世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/06/18 14:27
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  • Stay in a vehicle

  • Spend a night in my car

Stay in a vehicle 例: I'm going to stay in a vehicle this weekend! 今週末は車中泊するつもりだよ。 "vehicle"は乗り物の総称として度々使われる単語ですが、もっと特定して"in my car"や"in the bus"や"in the train"などいろいろな言い方ができます! Spend a night in my car →そのまま訳せば、「一晩を車の中で過ごす」となりますがいわゆる車中泊のことを指すことができます!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Slept in the car

  • camping out in the car

  • sleeping in the car

example "we got stuck in snow and had to spend the night in the car". or "we went out and got lost, so we slept in the car". or "we are going to spend the night camping in the car".
【例文】 "We got stuck in snow and had to spend the night in the car". (雪で足止めを食らって、一晩車中泊して過ごしました) "We went out and got lost, so we slept in the car". (出かけて道に迷ってしまい、車中泊しました) "We are going to spend the night camping in the car". (車の中でキャンプするつもりです)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I slept in the car.

  • I spent the night in the car.

  • I stayed all night on the car's recliner.

Most driver's seats can be adjusted to recline and such seats are known as 'recliners'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Spending the night in a car.

  • Sleeping in a car.

Spending the night in a car' is the equivalent to 'sleeping in a car'. Therefore, both answers mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably. _______________________________________________________________________________ You can replace 'a' with 'my' if the car you are sleeping in is yours. _______________________________________________________________________________ Examples A: Where are you sleeping tonight? B: I'm spending the night in my car. A: Where are you staying tonight? B: I'm sleeping in a car tonight.
Spending the night in a car'(車の中で一晩過ごす)とは、'sleeping in a car'(車の中で寝る)と同じ意味になります。 ですので、どちらの表現も同じ意味になるので、どちらを使っても変わりはありません。 _______________________________________________________________________________ もし自分の車で寝るのであれば'a'を'my'に取り換えることが出来ます。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: Where are you sleeping tonight? (今夜どこで寝るの?) B: I'm spending the night in my car.  (車の中で寝るよ) A: Where are you staying tonight?  (今夜は何処に泊まるの?) B: I'm sleeping in a car tonight.   (車の中で寝ます)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to spend a night in my car this weekend.

  • I'm going to stay in my car this weekend.

ご自分の車で一晩を明かすと仮定して 「車中泊」と言いたいときには、 ★stay in my car (車に滞在する) ★spend a night in my car (車で一晩過ごす) このどちらかがよいでしょう。
  • Sleeping in my car.

  • Camper-van.

If you are just spending the night in a car then you would say "I am going to sleep in my car tonight" or "I'm going to spend the night in my car". If you have a vehicle that is specifically designed for sleeping in, with a bed facility, this is called a camper-van in the UK
あなたが単に一晩車内で過ごすだけであれば"I am going to sleep in my car tonight” (私は今夜車の中で寝ます) または "I’m going to spend the night in my car” (私は一晩車内で過ごします) と言います。 もしあなたがベッド付きの、特に寝るために設計された車を所有しているのであれば、それはイギリスでは”camper-van”(キャンピングカー)と呼ばれています。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sleeping in my car tonight.

You can change the end of the sentence from ;tonight; to tomorrow night, next week , next weekend.
文の最後の表現をtonightからtomorrow nightやnext weekendに変えることもできます。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
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