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今日はありがとうまた会いたいという会話について。 I would love very much.の返し
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2018/04/29 16:03
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  • Thank you for today. I would like to meet you again.

  • Thank you for seeing me today. I would love to meet you again.

会いたい 「I want to meet」は友達同士に使う表現です。 「I would like to meet you again」はもうちょっとフォマール言い方になります。
Luiza Japanese - English translator
  • I have been enjoying myself a lot today. I’m looking forward to meeting you again.

  • I have been having a lot of fun today. It would be lovely if we could meet again.

  • Today’s been really fun. I’d love to hang out with you some time again.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1. I have been enjoying myself a lot today. I’m looking forward to meeting you again. 今日はとても楽しい時間を過ごしました。こらからまた会うことに楽しいにしています。 2. I have been having a lot of fun today. It would be lovely if we could meet again. 今日は楽しかったです。またいつか会えたらうれしいです。 3. Today’s been really fun. I’d love to hang out with you some time again. 今日はすごい楽しかった!これからもいつか遊ぼうよ。 1番目、2番目の文章と違って、3番目の文章は少しカジュアルな言葉で、友達同士なら、使っていいくらいな言い回しです。「hang out」と「遊ぶ」の言葉はある程度似ているような気がしますが、「hang out」はかなり砕けた言い方です。ネイティブっぽい感じが確かにしますが。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください! ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • It's been great today! Hope to see you again in the near future

  • Thanks for your input today. Hope we can meet up again soon

The second sentence is rather formal. The first example, more relaxed. Of course, your relationship with the person you are speaking to will dictate the language used. Is this person a lover, family member, friend or business associate?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for today, I'm looking forward to meeting you again soon

  • Thank you for today, I'm looking forward to seeing you again

If you want to let someone know you appreciate something then you would say 'thanks' or 'thank you' To look forward to something means you can't wait for something to happen To meet someone is to go and see them as well
感謝の気持ちを伝えたいなら、'thanks' または 'thank you' と言えます。 'To look forward to something' は「~を待ちきれない」という意味です。 'To meet someone' には「会いに行く」という意味もあります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the wonderful day! I hope to see you again soon!

"Thanks for the wonderful day!" Here you are thanking them (saying thank you) for the fun day you had together. "I hope to see you again soon!" Means that you are hopeful to see them again, you'd like to 'hangout' again.
"Thanks for the wonderful day!"「素晴らしい一日をありがとう!」 この表現ではあなたは彼らに、一緒に過ごした楽しい日についてお礼を言っています。 "I hope to see you soon!"「また会えたらいいね!」は、あなたが彼にまた会うことを期待していて、彼らとまた "hangout"「遊ぶ」がしたいということです。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for a wonderful day, hope to see you soon!

When we have a positive experience, we can use words such as good and wonderful to describe these experiences as well. We always want to let people know how good of a time we had with them. Since we had such a wonderful time, we want to let them know that we are interested in seeing them again soon.
肯定的な経験をするときに、その経験を示すのに good や wonderful などの単語が使われます。 私たちはいつも人々に、一緒にどれだけ良い時を過ごしたのかを伝えたいと思います。素晴らしいときを過ごしたので、私たちはまた近い内に彼らに会いたいと思っていることを伝えたいと思います。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • This was great, let's do it again sometime

When you are saying goodbye to someone after spending some time with them, saying 'let's do this again sometime' is a casual and kind way to say that you would like to meet up again in the future.
誰かと一緒に過ごしてお別れを言う時、let's do this again sometimeと言うのはカジュアルで親切な表現です。また、その意味はそのうちまたやりましょう、いつかまた会いたいということです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for today, I look forward to seeing you again.

  • I look forward to our next meeting, I had fun today.

  • Thanks for spending time with me today, I hope to see you again soon.

If you want to thank someone for today and tell them that you want to see them again, you can say: "Thank you for today, I look forward to seeing you again." "I look forward to our next meeting, I had fun today." "Thanks for spending time with me today, I hope to see you again soon."
「今日はありがとう。また会いたい」は、次のように言えます。 "Thank you for today, I look forward to seeing you again."(今日はありがとうございました。またお会いできるのを楽しみにしています) "I look forward to our next meeting, I had fun today."(またお目にかかるのを楽しみにしています。今日は楽しかったです) "Thanks for spending time with me today, I hope to see you again soon."(今日はありがとうございました。また近いうちにお会いできるといいですね)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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