世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/08/02 11:58
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  • I couldn’t drink coffee before, but now I can.

  • A while back I couldn’t drink coffee, but now I can.

Hey there! 英語コーチのアーサーです! 「以前」と「昔」の意味は違うますので、両方の言い方を書きました。 〜以前の言い方〜 以前は英語で言うと「before」になります。 丁寧な言い方は「previously」ですが、口語であまり使いません。 Beforeはフレーズの最初・最後につけることができます。 もし「以前」ということを(今と違って)強調したいのであれば、先に言います。 Before, I couldn’t drink coffee, but now I can. 強調のない言い方はフレーズの後です。 I couldn’t drink coffee before, but now I can. 〜昔の言い方〜 昔はニュアンスによって言い方が変わります。 一般的な言い方は a long time agoです。 よりカジュアルな言い方だと、a while backです。 a while backはa long time agoより最近で遡らない感じです。 よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can.

  • I didn't used to be able to drink coffee, but now I can.

「昔は(以前は)コーヒー飲めませんでしたが今は、飲めます」は、 (1) I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can. (2) I didn't used to be able to drink coffee, but now I can. となります。 これらの例文では、「できる」のcanやbe able toを使います。 「以前は」というのはbeforeやused toです。 (2)のI didn't used to be able to drink coffeeは文法的に合っていますが、 いくつのパターンが混ざっていて覚えにくいかもしれないので、 (1)のI couldn't drink coffee beforeがおススメの表現です。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can!

  • I didn't like coffee before, but I love/like it now!

「I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can!」 (前まではコーヒーを飲めませんでしたが、今は飲めるようになりました!) もし、味が好きではないなど趣向の問題でしたら、 「I didn't like coffee before, but I love/like it now!」 (前はコーヒー好きではなかったけれど、今は(すごい)好き!)
  • I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can!

  • I was allergic to coffee before, but surprisingly, the allergy has disappeared!

  • For medical reasons I was not allowed to drink coffee, but I'm better now - so I can!

What is really required here is a proper explanation of why this situation has changed. It is too much of a teasing comment just to say that you couldn't drink coffee before, but now you can. You should explain exactly why or else not even make the comment! "For medical reasons I was not allowed to drink coffee, but I'm better now - so I can!" See how much better that is than: "I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can!"
ここで重要なのは、なぜ状況が変わったのかを説明する事だと思います。 ただ単に "I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can!"「前は飲めたけど今は飲めない」と言うだけだと少し背景が分かり辛いので、なぜそうなったかを補足すると良いでしょう。 例文 "For medical reasons I was not allowed to drink coffee, but I'm better now - so I can!" 「ドクターストップがかかってコーヒーが飲めなかったんだけど、今はもう治ったから飲めるよ!」 等と理由も付け加えるのがオススメです!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was not a coffee person before but I like it now!

I was not a coffee person before but I like it now! コーヒー派じゃなかったんだけど、今は好きだよ。 →「飲めなかった」の解釈ですが、アレルギーなどで物理的に飲めなかったのであれば この例文は適切ではありません。その場合は”I couldn't drink coffee but〜”のように 表現してください!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I never used to be able to drink coffee, but I can now.

  • I had a coffee allergy, but that's no longer the case.

I never used to..., but now I can. - You can use this form to say that in the past you never did something, but now you can. e.g. I never used to like watching Netflix, but now I can't stop binge-watching new shows! that's no longer the case - you can add this saying to tell the listener that something has ended e.g. I used to play tennis everyday, but that's no longer the case. I just don't have any time to play it anymore.
”I never used to..., but now I can. ” =以前出来なかった事が今出来ると言う意味で使えます。 例 "I never used to like watching Netflix, but now I can't stop binge-watching new shows!" (前はネットフリックスって好きじゃなかったんだけど、今は新しいドラマを連続で見ちゃって止められないよ!) ”that's no longer the case” =もう終わった事を指し示す時に使います。 例 I used to play tennis everyday, but that's no longer the case. I just don't have any time to play it anymore. (前は毎日テニスをしてたけど、もうやらなくなった。時間が無いんだよね。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't stand the taste of coffee before but now I love it.

  • I never used to like coffee but now I like it.

If you cannot stand something it means that you do not like it. Therefore the statement above means that you did not like drinking coffee before but now you like it.
cannot stand something(何かを受け付けない)というのは、それが好きではないことを意味します。したがって、上記の文章は、以前はコーヒーを飲むことが好きではなかったけれど今は好きだということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Previously I couldn't drink coffee, but now I can.

  • I couldn't have coffee before, but now it's fine.

The reason for you being able to drink coffee presently may change how you want to explain this to others. "Previously" is just another way of saying in that past, and saying something is "fine" means that it is ok or satisfactory. These two options are quite general and can be used at any time. Maybe you didn't like coffee, or perhaps it made you ill, either way you can say that you were not able to drink it before, but now it's fine!
なぜコーヒーが飲めるようになったのかによって、表現の仕方は変わってくるかもしれません。"previously" は「以前は」という意味です。"fine" は「大丈夫で、満足な」といった意味。この二つはかなり「general(具体的でない、漠然としている)」なので、どんな時でも使えます。 コーヒーが嫌いだったのか、体に合わなかったのか、いずれにしても上記のフレーズが使えます!
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Not into it....

  • Coffee did nothing for me,,,I just was not into it... Now I love it!!

In English when we say we are "Not into ..." it is a quick and easy way to explain the object holds "no fscination " for us...It is not something we use or enjoy! It can apply to a person..."I am just not into him" /an animal..."Not into cats myself!" and in this case:" I was not into coffee I love it!
英語で私たちが"Not into ..."と言う場合、これは"no fascination"(興味がない)と言う事を簡単にすぐ答えられる説明の仕方です。 (~は苦手だ/~には興味が無い) これは次のように適用できます。 "I am just not into him" /an animal..." (彼には単に興味がない/動物には興味がない) "Not into cats myself!" (私自身、猫には興味がありません!) そしてこの場合、 " I was not into coffee I love it!" (前はコーヒーは苦手だったけど、今は大好き!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "I never use to be able to drink coffee, but nowadays I can"

  • "I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can"

  • "I was not a coffee fan before, but now I drink it"

If you wanted to express that you wasn't able to drink coffee before, but now you can, you could say any of the following: "I never use to be able to drink coffee, but nowadays I can", "I couldn't drink coffee before, but now I can" or "I was not a coffee fan before, but now I drink it".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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