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2015/11/30 20:35
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  • Stand-up meal

Let's go get a quick stand-up meal by the station.  駅の近くにある立ち食いに行こうよ。 早くささっと食べるタイプの立ち食いなら"quick"を入れるといいと思います。 ちなみに"stand-up..."にはこんな使い方もあります。 Stand-up party 立席スタイルのパーティ Stand-up dinner 立食パーティ Stand-up comedy  一人で舞台に立って行われるお笑い
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • eat standing

  • stand-up eating soba noodle shop

  • stand-up eating style restaurant

色んな言い方がありますが、立ち食いする、は eat standing とも言えます。 It's OK to eat standing around this area. (ここでは立ち食いOKです) また stand-up を使って 色々言えますよ。 stand-up eating soba noodle shop  (立ち食いそば屋) stand-up eating style restaurant (立ち食い形式のレストラン) ご参考になさってくださいね。
  • Stand up diner

  • Seatless diner

Stand up or seatless diner is a restaurant with no seats, so you have to stand up when eating.
"stand up diner"、"seatless diner" とは、席のない飲食店のことです。 席がないので立って食べないといけません。
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Stand-up Dining

This was very interesting, because I had never heard of this before, but I found an article in Reuters that talked about a new restaurant in NYC with this set-up. I guess it's coming to the US! That article uses the term, "Stand-Up Dining." Have a great day!
非常に興味深かったです。なぜなら、いま今まで一度も聞いたことがなかったからです。 ですが、NYCにあるこの形式のレストランについてロイターで記事を見つけました。 その記事では、「Stand-Up Dining.」という用語を使っていました。 素晴らしい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • eating at a stall

'street stall' =露店 屋外での立ち食い、露店で食べること
  • 1. A cafe with no chairs

  • 2. A restaurant worth avoiding

  • 3. A layby cafe.

In the UK such restaurants are rare or probably don't exist. Such a place would not be given the name of 'restaurant' because in the UK all restaurants have chairs. It could loosely be called a 'cafe' but even cafes invariably have chairs. Such establishment would therefore be labelled by some as, 'A restaurant worth avoiding.' There are sometimes roadside caravans or small mobile huts serving food and drinks to passing motorists - but even these places quite often provide chairs.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Seatless eating

Seatless means there are no seats so the customers must stand while eating.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Standing restaurants

  • Standing-room-only restaurant

A restaurant that has no chairs Customers stand and eat A: Where are we going tonight? B: To the new Japanese standing restaurant
椅子のないレストラン お客さんが立って食べる 例 A: Where are we going tonight?(今夜はどこに行くんですか?) B: To the new Japanese standing restaurant(新しい日本の立ち食いレストランに行くよ。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • "STANDING ONLY" restaurants

  • Its a new trend in crowded areas... to eat in "standing only" restuarants

Japan’s standing restaurants mainly target the country’s ‘salaryman’ population;-D The typical Japanese businessmen, often overworked and renowned worldwide for their dedication to their jobs. Standing restaurants are particularly appealing to unmarried young men who lack the energy or inclination to cook for themselves!
日本の立ち食いのお店は、日本のサラリーマンを主にターゲットにしています;-D 日本の典型的なサラリーマンは働きすぎであることが多く、仕事に奉仕することが世界的に知られています。立ち食いのお店は、自分のために料理をするエネルギーや傾向がない独身男性に特に人気です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Stand-up meal.

  • Stand-up dining.

Although I haven't seen or been to many places like this, restaurants with no chairs, and where you have to stand when you eat can be called stand-up meal or dining. For example. Want to check out that new restaurant? Do you mean the one where you don't sit down? Yeah, let's go and have a stand-up meal. I am going to pass on this one thanks. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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