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2017/11/16 18:39
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  • The reservations will only begin in June and that is when we will able to give you the price.

  • We will only be able to give you the price in June when the reservations begin.

*The reservations will only begin in June and that is when we will able to give you the price. This means that you are only able to provide them with the price only when the reservations start. This means that the price depends on the number of bookings the company gets.
*The reservations will only begin in June and that is when we will able to give you the price. (ご予約は6月から開始いたしますのでそれまでは値段をお伝えすることはできません) これは、値段は予約が始まってからでなければ伝えることが出来ない、と言う意味です。 ということは、値段はどのくらい予約の件数がはいるかによる、と言う意味でしょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Next month when we we start taking reservations, we can then finilize the price.

By using this phrasing, you are telling the person you are talking to that you will start taking reservations within the next month (or you can state which month you are talking about to be more specific). Once you start taking the reservations only then can you give them a price for the product which you are taking reservations for.
このフレーズを使う事によって予約の受付は来月から始まることを伝えることが出来ます。 (または特定の月を伝えて詳細を説明することも出来ます) 一度予約が始まらないと、予約商品の値段など詳細を伝えることが出来ないという事です。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • We won't be able to give you a final price until next month.

  • We can't give you an exact price until next month when the final price.

  • We won't finalize the price until next month.

You'd use the word 'reservation' when booking a hotel or homestay. You wouldn't use this word when describing the sale of a product. Instead, you can say something like the 'final price' for a product.
ホテルやホームステイなどの予約をする時は 'reservation(予約)'を使います。 この言葉は商品などには使いません。 代わりに 'final price(最終価格)'を商品などには使います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • We start taking reservations in June and will announce details of prices then.

  • We haven't formulated our price structure yet. You will have to wait until June when we will start taking reservations.

It seems that you have yet to decide the pricing of this product. In other words, you don't know the price of the product because nobody has decided that yet. It does seem a little strange because, at some stage before June, someone will have to decide what the starting price is as the price has to be advertised before any reservations can be made.
あなたはまだこの製品の価格を決定していないようです。言い換えれば、誰もまだその価格を決めていないので、あなたは製品の価格を知りません。予約をとる前に価格を宣伝しなければならない場合、 6月より前の段階で誰かが開始価格を決定しなければならないため、これは少し奇妙に思えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We will take bookings...

  • We will take bookings...from June onwards, till then there is no pricing data available

Resrvations /bookings will not be viable until June ...and in this case; the price structure is as yet unknown;-) (good luck with that strategy!) "We will take bookings...from June onwards, till then there is no pricing data available"
Resrvations /bookings will not be viable until June(予約は6月までできない)...この場合は、値段もまだわかりません;-) (この戦略がうまくいくといいですね!) "We will take bookings...from June onwards, till then there is no pricing data available" 〔訳〕6月から...予約を受け付けます。それまでは、値段もお伝えできません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Reservations can be placed / made starting from~

予約をするは、make a reservation、place a reservation、という表現になります。 飛行機など、特定の席を予約する場合は、book a seatという表現を使います。 レストランなど席に座るものはreservation、 面会や歯医者の予約など面と向かうものはappointmentを使います。
  • We will begin taking resrvations in (month), then we will be able to give you an exact price

  • We won't be able to give you exact price until we start taking reservations in (month)

If you are trying to explain when you can give a customer a price then you would have to explain about the reservation/booking system so you could say 'We will begin taking reservatons in (month), then we will be able to give you an exact price' as you will then know how many will book and how much you can charge
いつお客さんに値段を知らせることができるか説明するなら、予約の仕組みについて伝える必要があるでしょう。 ですから、例えば: 'We will begin taking reservatons in (month), then we will be able to give you an exact price'(~月に予約を開始します。そうしましたら、正確な値段をお知らせできます。) そうすれば、何人予約するか分かって、値段もはっきりするということです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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