世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


子供がトンネルが大好きなのですが、 車でお出かけした時に、 トンネルをくぐる直前に 『○○君!トンネルくぐるよー!(トンネルに入りまーす!)(,,>᎑<,,)!』 と言いたいです。 in ? into ? through? pass through? よろしくお願いします。
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2017/05/15 15:11
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  • Here comes the/a tunnel!

車でお出かけするときに、この英文がぱっと言えるといいですね。 Here comes the/a tunnel! the tunnelは、直前にトンネルの話をしていた時、 a tunnelは、会話に初めて登場する時に使います。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Here comes the tunnel.

  • We're going into the tunnel.

"here comes the tunnel'. tells them it is ahead.
here comes the tunnelは、トンネルが目の前だということを言っています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We're going into the tunnel!

  • We're going to drive through the tunnel! / We're going to pass through the tunnel!

  • We're entering the tunnel now!

A casual, fun way to say this is, "We're going in!!" Look at these differences: → We are going to drive through the tunnel. / We are driving into the tunnel. * not inside the tunnel yet. → We are driving through the tunnel. / We are in the tunnel. * inside the tunnel.
カジュアルで楽しげな言い方は、We're going in!! です。 これらの違いをご覧ください。 → We are going to drive through the tunnel. / We are driving into the tunnel. ※まだトンネルの中に入っていません。 We are driving through the tunnel. / We are in the tunnel. ※トンネルの中にいます。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Tunnel time!

A fun way of telling your child you are about to enter a tunnel.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • We are going through a tunnel.

  • Get ready. We are now entering the tunnel.

Since this is your child you can make it as much as fun as you want so that your child can also enjoy the experience. The above expressions can also be used to tell your child about the tunnel.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hold your breath!

  • When the train goes through the tunnel and it is dark, don't throw away the ticket and jump off! You must sit still and trust the engineer.

  • Guess how many seconds it takes to get through the tunnel!

1. This is a phrase that people say for fun. 2. This is a short story to be told in the dark tunnel! 3. This is a guessing game to see who can guess the closest.
1=t直しむためのノーマルなフレーズ。 2=くらーいトンネルで話すショートストーリー。 3=何秒トンネルを抜けるのにかかるのか予想するゲーム。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We're about to go through a tunnel

  • Here comes a tunnel

  • There is a tunnel ahead

When you're about to go through a tunnel, to warn your child; you can say: -We're about to go through a tunnel -Here comes a tunnel -There is a tunnel ahead
もうすぐトンネルで、子どもに警告したい時、以下のように言えます: We're about to go through a tunnel. Here comes a tunnel. There is a tunnel ahead. (トンネルに入りまーす!)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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