世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/05/24 06:07
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  • He's a born leader.

  • He has natural leadership abilities.

  • He's very competent when in command and people accept his instructions willingly.

'A born leader' is an old expression to describe such a person.
そういった人のことをちょっと古い英語ではA born leaderと表現します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He's a real big-brother type.

「親分肌」は英語で言うとすると big-brother typeです。 big-brotherは「兄」という意味で big-brother typeは、 「兄のような人」 ↓ 「親分肌の人」 という意味になります。 ちなみに姉御肌の人は同様に考えて a big-sister typeと言います。 She is a real big-sister type. 「彼女は本当に姉御肌だ」 参考になれば幸いです。
  • He has great leadership abilities.

  • He has a strong personality.

  • He is a natural leader.

Someone who is a good leader can be described as: A natural leader A natural born leader. These phrases mean that they were born with these abilities. I hope that helps!
いいリーダーになれる人のことを a natural leader a natural born leader ということができます。 これらのフレーズは、リーダーになれる素質を生まれ持っているということを意味します。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • He is a good leader.

  • He has good leadership skills for others to fallow.

"He is a good leader" says that he is good at leading people "He has good leadership skills for others to fallow''- "Leadership skills" tells you that he has good skills or qualities to be a leader.
"""He is a good leader"" 彼が人を引っ張ることが得意だということを表しています。 ""He has good leadership skills for others to fallow'' ""Leadership skills"" リーダーになる素晴らしいスキルや資質があることを表しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • He is a true leader.

  • He has great personality with great leadership skills.

>He is a true leader. >He has great personality with great leadership skills. Both phrases are good to use and clearly indicate that he is a great leader with a good personality. Other sentences a. He is a good supervisor. b. He will make a good managing director.
He is a true leader. He has great personality with great leadership skills. 彼が優れた人格を持った指導者だということを意味する表現です。 以下のように表現することもできます。 a. He is a good supervisor. 彼は優れた指導者です。 b. He will make a good managing director. 彼は素晴らしい指導者です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • They have a natural ability to lead others

  • He has almost an alpha male demeanor and is a born leader

Natural ability' meaning that being in command and having the ability to lead almost comes naturally and and is born with 'it' 'Alpha Male' is a dominant figure with a sense of leadership and command. 'demeanor' is behavior, appearance and manner from someone so if a person has a Alpha male demeanor they can have a very strong leadership ability
Natural ability' は、その人の人を引っ張っていく力が「生まれながらの才能」であることを表します。 'Alpha male' はリーダーシップを持った有力者をいいます。 'Demeanor' は人の振る舞いや外見、態度をいいます。ですから、"An alpha male demeanor"(リーダーの風格)は、非常に強い指導力を持つ人について使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • He is a natural leader

  • He's a born leader

  • He's has leadership qualitites

If you are good at something then you are said to have that quality so if you are good at leading people or leadership then you are said to have 'leadership qualities' An informal term for someone that is a good leader of people is a 'born leader' or 'natural leader'
何かが上手なことは 'Quality'(資質)という言葉で表せます。 もし人を引っ張るのが上手なら、それは 'He/she has leadership qualities' と言えます。 'Born leader'(生まれながらのリーダー)または 'Natural leader'(同)は人を引っ張るのが上手な人を表すカジュアルなフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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