世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


日常会話です。 仕事でうまくいかないことがあり、同僚から助言をもらいました。だけど、その助言を実行してもうまくいきませんでした。だから、他の方法や助言を考えたいと思います。 この内容を英語で言いたいです!
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2022/06/12 23:00
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  • Somebody game me some advice about a problem I had at work, but it didn't work out very well, so I have to think of another way to tackle it.

  • The advice someone offered me wasn't all that helpful, so I need to come up with a different way of doing xxx.

ーSomebody game me some advice about a problem I had at work, but it didn't work out very well, so I have to think of another way to tackle it. 「職場での問題にある人が助言をくれたが、うまくいかなかったので、他の方法を考えないと」 didn't work out very well で「あまりうまくいかなかった」 ーThe advice someone offered me wasn't all that helpful, so I need to come up with a different way of doing xxx. 「ある人がくれた助言があまり役立たなかったので、xxxをする他の方法を考える必要がある」 wasn't all that helpful で「あまり役立たなかった」 ご参考まで!
  • When I try to apply the advice I get but it doesn't go well, then I need to look for other ways.

  • Things were not going well at work so I got some advice from a co-worker. However, when I tried to apply the advice I got, it didn't go well. Therefore, I think it's necessary to look for other ways or advice to deal with this.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 「もらった助言を実行してもうまくいかない時、他の方法を〜」は英語で「When I try to apply the advice I get but it doesn't go well, then I need to look for other ways.」と言います。 また、「仕事でうまくいかないことがあり、同僚から助言をもらいました。だけど、その助言を実行してもうまくいきませんでした。だから、他の方法や助言を考えたいと思います。」と言いたいなら、そうすると、「Things were not going well at work so I got some advice from a co-worker. However, when I tried to apply the advice I got, it didn't go well. Therefore, I think it's necessary to look for other ways or advice to deal with this.」という風に言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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