世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2015/12/28 00:42
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  • What do you drink with dinner?

前置詞にwithを使って drink with dinner でシンプルに言うことができます。 なお「普段」というのをわざわざ usually と 必ずしも言う必要はありません。 現在形に「普段する」という意味合いがあるからです。 What do you drink with dinner? 普段、夕食と一緒に何を飲みますか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • What do you usually drink at dinner?

  • In Japan, we have tea at dinner. How about you?

  • I usually have tea at dinner. How about you?

シンプルに1番目の質問で聞いて頂いていいと思います。 2番目は「日本では一般的に」何が飲まれているか、それに対して「あなたは?」という流れになります。 3番目は、実際にご自身がディナーで何を飲まれているかにを伝えてみて、相手は何を飲んでいるかを聞くという手があります。  例えば私の場合、 - I usually drink Perrier or cold Japanese tea at dinner. (本当です。笑) 3番目のメリットは - 例えば、その国の方のディナーでの飲み物の習慣がワインだけど、自分は飲めない場合(←これ私です。笑)、遠まわしに「夕食時にアルコールは飲んでないんだよ」と言ってるので、勧められてもやんわり断ったり出来ます。 - 同じ物(例えばペリエ)が出てくるので安心です。 tea だけいうと「紅茶」の感覚の方もいらっしゃるので、出来れば自分が飲んでいる物を詳細に言う(例:cold oolong tea:冷たいウーロン茶)と更に理解しやくすなるでしょう。 ただ、マニアックな飲み物は詳細すぎるのでほどほどに(^^;)
  • What beverages do you usually have with your dinner in your country.

You can use the sentence above to express yourself. A beverage is a a drink other than water. Therefore you would like to know what liquids they have with dinner.
上記の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 "beverage"とは、水以外の飲み物です。 ですので、どんな飲み物を夕食時に飲んでいるか知りたい、と言うような意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What do you usually drink with dinner?

  • What is the most common dinner drink in your country?

  • What do most people drink with dinner in your country?

While in Japan, most people drink tea or alcohol with dinner, it varies much more in the US. Some people will drink wine, while others may have soda, iced tea, beer or a cocktail. But it is important to realize it not only varies from one person to another, but also from one night to the next. People often like to pair their drinks based on what they are eating, so they might drink beer or soda if eating burgers or pizza, whereas they are more likely to have wine or a cocktail if they are eating a more expensive meal like steak or fish. Therefore, if you ask, "What do you usually drink with dinner?" you will most likely get a reply that is specific to that one person, and it may not be what most people drink in that country. So in order to ask more clearly about that country you could say "What is the most common dinner drink in your country?" The phrase "dinner drink" could be interpreted as an alcoholic beverage, so if you would like to find out about any beverage, than the best way to ask would be "What do most people drink with dinner in your country?"
日本では夕食のときほとんどの人がお茶かお酒を飲むということですが、アメリカではもっとこれは「多様」です。ワインを飲む人もいるでしょうし、炭酸やアイスティー、ビール、カクテルを飲む人もいると思います。もう一つ重要なのは「人」によって違うだけでなく「日」によっても違うということです。食べ物に飲み物を合わせることがよくあります。例えば、「ハンバーガーやピザにはビールや炭酸」、「ステーキや魚など高級なものにはワインやカクテル」のように。 ですから、"What do you usually drink with dinner?"(夕食のときにはいつも何を飲んでいますか)と聞けば、その人が普段飲んでいる飲み物は分かります。ただ、それはその国で一般的に飲まれているものではないかもしれません。その国で一般的に飲まれているものを知りたいなら、"What is the most common dinner drink in your country?"(あなたの国では夕食のとき一般的に何が飲まれていますか)のように言えます。"dinner drink" は「お酒」と解釈されるかもしれません。あらゆる飲み物について聞きたいなら、"What do most people drink with dinner in your country?"(あなたの国では夕食のとき一般的に何が飲まれていますか)がベストです。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • What drink to you take with your dinner?

>What drink to you take with your dinner? *This is a simple way of asking the person what he / she drink with their dinner. ..................... Other sentences a. What is your favorite drink to drink with your dinner. b. In Japan we have tea with our dinner, what do you have in America? .............**.................**
What drink to you take with your dinner? 夕食時にどんな飲み物を飲むか尋ねるときの表現です。 他には以下の表現を使うことができます。 a. What is your favorite drink to drink with your dinner. b. In Japan we have tea with our dinner, what do you have in America?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What do you normally drink with dinner?

  • At dinner time, what do people in your country normally have to drink?

  • What drinks are popular with food in your country?

