世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/12/18 23:32
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  • I am looking for a challenge and this did not see to be challenging.

  • It seems a little humdrum and I want more of a challenge.

  • I want something I can get my teeth into.

All of the above phrases are good for explaining how you feel. humdrum - this means boring and monotonous. It is used to explain doing the same thing day after day. e.g. Cleaning the house and cooking every day is very humdrum. Not exciting or interesting but boring and monotonous. When we 'get our teeth into' something. It means this is a challenge and something we can enjoy doing. Something that is a challenge and will excite us. e.g. I would like a new job, something that I can get my teeth into - meaning something that will motivate, stimulate and excite you. Something that you will enjoy doing and learn a lot while doing it. Hope this helps Jane :)
上記全てのフレーズは、あなたがどのように思っているか、感じているかを説明するのに役に立つと思います。 Humdrum(単調・退屈)-この単語はboring(退屈である)やmonotonous(単調な/変化に乏しい)という意味です。 毎日毎日、同じことの繰り返しをしていると説明するときに使えます。 例えば、 “Cleaning the house and cooking every day is very humdrum. Not exciting or interesting but boring and monotonous.” (毎日家を掃除して、料理するのはとても退屈です。全然ワクワクしないし、面白くもなくて、退屈で変化なく単調です。) “get our teeth into”(没頭する)は、 何か楽しんで物事をしていてそれが挑戦的なときに使います。 何か、少し難しいけれど、わくわくするものです。 例えば、 “I would like a new job, something that I can get my teeth into.” (私は新しい仕事がしたいです。何か、夢中になれることです。) これは、何か、刺激的で、やる気を起こさせるもののことです。 何か楽しんでできて、それをしながら学べるものです。 役に立てれば、嬉しいです。 ジェーン: )
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking for a job that will stimulate me.

  • This job seems very tedious, and I am looking for something more challenging.

"I am looking for a job that will stimulate me." "stimulate" this means to cause you to be interested in your work. You are looking for a job that will encourage and excite you to do the work. "This job seems very tedious, and I am looking for something more challenging." Tedious - Something that is long, slow or boring. (We have been playing this game for 3 hours, it is very tedious!) Challenge - is something that makes you think, is different. Hope these sentences help!
“I am looking for a job that will stimulate me.” (刺激的な仕事を探しています。) “stimulate”とは、仕事に対して興味を引き起こすという意味です。 やる気を起こさせるような、わくわくするような仕事を探しているということが表現できます。 “This job seems very tedious, and I am looking for something more challenging.” (この仕事はとても退屈で、私はもっと挑戦的な何かを探しています。) “tedious”とは、何か長くて、遅くて、退屈なもの/こという意味です。 例えば、 “We have been playing this game for 3 hours, it is very tedious!” (このゲーム3時間し続けていて、もう飽き飽きしているよ!) と言うこともできます。 “challenge”は、何か考えさせられるもの、また難しいもののことを表します。 役に立てれば嬉しいです!
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The job seems monotonous and I am looking for something more challenging.

*The job seems monotonous and I am looking for something more challenging. This means that you want something that will stimulate your mind and make you grow in somewhere. Some jobs have a certain routine or system you must follow everyday and will not allow you to think for yourself.
“The job seems monotonous and I am looking for something more challenging.” (この仕事は単調で、私はもっと何か挑戦的なものを探しています。) この文は、自分のやる気を起こさせて、 自分を成長させる何かをしたいという意味です。 いくつかの仕事には、毎日従わないといけなくて あまり自分勝手にすることのできない、 決まったルーティーンやシステムがあります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I declined the job as it seemed monotonous to me

  • I declined the job as it did not appeal to me

  • The job didn't seem rewarding enough, so i declined it

to 'decline' something means you turned it down or didn't take up the offer/refused it. If something is 'monotonous' it means its the same all the time and it can be boring If something is 'not appealing' then it doesn't excite you and it's not something you want to do
「decline」は「(申し出を)断る」という意味です。 「monotonous」は、ずっと同じでつまらないことを表します。 「not appealing」は、「魅力的でない」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The job was not challenging enough for me.

  • I felt that the job would bore me.

1. The job was not challenging enough for me. 2. I felt that the job would bore me. Both these sentences can be used to express that you are not excited or very interested in the job.
1. The job was not challenging enough for me. (その仕事は私にとってあまりやりがいがない。) 2. I felt that the job would bore me. (その仕事をしてもつまらないだろうと感じた。) どちらの文も、その仕事にわくわくしたり興味を持ったりしていないことを意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I find tedious jobs unappealing.

  • I find run-of-the-mill jobs unappealing.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you declined a job offer because the work was monotonous. In the first sentence you will notice the adjective tedious and in the second sentence you will notice the adjective run-of-the-mill. Both of these words mean boring or unexciting. The first sentence is appropriate for formal settings while the second sentence is appropriate for informal settings.
上記二つの例は、業務内容が単調だったので仕事のオフォーを断ったことを表す言い方です。 一つ目の例には「tedious(=形容詞)」、二つ目の例には「run-of-the-mill(=形容詞)」が使われています。どちらも「つまらない、ありきたりな」という意味です。 一つ目の例はフォーマルな場面に適しています。二つ目の例はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • The position seemed to monotonous for my liking

  • The job seemed to tedious for my liking

  • I did not like the tedious tasks of the the job

When explaining why the job offer was not accepted due to monotonous work. You may respond with The position seemed to monotonous for my liking You may also use other words that mean the same as monotonous like tedious TEDIOUS= long and tiresome, too repetative The job seemed to tedious for my liking I did not like the tedious tasks of the the job I did not accept the job because it seemed to tedious
単調な業務だったので仕事のオファーを受けなかったのなら、以下のように説明できます: The position seemed too monotonous for my liking. (その仕事は私には単調すぎると思った。) 「monotonous」と同じ意味の言葉を使うこともできます。例えば「tedious」。 TEDIOUS= 長くて退屈な、繰り返しの多い The job seemed too tedious for my liking. (その仕事は私には単調すぎると思った。) I did not like the tedious tasks of the the job. (その仕事の単調な作業が気に入らなかった。) I did not accept the job because it seemed too tedious. (単調すぎるなと思ったので、その仕事は受けませんでした。)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • I declined the job offer because it seemed like the work involved would be monotonous.

  • I rejected the job offer because it did not seem like something I'd be interested in

When you want to explain that you declined to take a job because you would not be interested in the work/the work is monotonous; then you may say it in the following ways: -I declined the job offer because it seemed like the work involved would be monotonous. -I rejected the job offer because it did not seem like something I'd be interested in
業務内容に興味がなくて(業務が単調で)、仕事のオファーを断ったのなら、次のように言えます。 -I declined the job offer because it seemed like the work involved would be monotonous. (仕事が単調そうだったので、オファーを断りました) -I rejected the job offer because it did not seem like something I'd be interested in (仕事が面白くなさそうだったので、オファーを断りました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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