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食べ物でアレルギーや食べれないものがあれば教えてください という様な表現をいくつかあれば知りたいです。
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2019/01/17 10:04
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  • "If you have any allergies or foods you can't eat, please let me know"

  • "Please let me know if you have any allergies so I am aware"

If you want to enquire and ask someone whether they have any allergies, you can state "Please let me know if you have any allergies so I am aware". This shows that you wish to know whether they have any healthy problems which could negatively impact them if they were to come into contact with it.
人に何かアレルギーがあるかどうか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Please let me know if you have any allergies so I am aware" (何かアレルギーがあれば教えてください) これは、接触すると何か健康上の問題を生じるものがあるかどうか尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • If you have any kind of food allergies or foods you can't eat please let me know.

  • Please let me know if you're allergic to or cannot eat any foods.

どちらも「食べ物にアレルギーがあるか、食べれないものがあれば、教えてください。」という言い方です。 1) If you have any kind of food allergies or foods you can't eat please let me know. 2) Please let me know if you're allergic to or cannot eat any foods. 「食物アレルギー」は、food allergies や allergic to xxx と言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • If you're allergic to anything please let me know.

  • Advise me of any allergies you have.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you want to know of any allergies they may have. In the second sentence you will see the word advise. This means to let one know about something. This is a word that is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、アレルギーがあれば教えて欲しいと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には "advise" という単語が使われています。"advise" は「〔人に〕知らせる」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any allergies?

  • Is there anything you can't eat?

"Do you have any allergies?" A casual question, asking whether they have any 'allergies', anything they cannot consume,touch,smell or be exposed to as they will have an allergic reaction, ex. "I am allergic to peanuts". "Is there anything you can't eat?" Used alongside asking if they have any allergies, this can be used to see if they can eat meat or even if they don't like a certain food.
"Do you have any allergies?" (アレルギーはありますか?) 相手に食べたり、触ったり、匂いをかいだり、または関わることでアレルギー反応が出るものがあるかどうかを聞くカジュアルな質問です。 例: "I am allergic to peanuts"(ピーナツアレルギーがあります) "Is there anything you can't eat?" (食べられないものはありますか?)  アレルギーがあるか一緒に聞くことで、お肉を食べることができるのか、もしくは特定の食べ物を食べることができないのかを確かめるのに使うことができます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know if you have any food allergies or foods that you can't eat.

  • If you have any food allergies or foods you can't eat, please let me know.

  • Please let me know if you're allergic to any food.

If you need to find out whether someone is allergic to any foods, the above sentences are what you need to ask. Sentences 1 and 2 are more formal ways of asking whether someone has any food allergies. These sentences would be used if you were a caterer (a private food provider for an event) or maybe a waiter or waitress at a restaurant. Sentence 3 is a more informal way of asking and, while it can be used in one of the above scenarios, it would be more likely to be used if you're hosting a meal with/for friends.
ある人が食べ物のアレルギーがあるかどうかを調べる必要があるときは、これらのフレーズを使うといいでしょう。 例文1と2はよりフォーマルな表現です。これらは、もしあなたがケーターや、ウエイターやウエイトレス(イベントで食べ物を提供する人)なら使うことができます。   例文3は、ややカジュアルで、友達を食事に招待するようなときに使うことができます。
Gabrielle U DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know of any allergies you might have.

  • Do you have any allergies? It is imperative that you let me know.

  • Please make me aware of any allergies you have.

The above sentences can be used to inquire about someone's allergies. The second sentence is the most urgent because it contains the word 'imperative'. Food allergies can be dangerous so it is imperative that you inform any doctor, chef or anyone medicating you aware of your allergies. Food hypersensitivity: an immune system reaction to certain foods, it could be dangerous. Imperative: of outmost importance
これらの文は、アレルギーがあるかどうかを聞く表現です。 2つ目の文は、'imperative'(必須の)という言葉が使われているので、最も緊急性のある表現です。 食物アレルギーはとても危険になることもあるので、医者、調理師、薬を出す人などにアレルギーのことを伝えるのは必須です。   Food hypersensitivity: 食物過敏症 Imperative: 必須、重要なこと
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • If you are intollerant to any food, please tell me

  • Please tell me if you have any food allergies.

You want to say something like "If you have any allergies or foods you can't eat, please let me know". One of the above examples may suit.
"If you have any allergies or foods you can't eat, please let me know"(食べられない食べ物やアレルギーがあれば教えてください)のようなことを言いたいということなら、上記の例の一つが使えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know if you are allergic to anything or can't eat certain foods.

Please let me know if you are allergic to anything or can't eat certain foods. アレルギーや食べられない食材がある場合は教えてください。 上記のように英語で言うことができます。 please let me know で「言ってくださいね」といったニュアンスになります。 allergic で「アレルギーがある」となります。 can't eat で「食べられない」です。
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