世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/05/15 20:08
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  • standard of living

Raising our standard of living is easy, but lowering it is difficult. 生活水準をあげるのは簡単だが、落とすのは難しい。 是非使ってみてください!
  • living standard

生活水準は living standard といいます。 The living standard of the people in that country is high. 「その国の国民の生活水準は高い」
  • A high/low standard of living.

  • Quality of life

  • Economic and social wellbeing

"People living in an advanced economy usually have a high standard of living." "My quality of life has improved since I started work." The standard of living is closely associated with 'quality of life.'
「先進経済に住む人々は、通常生活水準が高い」 「仕事を始めてから、私の生活の質は向上しました」 生活水準は「生活の質 'quality of life.'」と密接に関連しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • standard of living

  • quality of life

  • hard to adjust to a drop in the standard of life

examples "i think it's easy to raise your standard of living. It's harder to get used to a drop in the quality of living". or "it's easier to go up the ladder than fall back down". or It's hard to adjsut to a lower quality of living when you have been used to a higher standard of living".
例 "I think it's easy to raise your standard of living. It's harder to get used to a drop in the quality of living". (生活水準を上げるのはかんたんです。生活水準を落とすことはより難しいです。) あるいは "it's easier to go up the ladder than fall back down". (はしごを降りるより昇るほうが簡単です。) または "It's hard to adjsut to a lower quality of living when you have been used to a higher standard of living". (高い生活水準に慣れてしまったら、低い生活水準に慣れることが難しいです。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • standard of living

  • living standards

"Standard of living", is a well known way we can talk about the level at which people can live effectively, happily, and cost efficiently in a certain place. Most often talking about a country/nation.
Standard of living (生活水準) これは、特定の場所で人々が効果的に、幸せに、 コスト効率よく生活しているかどうかのレベルを話す時によく使われる表現ですね。 国の事を話すときに最もよく使われます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • standard of living

  • standard of comfort

  • living standards

"Standard of living" is probably most common, but "standard of comfort" or "living standards" are both understood as the same thing (describing the level of material comfort in a person's life).
"Standard of living" がおそらく最も一般的ですが、"standard of comfort" または"living standards"も同じこととして理解されます(生活における物質的な快適さのレベルを表します)。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • Standard of living

  • Living standard

  • Quality of life

Standard of living the degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community Example Low standard of living High standard of living
Standard of living the degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community Standard of living/Living standard=生活水準。Quality of Life=生活の質。 Example Low standard of living High standard of living ≪例文≫ Low standard of living=低い生活水準。 High standard of living=高い生活水準。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • standard of living

他の方も挙げてらっしゃるように「生活水準」はstandard of livingです。 例) I want to maintain the same standard of living. 「同じ生活水準を保ちたい
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