世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2015/11/20 10:11
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  • You're early today.

とても簡単なフレーズです! ちなみに「今日は遅いね」は You're late today.
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • You're early today.

You're early today. 今日は早いね。 親しい人に対してなら: What a surprise, you're early today! びっくり、今日は早いね! Well this is unusual, you're early. こりゃ珍しい、君が早く出社するなんて。 みたいな感じで冗談っぽく言っても良いですね!言い方によっては嫌味っぽくなるので注意ですけど。笑
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Wow, you're early today!

  • What has brought you in early today?

Wow, you're early today! 今日は早いね! →(時間帯が)早い=earlyで大丈夫です。(スピードが)速い=fastと間違えないよう注意! What has brought you in early today? 今日はなぜ早いの? →早いね!どうしたの?という驚きの気持ちを含んでいるので質問を考えてみました!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • You're early today

  • What happened?

You're early today - you are early today. What happened? (humorous) - What happened that you are so early today?
You're early today - あなたは今日は早い。 What happened? (ユーモラスな) - 今日はそんなに早く来てどうしたの?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • You are much earlier than usual today.

  • Fancy seeing you at this time of day.

  • I am suprised to see you at this time.

The first expression here is very direct. The other comments are not so direct but show that you are suprised by the fact that your colleague has arrived to work early.
最初の表現は直接的な言い方です。 他の表現は、同僚が早く出社したことに驚いたという表現になります。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • A) You're quite early today!

  • B) You're here earlier than usual .

A) You're quite early today! *Quite early - Extremely/very early *You're - you are B) You're here earlier than usual . *Usual - normal /regularly I hope this helps :-)
A) You're quite early today! (今日はとても早いね!) *Quite early - Extremely/very early (非常に/とても早い) *You're - you are B) You're here earlier than usual . (いつもより早いね) *Usual - normal /regularly (通常 /いつも) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • You're up with the birds!

  • The early bird catches the worm, eh?

"You're up with the birds!" means that this person has woken at the same time as the dawn chorus - when the birds wake and sing. It is just a comment that does not require a reply, although a reply may be given. "Yes, I decioded to get in before the rush hour and catch up with some paperwork." "Theb early bird catches the worm." This a British idiom meaning those who start early are more successful than those who do not.
"You're up with the birds!" 鳥が起きて歌を歌い始めるころと同じタイミングで起きることを意味します。特に返事を求めるような言葉ではありませんが、返事もあるかもしれませんね。例えば "Yes, I decided to get in before the rush hour and catch up with some paperwork." ああ、ラッシュアワー前には出社してペーパーワークをしようと決めたんだ。 "The early bird catches the worm." これはイギリスの言葉で、早起きは三文の徳という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What a surprise! you're early today.

1. "What a surprise! you're early today." If your co-worker does not come to work early on a regular basis, and one day he comes to work early. you may be very surprised. You can therefore use this statement to express your surprise at his/her early arrival.
1. "What a surprise! you're early today." (驚いた!今日は早いですね!) 同僚が定期的に早くきて仕事をしない人で、ある日、早く仕事に来たらとても驚くかもしれません。 したがって、この言い方を使って、彼/彼女の早期到着を驚いている様子を表現をすることができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • You're early today

  • I am suprised to see you at this time

If you want to tell him that he is early today, feel free to use any of these sentences because both of them express the same idea. The first one is a more neutral response, though.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • You're early today.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「You're early today.」 =今日は早いね。 (例文)You're early today. What happened? (訳)今日は早いね。何かあったの? (例文)You're early today.// Yeah I was too nervous and I couldn't sleep. (訳)今日は早いね。//うん、緊張しすぎて寝れなかった。 便利な単語: early 早い お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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