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2018/12/10 08:02
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  • Judge

  • Justice

一般的に「裁判官」という場合は Judge を使います。 口語的には Judge と呼ばれることが多いですが、アメリカでは Judge は下級裁判所を管轄する裁判官を刺し、最高裁を担当する裁判官を Justice と呼びます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Judge

  • Your Honor, Her Honor, His honor

In the USA, a person in the highest position in the courtroom is called a Judge. When someone is speaking to the Judge in Court, the judge will be referred to as "Your Honor" "His Honor" or "Her Honor." This is a term of respect for the person and the position that they hold. Example "All rise for his honor, Judge Tom Anderson." "Your honor may I approach the bench?" "If it pleases your honor, I would like to make a motion." "When will her honor be ready for final arguments?"
アメリカでは、法廷で最も位の高い人は "Judge" と呼ばれます。 裁判中、裁判官は "Your Honor" "His Honor" または "Her Honor" と呼ばれます。これは裁判官とその地位に対して敬意を表す言い方です。 例: "All rise for his honor, Judge Tom Anderson."(トム・アンダーソン裁判官が入廷されます、全員起立) "Your honor may I approach the bench?"(裁判官、裁判官席の方に行ってもよろしいですか) "If it pleases your honor, I would like to make a motion."(裁判官、もしよろしければ動議を提出したいです) "When will her honor be ready for final arguments?"(裁判官は最終弁論には何時にいらっしゃいますか)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

  • Magistrate

The magistrate deals with minor offences and holds preliminary hearings for more serious cases. The more serious cases like murder are presided over by a judge. They both see to the administration of justice in a court of law. Some courts use a selected jury as well, and other courts rely on the magistrate or judge for a final decision.
"Magistrate" は、軽犯罪の裁判や、重罪の予備審問を担当します。 殺人などより重い罪の裁判は "Judge" が担当します。 どちらも、裁判が適正に行われるように監視する人です。 裁判所によって、"Jury"(陪審員)を選任するところと、"Magistrate" または "Judge" が判決を下すところとがあります。
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • A judge

  • A magistrate

The judge sat in front of the defendant considering his verdict. A judge is the person in charge of proceedings in a high court of law. A magistrate is a lower level judge, in local courts, dealing with lesser crimes The woman that was caught shoplifting was up in front of the magistrate, she was fined £100 and told to carry out 60 hours of community service. The judge passed sentence on the guilty defendant. A jury is made up of 12 members of the public who are randomly chosen to hear the evidence in court and decide on a persons guilt or innocence, the judge then passes sentence. The jury came back with a 'not guilty' verdict after 12 hours deliberating.
The judge sat in front of the defendant considering his verdict.(裁判官は被告人の前に座り判決を検討した) "judge" は、高等裁判者の裁判官をいいます。 "magistrate" は、簡易裁判所の裁判官をいいます。 The woman that was caught shoplifting was up in front of the magistrate, she was fined £100 and told to carry out 60 hours of community service.(裁判官は万引で捕まった女性に罰金100ポンドと60時間の社会奉仕活動を命じた) The judge passed sentence on the guilty defendant.(裁判官は有罪の被告に刑を言い渡した) "jury" は、一般から無作為に選ばれた12人で構成される「陪審員」のことで、裁判で有罪か無罪かを判断します。"judge"(裁判官)はこれを受けて刑を言い渡します。 The jury came back with a 'not guilty' verdict after 12 hours deliberating.(陪審員は12時間にわたる評議を終え、無罪の判断をした)
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • The judge presided over the commission of inquiryinto the cases.

  • The judge's guilty verdict was final.

  • Court was adjourned to a later date.

