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駅近なのに意外と安いんですね と見栄を張ったが私には高いって英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/04/01 22:42
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  • I said, "It's not as expensive as I expected, though it's close to the station." but it was actually more than I could afford.

  • I said, "I thought it would be more expensive since it's in the neighborhood of the station, but it's actually very reasonable." However, in reality, it was beyond my reach.

思わず、微笑んでしまいましたが、誰にでもありうることですね! これもいろいろな言い方が出来ますし、また、「意外と安い」のが、何かによっても、違いますが、 例文は「マンション・アパート」として、不動産屋さんのオフィスで話していると想定して作りました。 例文1の説明 I said, "It's not as expensive as I expected, though it's close to the sation." but it was actually more than I afforded. It's not as expensive as I expected.....予想していたのより、安い (中学校でおなじみのas~as 構文です。expensive 高い  expect 予想する) though it's close to the station.....駅に近いのに  (though ~だけれども close to~ ~に近い) but it was actually more than I could afford...しかし、実際にはそれ(値段)は、私には、手が届かない価格だった (actually 実際は afford 金銭的な余裕がある、何とか買える) (could afford の代わりに afforded でも可) 例文2の説明 I said, "I thought it would be more expensive since it's in the neighborhood of the station, but it's actually very reasonable." However, in reality, it was beyond my reach. ”I thought it would be more expensive...それはもっと高いだろうと思っていた since it's in the neighborhood of the station....というのは、駅の近くだから (since ~だから in the neighborhood of~ ~の近所) but it's actually very reasonable....だが、それは実際はとてもリーズナブル(な価格)だ (reasonable...納得行く(値段)) However, in reality, it was beyond my reach....しかしながら、実際は、それ(の価格)は、私の手には届かないものだった。 (in reality...実際は  beyond one's reach ...手に届かない(比ゆ的意味)) ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
  • Even though it's close to the station, it's surprisingly cheap. I'm quite interested, but it's still too expensive for me.

  • This place is surprisingly cheap given how close it is to the station. Still, it's a bit expensive for me.

  • I'm surprised at how cheap this place is, seeing as it's so close to the station. I reallly like this place, but it's still out of my budget.

「意外と安いことに驚いた」は、it's surprisingly cheap や I'm surprised at how cheat this place is のように言えます。 この文の一番のポイントは still。 「(駅近のわりには安いが)それでも私には高い」と言いたいので、「それでも/まだ」の意味がある still(それでも)を使いましょう。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
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