世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/02/09 22:38
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  • growl

お腹が空いた時にお腹が鳴ることを growling stomach と言います。 なので、お腹の音も growl と表現されることも多いです。 grooowwwlll...
  • Gulp

  • Gurgle, gurgle

  • Rumble

"My stomach is rumbling", is a common way of saying that you are hungry and want to eat. When you hear this sound, you may also make a joke of it: "I think my stomach's trying to tell me something." You may also apologise for this sound if you are with other people. "Excuse me, I didn't have time for breakfast!"
"My stomach is rumbling", お腹が空いて、食べるのをまっているときによく使われるフレーズです。 もしぐーってなったら、ジョークを交えていうのもいいですね。 "I think my stomach's trying to tell me something." お腹がなにか伝えたがってるみたいだ。 一緒にいる人に謝るのであればこういえます。 "Excuse me, I didn't have time for breakfast!" ごめん、朝ごはん食べてきてなかったんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • grrr...

グーって言う音ですね! スペルにすると grrr です。 面白いですよね!
  • Grumble

  • Rumble

When we are hungry, our stomach tells us, that it is time to eat. "My stomach is grumbling!" "My stomach started to rumble."
"お腹が減ってくるとお腹が鳴って食事の時間をお腹が教えてくれますね。 My stomach is grumbling! ""grumble""=ぶつぶつ言う、不平を言う。 My stomach started to rumble. rumble=(雷やお腹が)がゴロゴロ(ぐーぐー)鳴る。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • grumble

  • growl

  • rumble

"My stomach is growling." "growl/grumble/rumble" is a sound the stomach makes when you are hungry.
"My stomach is growling."(私のお腹が鳴っている。) "growl/grumble/rumble"はお腹が空いた時、お腹が鳴る音を表す言葉です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Grumble

  • Rumble

  • Growl

Usually, before your stomach makes this noise you get a pre- warning that it is going to happen. In this case you can forewarn the people you are with: 'Oh no! My tummy is going to grumble' You can also use the following words to mean stomach: Tummy, belly, gut.
普通、お腹がこの音を鳴らす前に予備警告のようなものが起こります。 この場合、次のようにあらかじめ人々に伝えることが出来ます。 'Oh no! My tummy is going to grumble' (あらたいへん!お腹が鳴りそう) また、次の言葉を使って"お腹"を言い表すことが出来ます。 Tummy (おなか、ポンポン) Belly (腹) Gut (腹/腸)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Growling stomach

  • Stomach rumble

When your stomach is making a noise because you're hungry, it is typically referred to as "growling stomach" or a "stomach rumble". For example, you can say: -I was at an event with people and my stomach started rumbling before we were served our meals. -A growling stomach may indicate hunger and sometimes it indicates that a person has a lot of gas.
お腹が減ってお腹が鳴っていることを通常 "growling stomach" (お腹が鳴る)または "stomach rumble"(お腹が鳴る)と言います。 例えば以下のように言えます。 -I was at an event with people and my stomach started rumbling before we were served our meals. 他の人もいるあるイベントにて、食事が支給される前に私のお腹が鳴り始めました。 -A growling stomach may indicate hunger and sometimes it indicates that a person has a lot of gas. お腹が鳴ることは空腹、そしてときにはガスが溜まっていることを示しているかもしれません。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • growl

  • rumble

  • grrrr.

We would say that our stomach, "growls," when it makes noise because we are hungry. We can also say that our, "tummy rumbles," to express the same thing when using the word tummy instead of stomach. My description of the sound it makes would be, "grrrrr."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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