世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2019/01/16 22:08
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  • Did you go anywhere?

  • Did you go anywhere over the break?

"Did you go anywhere?"はそのままの 「どっか行った?」になります。 ちなみにカジュアルな会話でも丁寧な会話でも使えます。 「休みの日何してた?どっか行った?」 "What did you do over the break? Did you go anywhere?" 「休みの日どっか行った?」 "Did you go anywhere over the break?"
  • "Did you go anywhere?"

  • "Did you go anywhere during your free time this weekend?"

Whilst having a discussion with someone about what activities they got up to during the long weekend, you could ask "Did you go anywhere during your free time this weekend?" . This is a direct and open question, it creates a dialogue and allows you to know if this person did anything significant.
長い週末に何をしたか話しているときに、次のように聞けます。 "Did you go anywhere during your free time this weekend?" (今週末は暇な時間にどこか行きましたか) これは単刀直入でオープンな(自由に答えられる)質問です。相手とのやりとりの始まりとなり、週末に何か特別なことをしたかどうか確認することができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • What did you get up to this past long weekend?

  • What did you do this past long weekend?

  • Did you do anything this past weekend?

If you would like to ask someone what they did on the long weekend, you may use the sentences above to aid you. You can also ask by saying the following: "What were your plans this past long weekend?" "Where did you go this past long weekend?" "Did you do anything special this past weekend?"
長い週末休暇に何をしたか尋ねたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 次のように尋ねることもできます。 "What were your plans this past long weekend?"(連休は何をしましたか) "Where did you go this past long weekend?"(連休はどこに行きましたか) "Did you do anything special this past weekend?"(週末は何か特別なことをしましたか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • How was your weekend?

  • What did you get up to?

  • Did you do much this weekend?

In conversation it is polite to ask what someone has been doing since you saw them last, in this example asking what they did on the weekend and wether or not they had a good time. You can ask ''how was your weekend?'' and expect a 'good' or 'bad' response, ''what did you get up to?'', for this question you can expect a more detailed answer about what they have been doing and ''did you do much this weekend?'' you can expect to hear about how busy someones weekend has or hasn't been.
会話では、最後に会ってから何をしていたか尋ねるのは礼儀です。この場合は、週末に何をしていたかや良い週末であったかどうかを尋ねます。 ''how was your weekend?''(週末はどうでしかたか) これには「良かった」や「悪かった」の返答が返ってきます。 ''what did you get up to?''(何をしましたか) これには、より詳細な返答が返ってくると思います。 ''did you do much this weekend?''(週末は忙しかったですか) これは、週末が忙しかったかどうか尋ねます。
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • What did you get up to... over the long weekend?

  • I was wondering what you got up to, over the long weekend break?

It's a bit of an idiom...What did you get up to? OR ...What are you up to? This is commonly used and simply means tell me about your activities ;-D Are you up to anything next weekend? They got up to a lot of mischief on the spring break holiday... What are you up to next Saturday? (let me know your plans?)
ちょっとしたイディオムです...What did you get up to? あるいは...What are you up to? これはシンプルに「あなたの活動について教えてください」という意味で、よく使われます。 Are you up to anything next weekend?(次の週末は何をする予定ですか) They got up to a lot of mischief on the spring break holiday...(彼らは春休みにたくさん悪さをしました) What are you up to next Saturday?(次の土曜日は何をする予定ですか)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Did you do anything interesting and go somewhere this past long weekend?

  • Did you do anything or go anywhere this past long weekend?

When you want to ask someone if they did or went anywhere during the long weekend; then you can explain in the following ways: -Did you do anything interesting and go somewhere this past long weekend? -Did you do anything or go anywhere this past long weekend?
連休中にどこかに行ったりしたか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Did you do anything interesting and go somewhere this past long weekend?(連休中は何か面白いことをしましたか) -Did you do anything or go anywhere this past long weekend?(連休中はどこかに行ったりしましたか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I went to visit my friends in New York during the holiday. Where did you go?

  • Did you have a nice holiday? Did you go anywhere?

  • I love traveling on holidays. How about you?

I went to visit my friends in New York during the holiday. Where did you go? Did you have a nice holiday? Did you go anywhere? I love traveling on holidays. How about you? Are you planning on going anywhere during the holiday? We have a holiday coming up, are you going anywhere? Did you go anywhere during the recent holiday? Where did you go for the holiday?
I went to visit my friends in New York during the holiday. Where did you go?(私は休暇の間にニューヨークの友達を訪ねました。あなたはどこに行きましたか) Did you have a nice holiday? Did you go anywhere?(休暇はどうでしたか。どこか行きましたか) I love traveling on holidays. How about you?(私は休暇に旅行をするのが大好きです。あなたはどうですか) Are you planning on going anywhere during the holiday?(休暇の間にどこかに行く予定はありますか) We have a holiday coming up, are you going anywhere?(もうすぐ休暇ですが、どこかに行く予定はありますか) Did you go anywhere during the recent holiday?(この間の休暇にはどこかに行きましたか) Where did you go for the holiday?(休暇にはどこに行きましたか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Did you go anywhere?

Did you go anywhere? どこか行きましたか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 例: What did you do over the weekend? Did you go anywhere? 週末は何をしましたか?どこか行きましたか? お役に立てればうれしいです。
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