世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2015/11/20 10:28
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  • I feel that we are not meant to be.

  • I think remaining in this relationship will end up hurting us both.

  • I think it's best we go our separate ways.

A)I feel that we are not meant to be. -> We do not belong together. B)I think remaining in this relationship will end up hurting us both. -> This relationship is unhealthy. C)I think it's best we go our separate ways. -> We need to stop seeing each other / cut ties/ go our separate ways.
A)I feel that we are not meant to be. -> We do not belong together. A)私たちは運命で結ばれてはいないと感じるんです。 - >私たちは一緒にいるべきじゃない。 B)I think remaining in this relationship will end up hurting us both. -> This relationship is unhealthy. B)この関係でいると私たち両方が傷つくことになると思います。 >この関係は良くありません C)I think it's best we go our separate ways. -> We need to stop seeing each other / cut ties/ go our separate ways." C)私たちは別々の道を行くほうが良い思う。 - >私たちはお互い見ることをやめ/締めをつけ、それぞれの道へ行く。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • This is going nowhere.

  • This is an unhealthy relationship.

This is going nowhere. 「この関係はどこにも行き着かない」。つまり、先行きの見えない状態を表しています。 This is an unhealthy relationship. お互いを傷つけあってしまっている状態の時に使えます。付き合いが長くなってついつい言ってはいけない事を言ってしまったり、思いやりに欠けてしまったりという時もありますよね…:( 「お互いにとって良くないよ」は it's not good for both of us .です
  • We don't have to drag this out

  • Let's just call it quits

  • Let's agree to disagree

*We don't have to drag this out = ズルズル引きずる事もないんじゃない? We shouldn'tでもいいですし、drag this onでもいいです。 *Let's just call it quits = もうやめにしようよ *Let's agree to disagree = あなたの意見には賛成しないけど、ここはお互いの意見を尊重して事を進めよう これだと質問者さんの別れの例に当てはまらないかもしれませんが、よく使われる語呂のいいフレーズなんで覚えておくと便利です。勿論恋愛のシチュエーションでなくても使えます。
  • It's not working out anymore.

  • I think we should go our separate ways.

  • This is unproductive. / This is an unproductive relationship.

1. It's not working out anymore. 「work out 」は、 「work:働く、作動する、取り組む、機能する」+「out:外に向かって」という単語の組み合わせなので、 「問題を解く」や「運動をする」など、色々な日本語を表すことができる言葉です。 ここでは「(対人関係などが)うまくいく」という意味で使われています。 「It's not working out anymore.」=「直訳:もううまく機能していないね。→ 私たちもうダメだね。」 2.I think we should go our separate ways. 「should」は、動詞に「~すべきだ、~した方が良い」と、誰かに行動を促したり、助言を与えたりするニュアンスを足す役割をします。 「separate」=「別々の」「way」=「道」。 「I think we should go our separate ways.」=「直訳:私たちは別々の道を行く方が良いと私は思う。→ 別れた方が良いと思う。」 3.This is unproductive. / This is an unproductive relationship. 「productive(生産的な)」に、否定や打消しを表す「un」がついて、「unproductive (非生産的な)」。 unproductive relationship(s) とは、非生産的な関係、何も生み出さない関係のこと。 unproductive 以外でrelationship と一緒によく使われる、ネガティヴな人間関係を表すものに、 unhealthy relationship(s) 不健全な人間関係 toxic relationship(s) 有害な人間関係 などがあります。どちらも恋愛関係のシチュエーションでもよく使われますが、恋愛に限らずネガティヴな人間関係において使うことができます。 ご参考になれば嬉しいです(^^)
Akane 英会話講師/通訳/バイリンガルMC
  • I have to be honest with you. This just isn't working.

  • I don't know exactly how you feel at the moment, but I can't go on like this.

  • We're killing each other. We need to split up!

'Honesty is the best policy' and there is no easy way to say this. Here are three options.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I think we both have to move on as this relationship is not working out.

  • This relationship is not going anywhere.

  • I don't think that we are right for each other.

Not working out and not going anywhere means the relationship is failing. Move on implies the relationship has to end so that both parties can be free to find someone who is better suited.
Not working/not going anywhereとは、関係がうまく言っていないことを意味します。 Move onとは、関係が終わらせ、当事者同士より適した人を見つけることを示唆します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • My view is that this relationship is doomed to fail.

  • We should basically end this relationship because its going nowhere.

  • I think we should split up for our own good because this relationship has reached the end of the road.

When two lovers feel that their relationship is not working out as it should, that they can not go on as lovers because they are not understanding each other, the best thing to do is to end it. One of them has to take the initiative and say it. Its no use pretending that the relationship will work out. So, should this be the case with you, you may say to your lover: My view is that this relationship is doomed to fail. (It has no chance of success whatsoever) or We should basically end this relationship because its going nowhere. or I think we should split for our own good because this relationship has reached the end of the road. (When you reach the end of the road, you can't go further)
二人の恋人が自分たちの関係が思うように上手く行ってないと感じる時があります。 それはお互いを理解し合えないという事なので恋人同士ではいられなくなりますよね。 一番いいのは、終わらせてしまう事です。 どちらかが率先して切り出すといいですね。 関係が上手くいっているふりをする意味はありません。 ですので、あなたがこのようーな状態の場合は、恋人に次のように伝えることが出来ます。 【例】 My view is that this relationship is doomed to fail. (この関係はうまくいかない運命にあると思います) (何があってもうまくいかないでしょう) We should basically end this relationship because its going nowhere. (上手くいかないのでこの関係を終わらせましょう) I think we should split for our own good because this relationship has reached the end of the road. (お互いの為に別れましょう、この関係はもう限界だわ) (あなたが"the end of the road"にたどり着いたらそれ以上は進めませんね)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I feel like this is not working for both of us.

  • I feel like this relationship is toxic for both of us.

1.I feel like this is not working for both of us. - This means that after you have thought about the relationship you feel like it will not work and it is best if you both quit. 2.I feel like this relationship is toxic for both of us. - If something is toxic for you it means that it is not good for both of you. It maybe dangerous because you are always fighting all the time.
1.I feel like this is not working for both of us. - これは、今の関係がうまくいかないのだと思い、別れるのが一番だと思っているという意味です。 2.I feel like this relationship is toxic for both of us. -toxic for youは、二人にとって良くないという意味になります。 いつも喧嘩ばかりしているようなら、危険かもしれませんね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This is an unhealthy relationship.

  • I don't think we should continue this relationship.

  • I think we should stop this relationship.

When talking about ending a relationship we can talk with this other person by saying that it's an, "unhealthy relationship." We can talk about not continuing the relationship by using the verb, "to continue." We can also use the verb, "to stop," to express that we think the relationship should end.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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