世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/01/08 16:20
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  • Could we push the time back?

  • Could you pick me up a little later?

遅らせる = push the time back (時間を遅らせる) / delay Could you pick me up a little later? = もう少し後で迎えに来てくれる? 可能かどうか確認したい場合はこのフレーズを使いしましょう: “Could you..” “Would you be able to..” “Would it be possible for you to..” また、「迷惑でなければ。。」と言いたい時は: “If it’s not an inconvenience for you...” + 上のフレーズをいれます。 Eg: “If it’s not an inconvenience, would you be able to pick me up a little later?” 同意する時は: “Sure, that’s no problem” (心配なく、大丈夫です。) “Definitely” (もちろん) “I can do that for you” (できます) 可能ではない時: “I’m afraid that’s not possible for me” (残念ながら可能ではないです) “I’m sorry I’m busy at that time” (ごめんなさい、ちょうど忙しいのです) 可能かどうか分からなく、後でまた確認する: “Im not sure at the moment but I will let you know as soon as possible” (可能かどうか分からないが分かり次第連絡します) “I’m uncertain at the moment but I will get back to you” (可能かどうか分からないが分かり次第連絡します)
  • Will you please pick me up a little later than planned?

  • I have a couple of things to sort out before we leave. Please pick me up a little later than planned.

  • Please pick me up 30 minutes later than planned. I have a couple of things to sort out before we leave.

Having a set time scheduled for being picked up can bring about inconveniences should unforeseen circumstances suddenly 'crop up' (appear). Such an occurrence will inconvenience not just you but also the person who is to pick you up. The person picking you up has to find something in a hurry to keep him/her busy after rescheduling. So, you may request him/her as follows: Will you please pick me up a little later than planned? or I have a couple of things to sort out before we leave. Please pick me up a little later than planned. or Please pick me up 30 minutes later than planned. I have a couple of things to sort out before we leave.
迎えに行く時間を決めておくと、予期せぬことが起きた時に都合が悪いことがありますね。これは迎えに来てもらう人にとっても、迎えに来る人にとっても、です。予定を変えたら、迎えに行くまでの間にすることを急いで見つけないといけません。 以下のようにお願いできます: "Will you please pick me up a little later than planned?" 「迎えに来る時間を少し遅くしてもらえますか」 または、 "I have a couple of things to sort out before we leave. Please pick me up a little later than planned." 「出る前にちょっとしないといけないことがあるので、迎えに来る時間を少し遅らせてください」 または、 "Please pick me up 30 minutes later than planned. I have a couple of things to sort out before we leave." 「迎えに来る時間を少し遅らせてください。出る前にちょっとしないといけないことがあるので」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you mind picking me up a little later, please?

To be polite when we are requesting something from someone, we use the phrase 'do you mind', it makes your request seem less demanding. By saying 'a little later', it suggests that the time difference isn't so great so it shouldn't be a problem.
人に丁寧にものを頼む時は、"do you mind" を使います。相手が「No」と言いやすい質問になります。 "a little later" と言うと「そんなに時間は変わらない、だから大丈夫」というニュアンスになります。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • postpone

  • reschedule pick time

  • I can't make it

When I couldn't make the appointment, I had to reschedule the pick up time. We use "reschedule"for formal meetings or events, when we are unable to participate or can't make the planned time. Between friends I would say "later than we had planned" or "can't make the scheduled pick up time", these are informal. "I can't make it" is commonly used and it's more general, without giving specifics. To postpone is both formal and informal. We must postpone the event. Can we postpone our original pickup time? We will definitely do it, but just at a later time.
フォーマルな集まりやイベントに参加できない又は間に合わない時には、"reschedule" を使います。個人的には友達同士の場合は: "later than we had planned"(予定よりも遅く) 又は "can't make the scheduled pick up time"(迎えの時間に間に合わない) を使います。これらはインフォーマルです。 "I can't make it" はよく使われますが、ざっくりした言い方です(詳細について言っていません)。 postponeは、フォーマル、インフォーマルの両方で使います。 例文 We must postpone the event. (そのイベントを延期しないといけない) Can we postpone our original pickup time? (迎えの時間を遅らせることが出来ますか?) We will definitely do it, but just at a later time. (それは必ずしますが、もう少し後でということです)
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Can you come pick me up later?

  • Could we push back our meeting a bit later?

  • Do you mind coming to pick me up later than planned?

All three phrases are acceptable to be used with a friend who is going to pick you up and that you have known for some time. Personally, I would use the third phrase on someone who is only a work colleague as it is more formal and more polite. Do you mind .....: implies a respectful tone Hope this helps!
三例とも、迎えに来てくれることになっている親しい人に使えます。個人的には、相手がただの同僚ということなら、三つ目の例を使うと思います。これの方がフォーマルで丁寧なので。 Do you mind .....: は丁寧な言い方です お役に立てば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible for you to pick me up at a later time?

  • Can you pick me up a little later than planned?

  • Could you come for me at (time) o'clock instead?

Since you have already made plans with your friend for a particular time, it is best to ask if they can do it as it may be a major inconvenience for them. You can ask if they can come for you at a later time or at a specific time known to you. For example, "could you pick me up at 5 o' clock instead?"
友人と決まった時間に既に予定を立てているわけなので、変更が可能か(possible)どうか尋ねるのがベストです。相手にとってすごく都合が悪いかもしれませんから。 来る時間を遅らせることができるか、または特定の時間に来られるか尋ねることができます。例えば: "Could you pick me up at 5 o' clock instead?" (代わりに5時に私を迎えに来て頂けますか?)
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Could you pick me up a little later than we arranged?

Due to an adjusted plan, there are times when it is necessary to inform someone of the consequences of that change. In the example sentence, you are asking someone to collect you a little later than previously scheduled.
予定が変わるとそれを人に通知しないといけないことがあります。 例文では、当初の予定よりも少し遅く迎えに来てほしいと頼んでいます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you pick me up a little later?

  • Can we meet a little later?

一番普通にパッと思いつくのは、他のアンカーの方も回答してらっしゃる通り、 Can you pick me up a little later? 「もう少し後に迎えに来てもらえますか?」 という表現ですね♪ あとは、 文脈によれば、 Can we meet a little later? 「もう少し後で会えますか?」 のように言っても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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