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1(いち)の英語での言い方を教えてください。 何でも1番になりたいと思っています。
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2018/11/10 17:46
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  • One

  • Number one

  • First

①は普通に1です。 ②は一番。I'm number one 私が一番。 ③も一番という言い方ですが、初めの一番などの時に使います。I am first in line. 私が列の先頭だ。I was here first. 私が先にここについた。など。
  • one

"I am the only one" The word 'one' makes a /w/ sound. It is a homophone of the word 'won' they are said the exact same sound. "wuhn"
"I am the only one" [訳]私だけです 'one' は /w/ の音があります。 これは 'won' と同じ発音です。"wuhn" と発音します。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • One

The number 1 has the same pronunciation as the verb 'won'. "A table for one please."
数字の「1」は、動詞の”Won"(Winの過去形)と同じ発音です。 例文:A table for one, please. (一人用の席をお願いします。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • one

For example: I only have one dollar. She only has one sick day left. We want one pepperoni pizza please.
例えば: I only have one dollar.(1ドルしかありません) She only has one sick day left.(彼女は病気欠勤日があと一日しか残っていません) We want one pepperoni pizza please.(ペパロニピザを一つください)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • one

Pronounced just like 'won'. To indicate the nature of reality, you can say 'not one, not two.' 'One of the best things about Japanese dramatic film is the heavy-hearted sincerity that often infuses them.'
「one」は「won」と同じ発音です。物事の本質について表すときに'not one, not two'(一つでも二つでもなく)と言ったりします。 One of the best things about Japanese dramatic film is the heavy-hearted sincerity that often infuses them. (日本映画の素晴らしい所の一つに、しばしばそれらを満たすもの悲しい誠実さがあります。)
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • One

  • Won

  • One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too.

Bring your lips into a circle with a small whole and slowly expand making the "w" sound. Then follow it with a short "u" sound. Finally, finish with a sharp "n" sound. One is a homophone of won so they are both pronounced the same.Here is a nice tongue-twister you can practice to help you with your pronunciation; One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too.
唇を丸くして小さな穴を作り、「w」の音を出しながらゆっくりと口を広げます。 その後、短い「u」の音を続けます。 最後は、鋭い「n」の音で終えます。 「one」は「won」の同音異義語なので、どちらも同じ発音です。 以下は、発音の練習になる早口言葉です。 One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too.
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • one

The number one (1) has the same pronounciation or sound as the verb 'won' and makes a 'w' sound instead of an 'o' sound 'Can I have a table for one please?'
数字の 'one'(1)は、動詞の 'won'(勝った)と同じ発音です。'o' は 'w' の発音です。 'Can I have a table for one please?'(一人です)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • One.

We pronounce the number 1 as One. Example - My son will be one on his birthday. Meal for one tonight.
数字の1をOneと発音します。 例: My son will be one on his birthday. (私の息子は、今度の誕生日で1歳になります。) Meal for one tonight. (今夜1人分の食事)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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