世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


以前ミーティングをした時に、日本人のグループだけ英語が話せませんでした。 そこで感じた気持ちです。 ぜひ教えてください。
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2018/06/18 22:20
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  • I was embarrassed that I couldn't speak English.

  • I felt embarrassed that I couldn't speak English.

  • It is embarrassing to be in a room full of English speakers when I can't speak English

When we are learning a new language, sometimes we feel a little shy or nervous, especially when many others in the room know the language or are speaking it. This nervousness can sometimes make it difficult to speak the language. If we were in a situation like this and we are talking about the English language, we could use some expressions such as: 1) "I was embarrassed that I couldn't speak English." 2) "I felt embarrassed that I couldn't speak English." 3) "It is embarrassing to be in a room full of English speakers when I can't speak English."
新しい言語を学ぶ時、特に部屋内の多くの人がその言語を知っていたり話しているとき、時々恥ずかしがったり、神経質になったりします。 神経質になると時々言語を話すのが困難になります。 英語についてこのような状況にあるとき、以下のように言えるでしょう: 1) I was embarrassed that I couldn't speak English. 2) I felt embarrassed that I couldn't speak English. (英語が話せず、恥ずかしかった。) 3) It is embarrassing to be in a room full of English speakers when I can't speak English. (英語話者であふれる部屋で、英語が話せず恥ずかしかった。)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I was embarrassed that I couldn't speak English.

  • I was embarrassed that we couldn’t speak English.

自分が喋れなくて恥ずかしかった場合 I was embarrassed that I couldn't speak English. 日本人のグループが喋れないから恥ずかしかった場合 I was embarrassed that we couldn’t speak English. 大丈夫です!そんな時は I feel better because I’m speaking English everyday. 「毎日英語を話しているから大丈夫です」って言って下さいね。 その時はできなかったかもしれないけど、これからできるようになります!
  • I'm a little ashamed that I could not speak English

  • I was embarrassed about not being able to speak English

If you are in a situation where you cannot speak English yet everyone around you is, then you may feel either ashamed or embarrassed.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was so embarrassed to be the only one that couldn't speak English

If you find yourself in this kind of situation, the feeling that you have is called embarrassment. To be embarrassed is to feel ashamed and awkward. It is a feeling that is not comfortable and one would usually not want to repeat this feeling again.
このような状況にいる場合、あなたは恥ずかしい気持ち(embarrassment)を感じるでしょう。 be embarrassedは、恥ずかしい、気まずいと感じることです。居心地が悪く、通常人はこの感情を繰り返したくないです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I feel embarrassed that I do not know the English language.

  • I am not too pleased with the fact that I can not speak English.

  • It made me feel extremely uncomfortable when I was the only one who could not speak English out of the group.

"I feel embarrassed that I do not know the English language." This expression tells us that the person feels embarrassed they can not speak English. "I am not too pleased with the fact that I can not speak English." This one lets us know that the person is not happy with themselves for not being able to speak English. "It made me feel extremely uncomfortable when I was the only one who could not speak English out of the group.' Lastly this expression lets us know that this person is not feeling good about the fact that they can not speak English.
"I feel embarrassed that I do not know the English language." (英語をちゃんと話せないので恥ずかしい。) この文章は「英語を話せないことで恥ずかしい思いをしている」、ということを表します。 "I am not too pleased with the fact that I can not speak English." (英語が話せないことに不満を感じている。) この文では、当事者が「英語を話せないことが嫌だと感じている」ということが相手に伝わります。 "It made me feel extremely uncomfortable when I was the only one who could not speak English out of the group.' (グループの中で私だけ英語を話すことができず、とても不快な気分でした。) 最後の例文は、「英語を話すことがでない自分に対しあまりいい感情を持っていない」ということが伝わります。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • It was embarrassing that we were the only ones who couldn’t speak English.

It was embarrassing that we were the only ones who couldn’t speak English. 私たちだけが英語を話せなくて恥ずかしかった。 〜 was embarrassing 〜 で恥ずかしかった 自分が恥をかいた気持ち、というよりも、少し客観的に「恥ずかしかったんだよね〜」と伝えたい時に使います。 That was so embarrassing!! あー恥ずかしかった!
  • I was upset that I could not speak English.

  • "I was embarrassed when I realized that my group was the only group that could not speak English."

"I was upset that I could not speak English." Upset - This word has the idea of being disappointed. You are disappointed in your own or your groups English speaking abilities. "I was embarrassed when I realized that my group was the only group that could not speak English." Realized - When you notice or understand something that you had not thought about before.
例: I was upset that I could not speak English. 私は、英語が話せなくて残念でした。 upsetは、がっかりする、失望するという意味があります。あなたは、自分の、もしくはグループの英語力にがっかりしたという意味です。 例: I was embarrassed when I realized that my group was the only group that could not speak English. 私のグループだけが英語を話せなかったことに気づき、恥ずかしかったです。 realizedは、何かに気が付く、理解するという意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
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