You may ask the listener about their customary drink at dinner: "What do you normally drink with dinner?" Or, you may ask the listener a more general question about the drinking habits at dinner of people in that country: "At dinner time, what do people in your country normally have to drink?" Or, you may ask even more generally what drinks people enjoy with food, so that would include all meals of the day: "What drinks are popular with food in your country?"
話している相手に夕食の時どのような飲み物を一緒に飲む習慣があるか次のような表現で尋ねる事ができます: "What do you normally drink with dinner?" (あなたはいつも夕食の時に何を飲みますか?) 話している方の国で一般的に夕食時に飲まれる飲み物を聞くこともできます: "At dinner time, what do people in your country normally have to drink?" (あなたの国では夕食時に何がよく飲まれますか?) 更に一般的な習慣を聞くものとして、食事の時にどんな飲み物が好まれるかを 以下のように聞くことができるでしょう: "What drinks are popular with food in your country?" (あなたの国では食事の時、どんな飲み物が人気ですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What do you normally drink with dinner in your country? In my country, we drink wine

It is sort of normal for people in various countries to drink some form of beverage with or after dinner. The drink may be just a cold drink or it may be alcoholic, such as wine. In South Africa, wine is a popular dinner drink. You may have it with dinner or after dinner. For health purposes, it is highly recommended, especially red wine which is believed to improve the heart rate. So, you may say: What do you normally drink with dinner in your country? In my country, we drink wine.
食事の時や食後に何か飲み物を飲むのはいろいろな国の人にとって普通の事ですよね。 この飲み物は、冷たい飲み物であったり、ワインなどのアルコール飲料だったりします。 南アフリカでは、ワインは人気のある飲み物です。 食事の時や食後に飲んだりします。 健康には、特に赤ワインをお勧めします、心拍を良くするといわれています。 ですので、次のよう表現することが出来ます。 【例】 What do you normally drink with dinner in your country? In my country, we drink wine. (あなたの国では夕食時に何を飲みますか?私の国ではワインを飲みます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Preference...

  • What is your drink preference at dinner time? In Japan its tea or alchohol

Tastes differ around the world...but most people will drink something with dinner! It may be good to know what peoples preferences are, so that we can "stock up":-) "What is your drink preference at dinner time? In Japan its tea or alchohol"
好みは世界中違います。 でも、多くの人は夕食中に何かを飲みますよね! 人々の好みを知っておくことはいい事ですよね、 そうすることによって "stock up"(買いだめ)しておくことが出来ます:-) 【例】 "What is your drink preference at dinner time? In Japan its tea or alchohol" (ディナーの時には何が好まれますか?日本ではお茶がアルコールです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What drink do you normally have with dinner?

  • What drink do you normally pair with dinner?

  • What do you like to sip on while eating dinner?

The three sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to ask you listener what they like to drink with their dinner. In the last sentence you will see the term sip on. This means to drink. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family. It would make a useful addition to your vocabulary.
上記三つの例文は「夕食のときはいつも何を飲みますか」の良い言い方です。 最後の例文では "sip on" という表現が使われています。これは「飲む」という意味です。この表現は家族や友達と話すときなどカジュアルな場面で使われます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan we have tea or alcoholic drinks at dinner. What do you normally drink at dinner?

  • I prefer to drink tea with my dinner. What about you?

You can begin by telling someone your custom is and ask them theirs. Japanese people usually have tea or alcohol with dinner. What do Americans, Italians, etc like to drink with their dinner. You can ask someone what are they drinking with their dinner. I'll have tea, what type of drink would you like?
まず、自分の国の話をして、それから相手の国について尋ねることができます。 Japanese people usually have tea or alcohol with dinner. What do Americans, Italians, etc like to drink with their dinner. (日本では夕食の時お茶やお酒が飲まれることが多いです。アメリカ/イタリアなどでは夕食の時にどんな飲み物が飲まれますか) 夕食の時に何を飲みたいか聞くなら、 I'll have tea, what type of drink would you like?(私はお茶を飲みます。あなたは何を飲みますか) と言えます。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to drink tonight?

  • Do you prefer an alcoholic drink or a cup of tea?

" what would you like?" this is asking the preference of the persons in a polite manor. " to drink" giving the subject of the preference "tonight" specifying when the person would like to have the drink " do you prefer an alcoholic drink or a cup of tea?" this question is allowing the person to choose between two options that i have given
"what would you like?" は、相手の好みを尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 "to drink" は「飲む」という意味です。 "tonight"(今夜)は、それをする「時」を表します。 "Do you prefer an alcoholic drink or a cup of tea?"(お酒とお茶どちらが好きですか) ここでは、二つの選択肢から相手に選んでもらっています。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • What do you normally drink with your meal?

  • What do you usually drink with your meal in your country?

  • What is the customary drink to have with a meal in your country?

What do you normally drink with your meal? What do you usually drink with your meal in your country? What is the customary drink to have with a meal in your country? Personally, I would use the first question, however, you have another two options there for you, so pick one and go with it. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
What do you normally drink with your meal?(食事のときはいつも何を飲みますか) What do you usually drink with your meal in your country?(あなたの国では食事のときは普通何を飲みますか) What is the customary drink to have with a meal in your country?(あなたの国では食事のときは普通何を飲みますか) 私なら一つ目の例を使うと思います。ただ、もう二つ選択肢をお示ししましたので、一つ選んで使ってみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What do you drink with dinner?

  • What kind of beverage do you usually have with meals?

  • Do you take wine or beer with dinner?

You can also ask about a preference. Example: Do you prefer to drink wine with dinner or water? What is your favorite drink to have with dinner?
好みについて尋ねることもできます。 例: Do you prefer to drink wine with dinner or water?(夕食のときはワインを飲むのが好きですか、それとも水ですか) What is your favorite drink to have with dinner?(夕食のときは何を飲むのが好きですか)
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
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