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2017/10/17 15:27
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  • I am studying Spanish as a second language at college

The verb to study has several other meanings, but, in this context, it means ' to devote time and attention to gaining knowledge of (an academic subject), especially by means of books. If you use the verb in its present tense, you will say I study Spanish. But, if you use the verb in its present participle tense, you will say, I am studying Spanish. The present participle tense is more appropriate because it means that this is an ongoing process.
study(学習する)という動詞には他にもいくつかの意味がありますが、 この文脈では、(特にアカデミックな科目での)学問の知識を得ることに注目し、 知識を得るために時間を使う事を意味しています。 現在系で動詞を使うと、I study Spanish(私はスペイン語を勉強する)と表現します。 しかし、あなたが現在進行形で動詞を使用すると、I am studying Spanish(私はスペイン語を勉強している)と言います。 現在進行形は、これが進行中の過程であることを意味するため、より適切です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I study Spanish as a second language at college.

Someone's second language is a language which is not their native language but which they use at work or at school. Lucy teaches English as a second language. French remained her second language for the rest of her life. I study Spanish as a second language at college.
例文: Lucy teaches English as a second language. (ルーシーは第二言語として英語を教えています。) French remained her second language for the rest of her life. (フランス語は彼女の残りの人生でずっと第二言語でした。) I study Spanish as a second language at college. (私は大学で第二言語としてスペイン語を勉強しています。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I am studying Spanish as a second language at college.

I am studying Spanish as a second language at college.- This means that Spanish is not your first language and you are trying to learn how to for a fun or maybe you want to relocate to a Spanish speaking country. When you start speaking Spanish, you can then become bilingual. If you are bilingual it means you can speak 2 languages.
I am studying Spanish as a second language at college (私は大学でスペイン語を第二言語として勉強しています) -この文は、スペイン語が母国語ではなく、 スペイン語を話す国に移り住みたいと思っていることを表しています。 スペイン語を始めると、bilingualになります。 bilingualとは、2つの言語を話すことができるという事です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • When I was college, I learned Spanish as a second language.

  • I studied Spanish as a second language while I was at college.

If you want to explain to someone that you studied Spanish at college, you can say it like this: "I studied Spanish as a second language while I was at college."
大学(college)でスペイン語を勉強したと伝えたいなら、以下のように言えます: "I studied Spanish as a second language while I was at college." (大学の時に第二言語としてスペイン語を学びました)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Did you know, I'm doing Spanish as a second language at college?

You have been doing Spanish for over a year at college and are progressing well. You want to tell your friends all about it. You want to imtroduce the topic casually: "Did you know, I'm doing Spanish as a second language at college?" By asking a question rather just making a statement: "I'm doing Spanish as a second language at college?" the conversation becomes more engaging and inclusive for the other listener or listeners
例 あなたは1年以上スペイン語を大学で学び、とても上達しています。あなたは友人達にこれを伝えたいです。カジュアルにこの話題を始めましょう。 "Did you know, I'm doing Spanish as a second language at college?" ただ"I'm doing Spanish as a second language at college?" のように伝えるよりも、 質問で始めることで、より相手と関わりながら会話を進められるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am currently taking a Spanish course in College.

  • My goal is to learn Spanish as a second language therefore Im taking a course in college.

"I am currently taking a Spanish course in College." In this expression you are just letting someone know that you are taking a Spanish as a course. "My goal is to learn Spanish as a second language therefore Im taking a course in college." In this expression you are being more personal with the person. You are letting know what is the reason behind your decision to take a Spanish course in college. This is a more professional way of saying it.
"I am currently taking a Spanish course in College." 大学で今スペイン語をとっています。 この表現では、相手にスペイン語をとっていることを伝えています。   "My goal is to learn Spanish as a second language therefore Im taking a course in college." 私の目標は、第二言語としてスペイン語を習得することなので、大学でそのコースをとっています。 この表現では、相手にさらに個人的なことを伝えています。大学でスペイン語をとることにした理由を伝えています。これはよりプロフェッショナルな言い方です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I am studying Spanish as a second language in college.

  • I am taking a Spanish class in college.

  • I am learning Spanish in college.

There are various clear ways to express that you are studying Spanish as your 2nd language. Using the verbs "study" and "learn" explains the act of taking in new knowledge and you could use these verbs in describing what you are learning in college. You could also say "taking a Spanish class" which is the action of which class you chose to enroll in and what you will be learning, which was Spanish.
第二言語としてスペイン語を勉強していることを伝える様々な方法があります。"study"(勉強する)や "learn"や(学ぶ)という動詞を使うことで、新しい知識を取り入れる行為を表し、大学で何を学んでいるのかを説明するのにこれらを使うことができます。 "taking a Spanish class"とは、スペイン語を学ぶのにコースをとっているという意味になります。
Meli D DMM英語講師
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