世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 13:28
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  • Your fly is undone.

  • Your zipper is undone.

- "Your fly is undone."(あなたのファスナーが開いています。) - "Your zipper is undone."(あなたのチャックが開いています。) さらに洗練され、紳士的に伝えるには、直接的すぎず、且つその意図を理解できる表現を選びます。"open"は開いていること自体を指すため、これが直接的過ぎると感じ取り、避けられていることがわかります。 以下、応用例を2つ示します。 1. "You may want to check your zipper."(チャックをチェックした方がいいかもしれませんよ。) 2. "Pardon me, but it appears your fly might be undone."(失礼ですが、ファスナーが開いているかもしれませんね。)
  • Don't look down!

  • Did you forget something?

  • Excuse me, your flies are undone!

You may like to make a small joke about this situation by saying: "Don't look down!" Of course the immediate reaction is to look down and this person will then realise their zip is undone. Similarly, "Did you forget something?" is a question which will leave the listener thinking and checking their pockets and clothing! To be perfectly clear - and perhaps if this person is not the jokey type, just tell them clearly: "Excuse me, your flies are undone!"
Don't look downということで、ちょっとそういうシチュエーションでジョークを言いたいときに使うこともできます。もちろん、相手は言われてすぐ下を向いてジッパーが空いていることに気づくでしょうね。同様に "Did you forget something?"と尋ねれば、聞いた方は自分のポッケや服を確認するでしょう。 "Excuse me, your flies are undone!" 相手がわからなかったら、最後はこういって知らせてあげましょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You're catching a breeze down there.

  • Your fly's undone.

面白かしく言うなら→You're catching a breeze down there 直訳→あそこは風邪ひくよ、風邪入るよ ニュアンス訳→社会の窓が空いてる 一般に言うなら→Your fly's undone. ジッパー空いてるよ。
  • Your fly is open.

Your fly is open. openも一般的によく使います。 openは「窓が開いてます」という日本語の表現とも合っていますよね。笑
  • Your fly is undone.

  • Your zipper is undone.

  • Please fix your clothes.

You can use anyone of these statements to let the person know that something is wrong and needs fixing. 1. Your fly is undone. 2. Your zipper is undone. 3. Please fix your clothes. NB. The words "fly" and 'zipper" both mean the same thing. If you tell a person to "fix your clothes" the immediate reaction is to look over their clothes to see what needs fixing.
何か間違いがあるので、直す必要があるというこをと知らせるためにこれらの文章を使うことができます。  1. Your fly is undone. 2. Your zipper is undone. 3. Please fix your clothes. 「fly」と「zipper」の両方とも同じ意味です。 「fix your clothes」と人にいうとき場合の反応は、即座に服を見て何を直すべきかわかります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Your flying low

  • Your fly is undone

example "your fly is undone". or "your flies are undone". or "your flying low". or "your zipper is open".
「社会の窓が開いている」の意味の例文 "Your fly is undone". または "Your flies are undone". または "Your flying low". または "Your zipper is open".
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, your zipper is down.

The phrase "excuse me" is a polite way to get their attention. This is a very sensitive thing and I would advise maybe whispering so that noone else can hear what you are saying.
"excuse me"は、相手の注意を引く丁寧な言い方です。 これはかなり繊細な内容であり、私だったら他の人が聞こえないようにささやくように伝えるでしょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, your fly is open.

  • Sorry, your zipper is open.

"Excuse me" and "sorry" are both ways to catch someone's attention. "Sorry is also used in an apologetic manner to indicate that you are being polite in your statement. 1-"Excuse me, your fly is open" The word "fly" is referring to the pant's zipper and we use this term quite often. "Open" means that it is down and closed like it should be. 2- "Sorry, your zipper is open." This sentence means the same as above. You can choose either one!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Your fly is down.

  • Your zipper is undone.

You can use the above two phrases to tell someone that their pants zipper is down. Examples; - Sorry to bother, but your fly is down. - No offense but your zipper is undone.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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