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2017/12/16 21:37
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  • Front

The correct preposition is " front". Prepositions show the location of something. Therefore you can say " Amazon store located at the front entrance of the department store."  Example sentences: He was standing in front of her. The car was parked in front of the building.
この場合、"front "を使うのがいいでしょう。. 前置詞は、何かの場所を指します。なので、以下のように表現することができます。 " Amazon store located at the front entrance of the department store." アマゾンのお店は、そのデパートの入り口の前にあります。 例文:  He was standing in front of her. 彼は、彼女の前にたっていた。 The car was parked in front of the building. 車がそのビルの前に止まっていた。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Across from

  • opposite the

There are some other ways to say in front of something that has similar meaning. You can say across from. For example: The building is across from the department store. You can also say oppsite the. For example: The building is opposite the department store. Both opposite and across from means on the other side of something but can be used in a similar way as in front of.
よく似た意味の、何かの前にと言う別の方法はいくつかあります。across fromと言うこともできます。 例: The building is across from the department store. その建物は、デパートの向かいにあります。   oppsite theということもできます。 例: The building is opposite the department store. その建物は、デパートの向かいにあります。 oppositeもacross fromも、何かの反対側にあるという意味ですが、  in front ofとよく似た意味で使われます。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • In front (of)

  • The opposite of behind is in front...We may use other words for behind, like rear.

In front can mean "in the lead" (in a race) in front of...something...This indicates a location normally...Meaning directly in front of that place! Versus: Behind Behind is a word that relies on context a great deal! "He /or.. she has a big behind:-)) ...Or: I am a bit behind with the rent I will meet you behind the post office. So watch out for that;-)
In front はたいてい場所を表す、~の前にという意味です。 それに対して、 Behindは、文脈による言葉です。  "He /or.. she has a big behind:-)) 彼/彼女は大きなお尻をしている。 I am a bit behind with the rent 家賃を払うのが少し遅れている。 I will meet you behind the post office. So watch out for that;-) 郵便局の後ろで会おう。気を付けてね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • in front of

The opposite of 'behind' is 'in front of' however that may not always be the correct preposition of place for every situation. For example, if one building is on the other side of the road from a police station, you could say that the builing is 'in front of' the other building, but better would be "The building is opposite the police station." That is because there is a road in between and we usually talk about "the opposite side of the road."
 'behind'(後ろ)の対義語が  'in front of'ですが、どの状況にも使える前置詞とは限りません。例えば、あるビルが、警察署のある道路の反対側にある場合、 そのビルは、もう一方の建物の'in front of' (前)にあるということができますが、"The building is opposite the police station."と言う方がいいのです。これは、間に道路があるので、そういった場合には  "the opposite side of the road."(道路の反対側)と普通は言うからです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In front of

The opposite of a building that is behind is a building that is in front of a store.
”in front of a store.”お店の前という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • In front

The opposite to behind is "In front" He was walking in front of me. The building in front of the department store.
"behind"(後ろ)の反対は "In front"(前)になります。 【例】 He was walking in front of me. (彼は私の前を歩いていた) The building in front of the department store. (デパートの前の建物)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • you will come to this building before reaching the department store

  • the department store faces the rear of this building

If you're directing someone to the building you can let them know that they will get there before getting to the department store You can also use 'the rear (back) of the building' to help explain its location
その建物までの道順を教えるなら: You will come to this building before reaching the department store (デパートの手前にあります) ↑と伝えられます。 ほかに: the rear of the building(建物の裏側) the back of the building(建物の裏側) ↑も位置を伝える時に使えます。
Kwasi DMM英会話講師
  • front

  • in front of

こんにちは。 「front」は「前の」という意味の単語です。 【例文】 There is a dog in front of the building. 「ビルの前に犬がいる」 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • He was sitting right in front of me.

  • There's a convenience store across the street.

日本語の「前」はいろいろな場面で使われますね。 「前」をどのように英語に訳すかは文脈によります。 【例】 He was sitting right in front of me. →彼は私のすぐ前に座っていました。 There's a convenience store across the street. →通りの反対にコンビニがあります。 There's a restaurant across the street. →通りの反対にレストランがあります。 --------- 「in front of」は「~の前に」という意味です。 「across」は上の例では「~の向こう側に」という意味です。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • in front of

もし本当にデパートの前にあるのであれば、in front of が使えます。 「デパートの前にある建物」は The building in front of the department store になります。 もし、その建物がデパートの前の道路の向かい側にあるのであれば、across from を使います。 「デパートの前にある建物」は The building across from the department store になります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • in front of

ご質問ありがとうございます。 前 は英語で in front of と訳出します。
  • in front of

  • My grandmother liked to sit in front of her home on spring days.

  • opposite/ across from

The preposition of place of "in front of" can be used when something is directly in front of a location. Whereas "opposite" or "across from" can be used when something is near the front of a location or separated by a road.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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