In courts of law, judges preside over all cases that are held therein.The judge listens to both parties, that is, the plaintiff and the defendant.The plaintiff is the one that brings a case against the defendant.The plaintiff has a legal obligation to present evidence of the defendant's wrong doing.The non availability of evidence significantly weakens the plaintiff's case against the defendant.The defendant has a legal obligation to prove that he/she has been wrongly accused.A judge may also preside over commissions of inquiry. A judge can decide to adjourn a case to a later date if either the plaintiff or the defendant requests to be given more time to gather evidence. The judge may ask: What evidence has the plaintiff brought to prove that the defendant committed the crime? Plaintiff:Your Honour, we are still looking for the murder weapon and hope to find it soon. Judge:How much more time do you want the court to give you? Plaintiff: Your Honour, one month would be considered adequate. Judge:I will give the plaintiff until the 15th of September.This court is adjourned and will resume at 10.00 am on the 15th of September, 2019.
"judge"(裁判官)とは裁判を指揮する人です。"judge" は、原告と被告双方の言い分を聞きます。原告(plaintiff)とは、訴えを起こす側のことです。原告は被告の悪事を証明する証拠を示さなければなりません。証拠がない場合、有罪を勝ち取ることはとても難しいです。 一方、被告(defendant)は自らの無罪を証明しなければなりません。 "judge"(裁判官)は、調査委員会(commission of inquiry)を指揮することもあります。 "judge"(裁判官)は、被告あるいは原告側の求めに応じて、裁判の開催を延期することがあります。 裁判官:What evidence has the plaintiff brought to prove that the defendant committed the crime?(原告には被告の有罪を証明する証拠がありますか) 原告:Your Honour, we are still looking for the murder weapon and hope to find it soon.(裁判官、私たちはまだ凶器を捜索中です) 裁判官:How much more time do you want the court to give you?(どのくらいの時間が必要ですか) 原告:Your Honour, one month would be considered adequate.(1カ月あれば十分だと思います) 裁判官:I will give the plaintiff until the 15th of September. This court is adjourned and will resume at 10.00 am on the 15th of September, 2019.(原告に9月15日までの猶予を与えます。裁判は中断し、2019年9月15日午前10時に再開します)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "Judge"

This person's occupation is a "Judge". Example sentence: I found the judge on my case to be inefficient at his job and I do not believe that he was good at his job. Dialogue: I really did not like that judge.
この人の職業は "Judge" です。 例文: I found the judge on my case to be inefficient at his job and I do not believe that he was good at his job. (私の事件を担当したあの裁判官は無能だと思う。いい仕事をしたとは思わない) I really did not like that judge. (あの裁判官のことは本当に嫌いだった)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

The title of this job occupation is a, "judge." Example sentence : - When I was younger, I wanted to be a judge. - I think being a judge is a very respectable career. Example dialog : - What did you get a ticket for? - I got a ticket for speeding? - Oh no! Do you have to pay a fine or see a judge in court? - I can pay a fine, but I will go in front of a judge and ask for a lower payment. Related words : - Courthouse : The location where you typically visit judges for court hearings. - Courtroom : The location inside of a court house where you speak to the judge. - Gavel : The small hammer that a judge has. - To plead guilty or innocent : When you tell the judge if the accused crime is correct or not.
この仕事の肩書は "judge"(裁判官)です。 例文: - When I was younger, I wanted to be a judge.(若い頃は裁判官になりたいと思っていた) - I think being a judge is a very respectable career.(裁判官はとても立派な職業だと思う) 会話例: - What did you get a ticket for?(何の切符を切られたの?) - I got a ticket for speeding?(スピード違反だよ) - Oh no! Do you have to pay a fine or see a judge in court?(え!罰金を払うの?それとも裁判?) - I can pay a fine, but I will go in front of a judge and ask for a lower payment.(いや、罰金でもいいんだけど、裁判で罰金を下げてもらおうかなと思ってる) 関連語句: - Courthouse : 裁判を受けに行く場所。裁判所。 - Courtroom : 裁判所(Courtroom)内にある、裁判官が裁判を行う場所。法廷。 - Gavel : 裁判官が持つ小さなハンマー。小槌。 - To plead guilty or innocent : 裁判官に有罪または無罪を主張すること。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • judge

The occupation of the person in the picture is a "judge." While there are specific types of judges, this is the general term and the most useful. For example: "I think I'm interested in becoming a judge." "You do realize that you'll have to go to school for 12 years, right?" "Yes, but I think it will be worth it." I hope that this helps :)
この写真の人の職業は "judge"(裁判官)です。より具体的に説明する言葉もありますが、"judge" が最も一般的で、使いやすいです。 例えば: "I think I'm interested in becoming a judge."(裁判官の仕事に興味があります) "You do realize that you'll have to go to school for 12 years, right?"(12年間学校に通わないといけないんだよ、分かってる?) "Yes, but I think it will be worth it."(はい、でもその価値はあると思う)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

  • Justice

A person whose occupation is to preside/oversee cases is called a "judge" or a "justice". A judge is usually found in the lower courts and a Justice is usually found in the supreme (that is the highest) court. You may use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -I studied law because I want to become a judge one day. -The supreme court in our country has eleven justices.
裁判を取り仕切る人は "judge"(裁判官)または "justice"(同)と呼ばれます。 "judge" は普通、下級裁判所の裁判官をいいます。 "justice" は最高裁判所の裁判官です。 これらの語は文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -I studied law because I want to become a judge one day.(いつか裁判官になりたいので、法律を勉強しています) -The supreme court in our country has eleven justices.(私たちの国の最高裁判所は11人の裁判官で構成されます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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