世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/04/18 13:20
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  • You haven't eaten this before?

  • You have not tried this yet?

  • Oh you haven't eaten this ever?

例えば、 これ美味しいよ。食べたことがないの?-It is really good. You haven't tried this ever? 私は何回も食べたことがるよーI have eaten this a lot many times./ I have tried this before. ええ。。本当に食べたことがないの?なければ絶対おススメだよーDon't tell me you haven't eaten this ever before. Well, if you haven't, I recommend it. といった表現を個人的に使うのが多いかと思います。
  • Have you ever tried it?

  • Have you tasted it before?

  • Have you not tried it?

Have you ever tried it?' is a neutral way to ask if someone has eaten the dish before. 'Have you not tried it?' suggests that you are a little surprised that they have not eaten the food before. You may also use intonation to show surprise. You could also say 'tasted' rather than 'tried', to make the phrase specific to eating and drinking.
Have you ever tried it?'(それを食べたことはありますか)は、その料理を食べたことがあるか尋ねるニュートラルな言い方です。 'Have you not tried it?'(食べたことないの)は、相手がその料理を食べたことがないことに少し驚いているニュアンスです。イントネーションを使って、驚きを表すこともできます。 'tried'(試す)の代わりに、より具体的な'tasted'(食べる/飲む)を使うこともできます。
Lea F DMM英会話講師
  • You've never tried it before?

  • Have you ever eaten it before?

  • Did you try it before?

"You've never tried it before?" shows surprise in a playful way when you are asking someone if they have tasted a certain food or dish before.
"You've never tried it before?"(これ食べたことないの?)は、冗談っぽく驚きを表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Have you never tried this dish?

  • Have you not tried this dish before?

Although it is better usually to ask a question in it's positive form, there are occasions when a question in its negative form is more appropriate - namely when you (the speaker) believe for some reason that a negative response is likely. Eg "Are you not happy about these arrangements?"
普通質問は肯定形で尋ねるのが望ましいですが、否定形の質問の方が適切な場合もあります。それは具体的に言うと、否定の返答が予想されるときです。 例: "Are you not happy about these arrangements?"(計画に不満があるのですか)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you never eaten XX?

  • Haven't you had XXX before?

①Have you never eaten XX? →○○って食べたことないの? ②Haven't you had XXX before? →○○を食べたことあるでしょう?
  • Have you never tasted it?

  • Haven't you tried it before?

Have you never tried it? Haven't you tried it before? Have you never tasted it? Are all acceptable ways of asking if someone has tried a certain drink or food.
●Have you never tried it? (一度も試してみたことがないの?) ●Haven't you tried it before? (前に試してみたことがないの?) ●Have you never tasted it? (一度も味わったことがないの?) Try(試す)は、食べるときにも使う動詞です。意訳すると、Have you never tried it?は「一度も食べたことがないの?」となります。 上記例文はどれも相手に「ある物を食べたこと・飲んだことがないの?」と尋ねるときに役立つ表現です。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Have you not tried it?

  • You haven't tasted it before?

  • Oh, you've never tried ____ before?

All these ways are acceptable and appropriate ways to ask and they also show an element of surprise to the person you are asking.
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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