世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/01/23 23:55
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  • I never want to grow up.

  • I don't ever want to grow up.

  • I'd rather not grow up. I want to stay a kid all my life.

If you every have heard of the story of Peter Pan, there are children who say that they 'never want to grow up' and would rather 'stay children forever'. If you too would like to express this feeling that you don't want to grow up, say the following: "I never want to grow up." "I don't ever want to grow up." "I'd rather not grow up. I want to stay a kid all my life." If you want to sound more sad and sulky, add the phrase "I know it's sad but..." before saying the sentence "I never want to grow up". For example: "I know it's sad but I never want to grow up"
例:I never want to grow up. 「私は絶対に大人になりたくない。」 例:I don't ever want to grow up. 「私は決して大人になりたくない。」 例:I'd rather not grow up. I want to stay a kid all my life. 「どちらかと言えば大人になりたくない。子供のままで一生過ごしたいんだ。」 ピーターパンの話を知っていたら、劇中に大人になりたくない子どもたちが出てきますよね。 そんな気持ちを表現したい時は、例文のように言いましょう。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • I don’t wanna be an adult.

  • I don’t want to grow up.

  • I never want to grow up.

I don’t wanna be an adult. 大人になんてなりたくない I don’t want to grow up. 大人になんて成長したくない I never want to grow up. 大人には決してなりたくない すべて同じ意味。 拗ねたような言い方や声のトーンがポイントかなと思います。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I wish I could be a kid forever.

  • I'm tired of adulting.

"Adulting" is more of a slang word, most often used by younger people (young adults). It refers to having to do adult things, like paying bills, going to work, etc. Saying "I'm tired of adulting" means you don't want to do those things anymore.
"Adulting"はどちらかと言うとスラングで、大抵は若者(若い成人)が使います。これは、例えば仕事・支払いなど、大人がしないといけないことを表します。"I'm tired of adulting"(大人をするのには疲れた)は、そういったことをもうしたくないという意味です。
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • I do not/don't want to grow up

  • I don't/ do not want to be an adult

  • I do not/don't want to be a grown up

When you grow up you are also called 'a grown up' or an 'adult' so if you don't want to become an adult then you could say 'i don't want to grow up' or ' i don't want to be (become) a grown up' don't is the same as do not.
大人になる(grow up)ことは、'a grown up'(大人)または'an adult'(大人)とも表します。 ですから、 'I don't want to grow up'(大人になりたくない) または、 'I don't want to be (become) a grown up'(大人になりたくない) と言えます。 'don't'は'do not'と同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to grow up.

  • I don't want adult responsibilities.

  • I want to be a teenager the rest of my life.

The simple translation is "I don't want to grow up." That's just a synonym for "I don't want to be an adult." To "grow up" is to get older. But "adult" refers to more than age. With adulthood comes all kinds of responsibilities, most of which aren't fun. So you probably mean "I don't want adult responsibilities" or, if you're being honest, "I want to be a teenager the rest of my life." Me too.
”I don't want to grow up"(成長したくない)が最もシンプルな表現で、”I don't want to be an adult"(大人になりたくない)という意味です。”To grow up"は、”To get older"(歳を重ねる)という意味です。 ”Adult"には「大人」以上の意味があります。大人になることで、様々な責任が問われます。その観点から、”I don't want adult responsibilities"(大人の責任は欲しくない)または、”I want to be a teenager the rest of my life”(生涯ティーンエージャーでいたい)と本音を言っても良いかもしれませんね。私も同感です!
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • I want to stay young forever.

  • I'm young at heart, I never want to be an old fart.

  • I wanna stay in never-never land.

I want to stay young forever. - standard & basic. Meaning that you want never want to get old. You can add a bit more "zing" (energy, enthusiasm, liveliness) by saying the following; I'm young at heart, I never want to be an old fart. - "young at heart" meaning, you may be not a child, you could be 40 years old but still feel like a kid. An "old fart" is an old person who keeps moaning all the time. I wanna stay in never-never land. - "never-never land" taken from Peter Pan. Never-never land is a place where you can stay young forever, especially when you're already a kid. "I wanna stay in never-never land & never become an old fart!" This phrase sounds a bit sad & upset by the fact of getting old.
”I want to stay young forever"(一生若いままでいたい)は、ありきたりな表現です。要するに、年を取りたくない、という意味です。 これにちょっとした”Zing”(エネルギー、熱意、活力)を付け足しても良いでしょう。例えば― ”I'm young at heart, I never want to be an old fart." 「私は気持ちは若いし、絶対に愚痴っぽい年寄りにはなりたくない。」 (Young at heart➔気持ちが若い、Old fart➔愚痴ばかりこぼす老人) ”I wanna stay in never-never land" 「ネバーネバーランドに居たい。」 (Never Never Landは、ピーターパンが住んでいる一生子供のままでいられる世界のこと。) 上記例文を合体させて、”I wanna stay in never never land and never become an old fart!"と表現することも出来ますが、年を取ることにうんざりしている、ちょっぴり哀しいニュアンスがあります。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • If I had the choice I'd stay a kid forever.

  • I want to stay young forever.

Native speakers will say like this: “If I had the choice I'd stay a kid forever”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Are you looking forward to having your own place and a family? B: Not really. If I had the choice I'd stay a kid forever.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “If I had the choice I'd stay a kid forever” (できることなら、ずっと子どもでいたいです。) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Are you looking forward to having your own place and a family? (自分の家や家庭を持つのは楽しみですか?) B: Not really. If I had the choice I'd stay a kid forever. (いや、そうでもないです。できることなら、ずっと子どもでいたいです。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could be a child forever!

If you want to state that you do not wish to be an adult in a kind of sulky way, then you could start your sentence with the form: 'I wish...' This indicates that the situation is imaginary or unlikely to happen and is a way of expressing displeasure, regret or sadness for something that will never happen, or is extremely unlikely to happen. "I wish it would stop raining!"
大人になりたくないとすねた感じで言いたいなら、'I wish...' の形で文を始めることができます。これは、空想や起こりそうにない出来事を表します。これは、空想や起こりそうにない出来事について使われ、実現し(そうに)ないことへの不満や後悔、悲しみを表します。 "I wish it would stop raining!" (雨がやめばいいのに!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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