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2018/09/01 06:52
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  • go back to sleep

  • fall asleep again

「二度寝する」を英訳すると― ●go back to sleep(また寝る) ●fall asleep again(また眠りにつく) このように訳せます。 ≪例文≫ I woke up too early this morning, so I'm going back to sleep. 「今朝は早く起き過ぎたので、また寝ます。」 I fell asleep again right after my mom woke me up. 「母が起こしてくれた後すぐにまた眠ってしまいました。」 I like to go back to sleep on the weekends. 「週末は二度寝するのが好きです。」 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです!
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • Went back to bed

  • Went back to sleep

"Went back to bed" or "Went back to sleep" are two common expressions that mean you woke up and then returned to sleep. Went back to bed - this means you returned to bed to sleep. Went back to sleep - this could mean you went back to sleep at home, on the train, on an airplane, etc. Examples: "The noise woke me up, but I soon went back to sleep." "I went back to sleep after changing the baby." "Tom got a drink and went back to bed." "She went back to bed after checking her phone."
一度起きてから寝に戻る場合、"Went back to bed"や"Went back to sleep" という表現が一般的です。 Went back to bed :これは寝るためにベッドに戻ることを言います。 Went back to sleep : これは、家、電車、飛行機などで再び眠りにつくことを言います。 (例文) "The noise woke me up, but I soon went back to sleep." (騒音で起きたけど、すぐまた寝たよ) "I went back to sleep after changing the baby." (赤ちゃんのオムツを替えて、また寝ました) "Tom got a drink and went back to bed." (トムはお酒を飲んで、ベッドに戻りました) "She went back to bed after checking her phone." (彼女は電話をチェックして、またベッドに戻りました)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Slept in

  • Lie in

A 'sleep in' or a 'lie in' is when you may stay in bed all morning, usually when you don't have any work to get out of bed for. A 'lie in' cold be two things, it could be staying in bed asleep all morning, or it could mean you just stayed in bed, maybe had breakfast in bed and watched some tv, because you are literally lying in bed.
sleep in' または 'lie in' は、(普通何もすることがないときに)午前中ずっとベッドにいることを表します。 'lie in' には、二通りあります。午前中ずっと眠っている場合と、ベッドにいて朝食を食べたりテレビを見たりする場合です(lie=横になる)。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • to go back to sleep

  • fell back into sleep

When you're trying to explain that you woke up but went back to sleep again, then you can use the following phrases: -to go back to sleep -went back to sleep -fell back into sleep
一度起きたけどまた寝た(二度寝した)ことを説明したいなら、次のフレーズを使うことが出来ます: -to go back to sleep (再び眠りにつく) -went back to sleep (再び眠りについた) -fell back into sleep (再び眠りについた)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Have a lie in.

  • I slept in this morning.

  • I fell back to sleep.

The first two sentences are referring to, sleeping in longer than usual. So, technically you do not have to wake up and then go back to sleep. We do not have a specific word for this, we would probably use the phrase "I fell back to sleep". We often use the word "fell asleep" which simply means "going to sleep".
最初の二つの例は、普段よりも遅くまで寝ることをいいます。ですから、厳密にいうと、一度起きて再び眠らなくても使えます。 英語にはこれを表す特定の単語はありません、たぶん "I fell back to sleep"(二度寝しました)というフレーズを使うと思います。 "fell asleep" というフレーズはよく使われます。これは「眠りに落ちる」という意味です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • I went back to sleep.

  • I stayed in bed until I fell asleep again.

  • I woke up, but then I decided to sleep in.

To say that you went back to sleep can apply to any time period of the day or night. Also, saying that you stayed in bed until you fell asleep again means that you awoke at some point and allowed yourself to fall asleep for a second time, but this could happen both at night and during the day. However, the last answer indicates that this happened in the morning or at a time when you would normally wake up, because "sleep in" means to sleep longer than usual.
"I went back to sleep"(また眠りにつきました)は、時間にかかわらず、それが昼間あったことでも夜あったことでも使うことができます。 また、"I stayed in bed until I fell asleep again"(また眠りにつきました)は、目が覚めて再び眠りについたという意味ですが、これも昼間でも夜でも使えます。 ただ、最後の回答は朝あるいは話し手が通常目覚める時間に起こったことを表します。これは、"sleep in" が「いつもよりも長く寝る」という意味だからです。
Amy H English teacher
  • To fall asleep again

  • To drop off again

  • To nod off again

If you involuntarily go to sleep again after having woken up momentarily, in general, you may use the expression 'to fall asleep' and simply add 'again' to signify that it is a repeat action. Same goes for the other two examples above.
眠りから目を覚ましてすぐにまた無意識のうちに眠りに落ちることは、一般的に 'to fall asleep' という表現に「再び」という意味の 'again' を加えて表します。他の二つの例についても同じことが言えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • go back to sleep

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました。 I went back to sleep again. 「私は二度寝した」 I feel asleep again. のように言うこともできます。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • fall back to sleep

  • went back to sleep

  • sleep again

fall back to sleep example sentence: I tried my best to fall back to sleep but I couldn't because the neighbors were having a party. went back to sleep example sentence: I went back to sleep again after the lovely phone call I had with my mother. sleep again example sentence: The loud ringing of the car alarm woke me up but I managed to sleep again before getting up for work.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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