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2017/11/18 07:01
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  • I did a revision of last week's lesson notes.

  • I reviewed the material from our lesson.

  • I studied the lesson notes very hard .

You do not always have to use revision or review. You could also state that you studied. These synonyms can be used interchangeably!
いつも"revision(補習勉強)"や "review(復習)"を使う必要はありません。 "studied(勉強した)"と言う事も出来ます。 これらの同義語は入れ替えて使うことが出来ます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks, I reviewed everything you taught of me.

  • Thanks, I did a review of the last lesson.

  • Thanks, I tried to brush up on what we had learned.

I reviewed. / I did a review. - Review means to go over or look over something for a second, third, forth, etc. time. Re means again. View means to look at something. You can also use the phrase to "brush up (something)". This means to renew old knowledge by going over it once or twice or thrice, etc. more times.
I reviewed. / I did a review. (復習しました) -"Review"とは学習したことを見直すことです、2回であったり3回、4回だったり。 "Re"とは再びと言う意味になります。 "View"とは何かを見るという意味です。 また"brush up (something)"というフレーズを使う事も出来ます。 これは勉強しなおしたり、再び学びなおすことを言います。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks. I have been brushing up on my english before this class

  • Thank you. I did some preparation before this class.

  • Thanks. I reviewed the stuff we covered last class.

Thanks. I have been brushing up on my English before this class. -When you brush up on something it means you are improving your existing knowledge on something. Thanks. I reviewed the stuff we covered last class. - The 'stuff' used in this phrase could be changed to make it more formal, for example, the material we covered, or the vocabulary
Thanks. I have been brushing up on my English before this class. (ありがとうございます、レッスンが始まる前に復習しておきました) -"brush up on something"とは学びなおす、復習するなどと言う意味です。 Thanks. I reviewed the stuff we covered last class. (ありがとうございます、前回のレッスンで使用したものを復習しておきました) - ここで使われている'stuff'をフォーマルにするためには"the material"や"the vocabulary"に置き換えることが出来ます。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Cheers! I actually reviewed our last lesson a little earlier.

Cheers! - In the UK, this is used informally to mean "thank you": "I've bought you some new curtains for your bedroom." "Cheers, mum!." Actually = we use this word when we want to stress that we did something in person and that there is something unusual about the activity. "I actually had to go to town on my bike in the rain as my car did not start this morning!"
"Cheers!"-イギリスではカジュアルな表現で「ありがとう」を意味します。 "I've bought you some new curtains for your bedroom." あなたのベッドルーム用に、新しいカーテンを買ったわよ。 "Cheers, mum!." ありがとう、お母さん。  Actuallyという単語は、個人的に何かをしたと強調したいときや、何かがいつもと違うときに使われます。   "I actually had to go to town on my bike in the rain as my car did not start this moprning!" 実は今朝車のエンジンがかからなかったから、雨の中自転車で町まで出ないといけなかったの。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • i revised what we covered last lesson

  • i did my homework

  • i recapped what we had learned

example "i revised what we covered last lesson". or i recapped what we had learned last lesson". or "i did some homework and reviewed what we did last week".
例文 "I revised what we covered last lesson". 前回のレッスンでやったことを復習しました I recapped what we had learned last lesson". 前回のレッスンで学んだことを復習しました "I did some homework and reviewed what we did last week". 宿題をして、先週したことを復習しました
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you. I reviewed our last lesson before this one.

  • Thank you. I prepared for this lesson by looking over the one we had before.

When you want to tell your teacher that you reviewed the lesson material from a past lesson you had with them; then you can say: -Thank you. I reviewed our last lesson before this one. -Thank you. I prepared for this lesson by looking over the one we had before. -Thanks. I think it helped that I went over our last lesson.
先生に前回のレッスンの復習をしてきたことを伝える表現です。 -Thank you. I reviewed our last lesson before this one. ありがとう。前回のレッスンの復習をしてきました。 -Thank you. I prepared for this lesson by looking over the one we had before. ありがとう。前回のレッスンの復習をして準備してきました。 -Thanks. I think it helped that I went over our last lesson. ありがとう。前回のレッスンの復習をしたのがよかったのだと思います。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I reviewed it.

reviewは、復習するという意味です。reは再びという意味を持ちます。 例えば、repeat(再生)、recycle(リサイクル)、return(戻る)という単語にも含まれますね。 viewは見るという語源なので、reviewは再び見るで、復習するという意味になるのですね。
  • I actually went over the vocabulary/material/lesson before the class.

  • I prepared a little before class by looking over the words I did not know.

"I actually went over the vocabulary/material/lesson before the class." states that before class you looked over the words/material beforehand.
"I actually went over the vocabulary/material/lesson before the class." (私は授業の前にきちんと単語/資料/レッスンの復習をして着ました。) この文章は、授業の前に復習をしてきたということを相手に伝えることができるでしょう。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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