世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2015/11/26 18:53
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  • I’d like to go on maternity leave

  • Would it be possible to take maternity leave?

  • Can I go on maternity leave?

お願いは丁寧な言い方がいろいろあります。 Can I ~? I’d like to ~. May I ~? Would it be alright if I ~? Would it be possible to ~? それで、産休で休むといことは英語の言い方が2つあります。 go on maternity leave. これは産休で休んでいる状況を始めるということです。 産休中です。 = She’s on maternity leave. take maternity leave. これは産休で休む権利を使うということです。 産休を取っています。 = She’s taking maternity leave.
  • I'd like to take maternity leave.

  • Would it be possible to take maternity leave?

"maternity leave" は「産休」で、「育休」は "parental leave" "child rearing leave" と言います。 I'd like to ~ は「~したいのですが」と割と直接的ですが、Would it be possible to ~ は「~することは可能でしょうか」とワンクッション置いた感じになります。
  • I'd like to take maternity leave please

  • Would it be possible to take maternity leave please

Wjhen asking your work/boss to do something is it always a good idea to be as polite as possible by adding please by asking 'would it be possible' or 'I'd like to take' you are asking them and not telling them which is a better way to ask them for something
会社/上司に何かを求めるときには、'please' を加えてできるだけ丁寧に伝えた方がいいです。 'would it be possible'(可能ですか)または 'I'd like to take'(取りたいです)は、指示ではなくお願いです。何かを求めるときにはこうした言い方の方がいいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to take maternity leave

  • I am hoping to take maternity leave

If you are in a situation where you need to ask to go on maternity leave, it is appropriate to say: "I would like to take..." This is formal and polite. If you are updating people with what you plan to do, you can say: "I am hoping to take..." This is more suitable for situations where you aren't sure if/when it is going to happen.
産休を取らせて欲しいとお願いする場面なら、"I would like to take..."(...を取りたい)と言えます。これはフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。 「休暇を取りたいと思っている」なら、"I am hoping to take..."(...を取りたいと思っている)と言えます。これは、それが実現するかどうか(あるいはいつ実現するか)まだ分からないときに適しています。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to fill in a maternity leave form!

  • I would like to apply for my maternity leave!

At most companies, when we want to go on maternity leave, we have to fill in forms. It helps the company to know exactly when you are leaving so that they can fill your position while you are gone. "I would like to fill in a maternity leave form!" "I would like to apply for my maternity leave!"
ほとんどの会社では産休を取るときには用紙に記入しなければなりません。正確にいつから産休を取るのか分かれば会社はその人の穴を埋めやすくなります。 "I would like to fill in a maternity leave form!"(産休の用紙を記入したいです) "I would like to apply for my maternity leave!"(産休を申し込みたいです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to take a maternity leave.

  • I am pregnant, so I will need to take a maternity leave once I have my baby.

"Maternity leave" is the time off that a mother is given from work to care for her newborn child. Usually it is a couple of weeks. I gave a longer sample for if you need to explain with more detail.
"Maternity leave" は、母親が生まれたばかりの子どもを世話するために取る休暇を言います。これは普通2、3週間です。 詳しく説明しなければならないときのために、少し長めの例もご紹介しました。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • I need to take maternity leave.

  • I need to schedule my maternity leave.

  • I need to schedule my parental leave.

All of these ideas express that you need to take a leave for parenting reasons. The first one is very direct and is just a statement of fact. The last two sentences use the expression "I need to schedule". What this does is simultaneously express the need for a leave and the desire to coordinate the time. This would usually be interpreted as a desire to do this when the sentence is said aloud. In America, maternity leave is also called "parental leave".
これらは、子育てに関する理由で休暇を取らなければならないことを伝える言い方です。 一つ目の例はすごくストレートな言い方で、単純に事実を伝えています。 二つ目と三つ目の例には "I need to schedule"(~の予定を決めないといけない)という表現が使われています。これは、休暇を取らなければならないことと、その予定を決めたいこと、この二つを同時に表しています。普通これは声に出して言うとそれが話し手の願望だと解釈されます。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to take my maternity leave now please

  • I think its time i took my maternity leave

  • Is it possible to take my maternity leave now?

"I think it's time" is a causal and slightly demanding way of asking for something, can be used in many contexts ex. "I think it's time you moved out" "I think it's time for you to buy new shoes as yours are very worn out" "Is it possible?" A commonly used question asking If you can/If you are able "Is it possible you could lend me $20"
"I think it's time" は、何かを求めるときのカジュアルで少し命令的な言い方です。 いろいろな文脈で使われます。 "I think it's time you moved out"(もうそろそろ家を出ないとね) "I think it's time for you to buy new shoes as yours are very worn out"(もうそろそろ新しい靴を買わないとね。ぼろぼろだよ) "Is it possible?" は、あることが可能であるかどうかを尋ねる一般的な質問です。 "Is it possible you could lend me $20"(20ドル貸してもらえますか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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