世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/11/08 13:15
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  • We hear multiple languages in this building.

楽しいビルですね♪ ビルの中では、さまざまな言語を聞くことができるという意訳をしています。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • I work for a multilingual company!

Working for an international company, there will be many different languages spoken. "I work for a multilingual company!" "Multi-lingual" meaning that many different languages are being used
国際的な会社で働くと、いろいろな言語が話されていますね。 "I work for a multilingual company!"(私は他言語が使われている起業で働いています。) "multi-lingual"は、たくさんの言語が使われていることを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • You'll hear many languages in our company's building.

  • Various languages can be heard in this building.

こんにちは。 ・You'll hear many languages in our company's building. 「私たちの会社のビルではいろいろな言語が聞こえてきます」 ・Various languages can be heard in this building. 「このビルでは様々な言語が飛び交います」 上記のように言うことができます。 hear「聞こえる」を使って「飛び交う」を表現すると自然かと思います。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • We have people from different nationalities working in our company

  • Employees in our company speak sevaral languages

  • Our company is like the United Nations with many different languages spoken

Because we have different nationalities working in our company it is like the United Nations
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • The company employees speak many different languages.

  • Every second person in this building speaks a different language.

>The company employees speak many different languages. * This indicates that the employees of the company are from different nationalities and speak different languages. >Every second person in this building speaks a different language. *This is saying indirectly that there are many different languages spoken in the building.
The company employees speak many different languages. 様々な種類の国籍と言語を話す従業員のいる会社を示す表現です。 Every second person in this building speaks a different language. 建物の中で様々な言語が話されていることを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Our offices echo to the sound of foreign tongues

  • You will hear languages from all over the world in our company offices

These days, many companies hire foreign staff for a wide variety of reasons. It could be so as to drive expansion of the business into foreign markets; it could be to improve the telephone and online support service of a growing industry; it could be to fill the labour gap left by an ageing population; or it could be because foreign labour is cheaper! Whatever the reason, these days, 'you will hear languages from all over the world being spoken in company offices.'
最近では多くの企業が、外国市場にビジネスを拡大するためなど多種多様な理由で外国人を雇用しています。 成長産業のオンラインサポートや電話サービスを充実させるためかもしれません。 高齢化社会による労働格差を埋めるためかもしれません。 外国人の労働力が安価だからという理由かもしれません! 理由はどうあれ、最近 You will hear languages from all over the world being spoken in company offices. 「会社のオフィスで世界中の言語が話されているのを聞くでしょう」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Various languages are spoken in this building

  • There are many languages spoken in this building

  • You will hear many languages in this building

You can also use the term 'multilingual' meaning many languages are spoken you can also used the term 'various' meaning a variety or many of something By adding this building you are explaining where you hear them spoken
multilingual'という単語も使えます。これは「多数の言語が話されている」という意味です。 'various'という単語も使えます。これは「さまざまな、たくさんの」という意味です。 'this building'(この建物)は、どこで多くの言語が話されるのかを伝えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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