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Taste を「味」や「味がする」と覚えた人が多いと思いますが、実はこれ以外にもたくさんの意味があるんです。

今日はこの taste のさまざまな意味と使い方を、動詞、名詞、フレーズに分けて紹介していきます!



動詞の taste を「味がする」という意味で使っている人は多いですよね。その他にいくつくらい知っている意味があるでしょうか。まずは動詞として使われる taste を見ていきましょう。


Jenny tasted the sauce before she put it on the chicken.
Taste this soup and tell me what you think.


After Ken tasted the wine, he asked the server to get him the bottle.
She tasted my steak and decided she wanted to order one too.


This salad tastes like garbage. Something in it must be rotten.
This miso soup tastes like the kind we had in Kyoto.


Jack had never tasted defeat in his life until that day.
He tasted victory for the first time in his professional golf career.



次に名詞の taste です。動詞より意味の数が多いですが、動詞の意味と関連して覚えられるものもいくつかあります。早速見ていきましょう。


My taste is not back after the oral surgery. I can’t taste anything.
The doctor said I would temporarily lose my sense of taste due to the sickness.

この taste は舌の味蕾の味覚や味感覚を意味します。


Taste buds allow us to perceive tastes such as sweet, bitter, sour and salty.
The taste of this chicken really put me off. It was so salty.

この taste は舌の味蕾で感じる味(甘味・苦味・酸味・辛味・渋味など)を意味します。


There’s a strong taste of almond in these cookies.
This cake has a slight coffee taste to it.

ここの taste は食べ物の風味や味を意味し、同意語は flavor/flavour です。


Jane never had a taste of poverty.
He got a taste of scuba diving while he was in the Caribbean. 

この taste は初めての経験やわずかな経験・体験のことを意味し、a taste of … という言い方をよくします。


Hannah has bad taste in men. All her ex-boyfriends were either gamblers or alcoholics.
He has great taste when it comes to cars.

この taste は個人の好みや嗜好、または趣味を意味します。


My sister has good taste in fashion, so I often borrow her clothes.
She has great taste in music.

この taste は文芸や美に対する鑑賞力、審美眼、センスなどを意味します。



最後に taste を使ったフレーズを紹介します。フレーズだけで暗記するのではなく、文と一緒に覚えるようにすると、覚えやすいですよ。

In good taste

In good taste は「(服装などが)趣味の良い・上品な」「(行為などが)たしなみのある」などの意味があります。

James always dresses simply but in good taste.
He always makes compliments that are in good taste.

In bad/poor taste

In bad/poor taste は in good taste の反対で「(服装などが)悪趣味で」「(行為などが)下品で」などの意味があります。

He always makes jokes in poor taste, and I don’t know how to respond.
Don’t you think the comment he made was in bad taste?

a taste of someone’s own medicine

a taste of someone’s own medicine は to give someone a taste of his own medicine のような言い方をし「(相手と同じ方法で)人に報復する・しっぺ返しを食らわせる」などの意味があります。

Penny took my customer again! I'll give her a taste of her own medicine!
Jerry fired several people without a good reason, but then he got a taste of his own medicine when his boss fired him.

acquired taste

acquired taste は「だんだん好きになる味」「次第に味を覚える嗜好品」などの意味があります。食べ物だけでなく、アートなどにも使えます。

Scotch whisky is an acquired taste. Not everyone enjoys it.
Sushi is an acquired taste, but once you learn to enjoy it, you’ll love it.

leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth

leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth は英語の通り「(食べ物が)人の口に後味の悪さを残す」という意味と「人に嫌な後味(印象)を残す」という意味があります。

I tried caviar for the first time the other day, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Kathy threw a tantrum before she left the party, and that left a bad taste in everyone's mouths.

a matter of taste

a matter of taste は「好みの問題」「好きずき」という意味があります。

David always likes to date skinny blond girls, doesn’t he?
It’s a matter of taste.
Wine is a matter of taste. Some people like red wine, some people like white, some like it sweet and some like it dry.


今日はtaste のさまざまな意味と使い方を紹介しましたが、いかがでしたか?


Taste を使ったフレーズは、ネイティブがよく使う表現ばかりですので、会話の中でもどんどん使えるようになりましょう!