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2017/11/27 23:00
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  • A cordless vacuum cleaner

A: "Hey Jill, I really love that new vacuum cleaner of yours! Where did you get it?" B: "It was on special offer in the department store. There's a twenty percent discount on cleaners today!" A "Personally, I've always had a cord on my vacuum cleaners. Are these cordless ones any good?" B: "Sure, technology has come on a lot recently. They are so easy to use!"
例文 A: "Hey Jill, I really love that new vacuum cleaner of yours! Where did you get it?" やあ、ジル。その新しい掃除機が本当に気に入っているんだよ。どこで買ったの? B: "It was on special offer in the department store. There's a twenty percent discount on cleaners today!" デパートで特売だったよ。今日掃除機は20%引きだよ。 A "Personally, I've always had a cord on my vacuum cleaners. Are these cordless ones any good?" 私の場合、いつもコードがある掃除機を使っていたよ。コードレスの掃除機はやっぱり良い? B: "Sure, technology has come on a lot recently. They are so easy to use!" もちろん。最近の技術の進歩はスゴイね。本当に使いやすいよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A cordless vacuum cleaner.

  • A cordless hoover.

A vacuum without a cord can be called a cordless vacuum cleaner. Another word for vacuum is hoover. So you can also say: Cordless hoover. To be cordless means to lack a cord. In this case the cord is the wire that would be plugged into a power socket. I hope that helps!
コードレスの掃除機は、a cordless vacuum cleanerと呼ばれています。 vacuumの別の語は is hoover(電気掃除機)です。 ですからCordless hooverと呼ぶこともできます。 cordlessはコードがないということです。 この場合はコードは電源ソケットにつなぐ電線のことです。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • cordless vacuum

  • For Christmas, I want a new cordless vacuum.

cordless - this is another way to say "without a cord" so instruments, machines or appliances that need to be plugged in normally are called "cordless" when they lack a cord. You can also use the word "wireless" for headphones without a wire. The suffix "-less" basically means lacking, absence or without.
cordless - これは"without a cord"(コードがない)の別の表現ですので、そのため、通常は差し込まなければならない楽器、機械または器具に、コードがない場合は "cordless" と呼びます。また、ワイヤーのないのヘッドフォンに"wireless"という言葉を使用することもできます。 接尾辞 "-less"は、基本的に欠如していること、ないことを意味します。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • cordless vacuum

*cordless vacuum Cordless an electrical appliance or telephone working without connection to a mains supply or central unit. For example: cordless kettle, cordless telephone,cordless vacuum. Example sentence: "I bought a cordless vacuum cleaner at the mall."
*cordless vacuum(コードレスの掃除機) コードレスは、主電源や中央ユニットに繋がなくても使える電子機器や電話の ことです。 例: cordless kettle(コードレスのヤカン), cordless telephone(コードレスの電話) ,cordless vacuum.(コードレスの掃除機) 例文 "I bought a cordless vacuum cleaner at the mall." モールでコードレスの掃除機を買った。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Cordless vacuum

  • Portable Vacuum

▪ Cordless vacuum Cordless vacuum is referred to by a vacuum cleaner that is powered by a battery and not a cord with a plug. ▪ Portable Vacuum Portable vacuum refers to a vacuum that can be easily carried around without the hassle of any cords or plugs and that is totally self-contained.
▪ Cordless vacuum コードレス掃除機 Cordless vacuumは、プラグにつないだコードがなく、バッテリーで動く掃除機のことです。 ▪ Portable Vacuum 携帯用掃除機 Portable vacuumは、コードやプラグの煩わしさがなく容易に持ち運ぶことができ、それらが内蔵された掃除機のことです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • cordless

---> cordless - lacking a cord When something is "cordless" it has no cord. Examples : A cordless telephone. A cordless vacuum. A cordless drill.
cordless-コードがないこと 例: a cordless telephone コードレス電話 a cordless vaccuum コードレス掃除機 a cordless drill コードレスドリル
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A cordless hoover...

  • I used to get all tangled up... before I got my new cordless hoover!

A vacuum cleaner or "Hoover" as it has come to be known from a top brand!) is a modern cleaning device that can have a cord ( to plug it in)...OR be "Cordless" meaning it works on a battery power supply...Many people find a cordless hoover more convenient...they can move around cleaning" without getting in a tangle!"
"vacuum cleaner"(掃除機)や "Hoover"(トップブランドで知られるフーバーはモダンな掃除機でコードありや "Cordless" (コードレス)なものもあります) これはバッテリー電源で動きます。 多くの人がこの"cordless hoover"(コードレスフーバー)を便利なものだと考えています。 "without getting in a tangle!"(コードにもつれることなく)自由に掃除してまわれますよね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • A cordless vacuum cleaner.

A cordless vacuum cleaner is called, a cordless vacuum cleaner. For example. We need a new one of these. Why? We already have one. Yeah, but this one doesn't have a cord, it is cordless, it will make life easier. Fine, get it. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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