stroke of luck." If you are asked: Have you studied abroad? You can respond: Much as I would like to, I have never studied abroad. "Much as I would like to, I have never......." - this construction is very useful when you wish to add stress to your comment by expressing a regret in the past, or a desire for the present or future. Example) "Much as I would like to buy one, I feel I will never be able to afford a Maserati.” If you want to answer funny: No, but I've watched a lot of James Bond movies!
By some stroke of luck... = a stroke of luck. 偶然何か良いことが起こること。 例: "He had exactly the part that I needed so that was a stroke of luck." 以下のように聞かれた場合: Have you studied abroad? 次のように答えましょう: Much as I would like to, I have never studied abroad. "Much as I would like to, I have never......." - この構造は過去の後悔や現在、未来への野望について表現することによってあなたの発言を強調したいときにとても便利な表現です。 例: "Much as I would like to buy one, I feel I will never be able to afford a Maserati.” もし面白く回答したいのであれば: No, but I've watched a lot of James Bond movies!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No, I am a natural.

  • I haven't lived abroad, I guess I'm a natural.

The first phrase is quite frank. When you say you are a natural, you're claiming that you are really good at something. It comes naturally to you, you don't or haven't needed to practice. The second phrase uses 'I guess', this can be used in friendly funny way. You are being kind of modest. 'I guess so' - when you are really good at something.
最初のフレーズはかなりフランクな表現です。 あなたがnaturalだというとき、あなたは何かをすることがとても得意だということを主張しています。 あなたにとって何かが自然であるときそれは、あなたが練習をしていない、または練習をする必要がないということを意味しています。 二つ目のフレーズでは、'I guess'という表現を使い、これはフレンドリーで面白い表現として使うこともできます。 あなたは謙虚な感じを出しています。 'I guess so' - あなたが何かについてとても得意な時に使えるでしょう。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • (No/Not really. )I guess I'm just good at mimicking/copying/imitating native speakers.

  • I'm just good at mimicking the way native speakers speak/native speakers' pronunciation.

”I'm just good at pronunciation”と日本語直訳したくなりますが、不自然な英語なので注意しましょう。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • No, I'm just good like that.

  • No, pronunciation is just intuitive to me.

  • No, I'm just a genius at pronunciation.

No, I'm just good like that. / No, I'm just a genius at pronunciation. - These would be the most joking way to say this. A. Hey, you're so good at piano. B. Thanks. A. How long have you been playing? B. Like a month or so. A. Wow, you're amazing. Do you practice a lot then? B. Nah, I'm just good like that.
"No, I'm just good like that. / No, I'm just a genius at pronunciation." (いいや、私はそんな感じなんです/いいえ、発音の天才なんです) - これらはとても冗談ぽく言う表現です。 【例文】 A. Hey, you're so good at piano. (やあ、君はピアノがとても上手だね) B. Thanks. (ありがとう) A. How long have you been playing? (どのくらい弾いているの) B. Like a month or so. (1か月かそこらかな) A. Wow, you're amazing. Do you practice a lot then? (すごい、君、凄いね。じゃあ、沢山練習してるの?) B. Nah, I'm just good like that. (いいや、私はそんな感じなんですよ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Its a gift!

  • I never studied much but my pronunciation is almost Perfect...I guess Its a gift!

When we have "a gift" or "natural ability" some things come very easily for us... We may be able to walk a tightrope or do hand-stands...without training! We might say simply..."I guess it's a gift!" I never studied much but my pronunciation is almost perfect...I guess Its a gift!
a gift(才能)やnatural ability(天性)があると、あることを簡単にこなせてしまいます。 練習なしで、綱渡りや逆立ちができるかもしれません。このようなときは以下のように言えるでしょう。 I never studied much but my pronunciation is almost perfect...I guess it's a gift!" 勉強は全然しなかったんだけど、発音はすごくうまいんです。才能なんだと思います。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • No, but I just seem to have a knack at pronounciation

  • No, I just seem to be good at pronounciation

  • No, I'm just a natural

To be good at doing something is called a 'knack' and a saying is 'to have a knack for something' meaning you are good at doing it another phrase for this is to 'be a natural' which means to have a talent for doing something well
何かがするのがうまいことを 'knack' といいます。'to have a knack for something' で「~をするのが上手である」という意味になります。 また、'be a natural' という言い方もあります。これは「~の才能がある」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Lol, no, I just have worked really hard on my pronunciation.

  • I wish, but I've not yet had an opportunity to do so.

Lol, no, I just have worked really hard on my pronunciation. - most young people often use the term lol (laugh out loud) as a way to express something that is funny. And most of the times, it is taken light-heartedly. I wish, but I've not yet had an opportunity to do so. - depending on how you say it, it can come across as sarcastic, wistful, or genuine as in I honestly wish I had gone abroad.
Lol, no, I just have worked really hard on my pronunciation.(Lol、いいえ。ただ発音を一生懸命練習しただけです) - 若い人は何かが面白いことを表すときによく "Lol" という言葉を使います。ほとんどの場合、軽い感じで受け取られます。 I wish, but I've not yet had an opportunity to do so.(そうだといいんですけど、まだその機会には恵まれていません) - これは、言い方によって、皮肉に聞こえたり、切ない響きになったり、あるいは「本当に海外に行きたい」のように純粋な気持ちを伝えようとしているという印象になります。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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