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2019/03/02 12:23
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  • Video games

テレビ[ゲーム]( は英語では "Video games" となります。「テレビゲーム」は、家庭用テレビの受信装置に接続し、映像と声でゲームを表現するものを指します。これはゲームがビデオ(映像)上でプレイされることから、「ビデオゲーム」という表現が使われます。 特定のゲーム機(例えばプレイステーションやニンテンドースイッチなど)を指すときは、"video game console" または "video game system" を使います。ソニーのプレイステーションや任天堂のスイッチなどは具体的には "video game console" や "video game system" に分類されます。 うまく使い分けると、例えば "My favorite video game on the Nintendo Switch is The Legend of Zelda."(私がニンテンドースイッチで一番好きなビデオゲームはゼルダの伝説です)のような表現が可能です。 一方、あなたが遊ぶゲーム自体を指すときは "video game" を使います。例えば、"I am playing a video game on my PlayStation."(私はプレイステーションでビデオゲームをしている)といった具体的な表現が考えられます。 仮にあなたがどのゲームがお気に入りかを尋ねる場合は、「What's your favorite video game?」(あなたの好きなビデオゲームは何ですか?)と尋ねることができます。 参考に!
  • Videogames

日本だとテレビ[ゲーム](って言ってるけど英語は全然違う。英語だはvideo gamesになります。 テレビゲームだったらTV game. 意味はなんとなくわかるけどvideo gameにしたら世界中の人皆がわかります。 私子供からずっとテレビゲームをやってました Ive played games since I was a child 私の一番[好き](なテレビゲームはシエンムー My favourite video game is SHenmue My favourite game is Sgenmue
  • Video Games

  • Playstation games//Xbox games//Nintendo switch games

  • Computer games

In english, games is a widely used term. Games, mostly means physical games, since physical games have been around much longer than video games, so it would normally, automatically mean football, baseball, basketball, or other team/solo games. But in recent years, board games and video games have become so popular than we can use the word games, for these activities too. Games like monopoly, twister, and video games, like Xbox and Playsation games.
Lewis M English teacher
  • video games

こんにちは。 「テレビゲーム」は英語で video games と言えます。 TV game と言ってもなんとなく意味は通じると思いますが、一般的には video games と呼ばれます。 【例】 I love playing video games. 「私はゲームで遊ぶのが大好きです」 Do you play video games? 「あなたはゲームをしますか?」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Video games

  • Computer games

  • Gaming consoles

Games played on Playstation, Nintendo Switch etc are called Video Games or Computer Games. People who play these games on a regular basis are called 'gamers' and the action of playing is called 'gaming'. Video games are played using 'gaming consoles'.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Video games

You can use the above word to describe 'PlayStation, Nintendo and Switch games' Example; - My mom always complains that I play too much video games. - My favorite video game is PlayStation 2.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Video games

Video games are played on different consoles like: X-box, PlayStation, Nintendo, etc. There are different types of video games you can play, like: sports games, action games, racing games, etc. Video games are popular for kids and teenagers.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • video games

  • Many teenagers play video games too much.

Games that are played on consoles (Playstation, Nintendo Switch, etc.) are called 'video games.' Games that are played on a computer instead of a console are called 'computer games.'
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Video games

The type of games that you play on electronic devices such as a computer, Playstation, etc. would be called, "video games." Example sentences : - I love playing video games after school/work. - Sometimes I feel like I'm addicted to Video games.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • video game

  • computer game

  • game

ご質問ありがとうございます。 テレビゲーム は英語で video game と訳出します。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • A) Video games

  • B) Computer games

  • C) Lets play some Psp /Nintedo switch

A) Video games " He is addicted to playing video games " B) Computer games " I prefer playing computer games rather than xbox" C) Lets play some Psp /Nintedo switch " Let's play some PSP" - PSP = PlayStation Portable, also known as playstation The term "Video game " is most commonly used. i hope this helps :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Computer games.

  • Video games

Have you got the new video game that came out on Friday? No, what is it like? It is amazing, it is the best one yet, you have to try it out. A conversation of sorts. Try it out with your friend. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Video games

  • Computer games

Games that you play on Playstation and Nintendo etc are commonly known as 'video games'. Of course, also, if you play on PC or laptop, then these games may also be referred to as 'computer games'. In fact, no matter which form of device you play these games on, you may also call them 'computer games'. "Johns playing computer games on his Nintendo'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • video games

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「video games」 =テレビゲーム (例文)I love to play video games. (訳)テレビゲームをするのが大好きです。 (例文)Do you play video games?//Yes. (訳)テレビゲームしますか?//はい。 便利な単語: video ビデオ games ゲーム お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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