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2019/04/07 18:19
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  • lukewarm

暖かさのグラデーションは以下の通りです。 暑い・熱い → hot 暖かい → warm ぬるい → lukewarm 寒い・冷たい → cold lukewarmは普通、液体を表すのに使います。 例 このコーヒーぬるいよ。 This coffee is lukewarm.
  • Warm

  • Luke warm

Warm is the temperature of water that is in between hot water and cold water. This temperature is ideal for showers, baths, swimming, etc, because it is not at one of the extremes, (hot or cold), so it is a comfortable water temperature to do these activities in.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • lukewarm

  • room temperature

Lukewarm is the temperature of water between hot and cold. The levels of temperature go: -Hot -Warm -Lukewarm -Cold Another way to describe this temperature is room temperature. Since rooms are usually never too hot or too cold, we use this English to refer to water that is not too hot or too cold.
Dajsha DMM英会話講師
  • Lukewarm

ぬるいはlukewarmといいます。発音はルークワームです。 水の場合で使うと思います。リアクションの反応でも使える。 この水はぬるいから飲まない This water is lukewarm so I cant drink it His reaction was lukewarm so I dont think he was really interested 彼のリアクションは微妙だったから興味ないと思います。
  • temperate

  • cool

  • warm

If weather is neither hot nor cold, there are a few ways to describe it: -cool: if the weather could be described as more cold than hot, but still nice, native speakers say that the weather is 'cool' -warm: if the weather could be described as more hot than cold, but still nice, native speakers say that the weather is 'warm' -if a place has not hot/cold weather all year round, thee climate can be described as 'temperate' EX) California has a temperate climate.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • warm

  • tepid

  • lukewarm

Warm is the most commonly used word to describe a temperature which is between hot and cold. 'The shower is warm.' Tepid can also be used to describe a liquid that is between hot and cold. For example, if water is moderately warm, you can say, 'the water in the bathtub is tepid.' Tepid is a temperature that is colder than warm but warmer than cold. Lukewarm is another word that can be used and is mostly associated with things being at room temperature. For example, 'my hot chocolate is lukewarm.'
Thalia T DMM英会話講師
  • lukewarm

「ぬるい」はlukewarmと言います(*^_^*) 例) This water is lukewarm. 「このお湯はぬるい」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • Tepid

  • Lukewarm

  • Room temperature

The middle temperature between hot and cold is best described using one of the above- mentioned suggestions. Of course you could also vary the description a little as in this example: "The water was barely warm to the touch"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tepid

  • Lukewarm

Tepid means that the water is not icy cold but its not hot or very warm either. Lukewarm or warmish is another term for this. Example sentences: I take tepid showers in summer. The words 'tepid' or 'lukewarm''can also be used to describe someone's attitude. It describes negative feelings towards someone that you are not really very fond of or it can describe how you feel about something. Example: - She gave him a tepid greeting. - The team's reaction was very tepid when they heard who their new manager was. - He gave me a lukewarn smile.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • lukewarm

  • room temperature

ぬるい飲み物などは、"luke warm"と言います。 これは、「なま温かい、あたたかい」という意味です。 例文:This soup is lukewarm. Let's heat it up again. このスープぬるいね。もう一度温めよう。 This room is set at room temperature この部屋は、常温で温めています。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Warm.

  • Lukewarm.

Water that is in-between hot and cold is called warm, generally, but sometimes we call it lukewarm. Just so you know why, and don't add peoples' names to random things when speaking English, here is the reason, late Middle English: from dialect luke (probably from dialect lew ‘lukewarm’ and related to lee) + warm. Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Lukewarm

  • Room temperature

When a liquid such as water is neither hot nor cold we might use the word, "room temperature," to describe something like this; however, the correct term would be, "lukewarm." Example sentences : - I hate drinking lukewarm water. - Don't worry, the water is at room temperature.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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