世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/05/17 18:57
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  • I haven't even bought my plane ticket yet.

  • I have been planning to go abroad but I have been so busy and must still buy my plane ticket and make my arrangements.

  • I am taking a trip abroad soon but I am so busy and don't even have time to go buy my ticket and make arrangements.

>I have been planning to go abroad but I have been so busy and must still buy my plane ticket and make my arrangements. **I have been planning = That you are thinking about going and making plans to go abroad. *I have been so busy= to busy with work and have no free time. *Make arrangements= get accommodation and travelling >I am taking a trip abroad soon but I am so busy and don't even have time to go by my ticket and make arrangements. *Taking a trip= you are sure that you are going abroad.
I have been planning to go abroad but I have been so busy and must still buy my plane ticket and make my arrangements. **I have been planning =海外に行く予定があることを意味する表現です。 *I have been so busy= 仕事で忙しくで時間がないことを意味する表現です。 *Make arrangements= 宿泊場所を確保することを意味する表現です。 I am taking a trip abroad soon but I am so busy and don't even have time to go by my ticket and make arrangements. *Taking a trip= 確実に海外旅行にいくということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I've been too busy to buy a plane ticket for my planned trip

  • I'm flying away soon but have yet to get a ticket as I've had no time

"Hey Peter, you look kindf of flustered! Are you in a rush?" "Yes I've got a list of a thousand and one things I have to do - today!" "But why the rush?" "Well, I'm flying away soon but have yet to get a ticket as I've had no time!" "Well let's get a coffee together and book your flight on my laptop. You'll pay through the nose if you leave it to the last minute." "OK, great idea. Let's go!"
「こんにちはピーター、あなたはぼんやりとした姿を見ています!あなたは急いでいますか? 「はい、今日はやることが山積みなんだ!」 「しかし、なぜ急いでるの?」 「まあ、私はすぐに飛行機にのらなくちゃいけないんだ、時間がなかったので、チケットをまだ手に入れていません!」 「まあ、コーヒーでも飲みながらラップトップで飛行機を予約しましょう。直前の予約は法外に高いよ。」 「OK、いいアイデア、行きましょう!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I Have been to busy to book the ticket for my flight.

  • I have been so busy I have not booked my holiday yet.

"I Have been too busy to book the ticket for my flight." This explains that you have been too busy with other things and had no time to book a ticket yet. "I have been so busy I have not booked my holiday yet." This also explains that you have been very busy and have not yet booked your holiday.
"I Have been too busy to book the ticket for my flight." これは、他のことで忙しくて、チケットを予約する時間がなかった、というときに使います。 "I have been so busy I have not booked my holiday yet." これは、最近忙しすぎて休暇に行くためのチケットを取れてない、という意味で使います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I have been too busy to buy my plane ticket for my trip.

  • I am planning on going for trip but since I have been so busy I haven't bought my plane ticket.

You can use the above sentences to express yourself. Remember we say "". For example: It was too hot to wear my fleece jacket.
上記の文を使って、表現できます。 ""の使い方を覚えてください。 例 It was too hot to wear my fleece jacket. 私のフリースジャケットは着るには暑すぎる。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I have been so busy that I have not bought my airplane ticket yet.

  • I plan to go on a trip, but, I have been so busy that I have not yet bought my airplane ticket.

  • I will be traveling abroad, but, because of being very busy, I have not yet bought my airplane ticket.

One may have planned to travel abroad by airplane, but, because of being very busy, deeply engrossed in one's work, one forgets to buy one's airplane ticket. This can make one miss one's travel date and cause him/her to change that date. This sort of thing can cause one to miss very important engagements. Buying an airplane ticket is confirmation that the trip is guaranteed. Without the ,airplane ticket, the trip is not guaranteed. So, you may say: I have been so busy that I have not bought my airplane ticket yet. or I plan to go on a trip, but, I have been so busy that I have not yet bought my airplane ticket. or I will be traveling abroad, but, because of being very busy, I have not yet bought my airplane ticket.
飛行機での旅行を計画していても、とても忙しく仕事に深く没頭しているあまり、航空チケットの予約を忘れることがあるかもしれません。このような場合、計画した日程で旅行できず、日程を変更しなければいけないかもしれません。何か大切な予定を逃してしまうことにもつながりかねません。航空券の予約は旅程の確定と同じです。航空券無しでは旅行が確定しているとは言い難いでしょう。 ですので、このように表現できます。 I have been so busy that I have not bought my airplane ticket yet. (本当に忙しかったので、まだ航空券を買っていません。) I plan to go on a trip, but, I have been so busy that I have not yet bought my airplane ticket. (旅行の計画をしているのですが、本当に忙しくてまだ航空券を買っていません。) I will be traveling abroad, but, because of being very busy, I have not yet bought my airplane ticket. (海外旅行に行くのですが、本当に忙しくてまだ航空券を買っていません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I did not buy my plane ticket for the trip I had planned because I was very busy

  • Booking my flight for the trip I have/had planned slipped my mind because I was very busy

  • I neglected to book my flight ticket for my trip because I was busy.

When you want to express that you forgot to book your flight because you were busy; you can say: -I did not buy my plane ticket for the trip I had planned because I was very busy -Booking my flight for the trip I have/had planned slipped my mind because I was very busy -I neglected to book my flight ticket for my trip because I was busy.
忙しすぎて、飛行機のチケットの予約を忘れてしまったことを言いたいときは、以下のように表現できます。 -I did not buy my plane ticket for the trip I had planned because I was very busy とても忙しかったので、計画していた旅行の飛行機のチケットを買っていなかった。 -Booking my flight for the trip I have/had planned slipped my mind because I was very busy とても忙しかったので、計画していた旅行の飛行機のチケットを予約するのをすっかり忘れていた。 -I neglected to book my flight ticket for my trip because I was busy. 忙しかったので、旅行の飛行機のチケットを予約するのをほったらかしにしていた。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm planning on going on a trip, but I haven't bought my ticket yet.

  • I want to go on a trip but I still need to buy my ticket.

  • I'm going on a trip soon but I still need to buy my ticket.

We can use the verbs, "to plan," "to want to go," or simply the verb, "to go," to express that this is a trip that will be happening for us soon. We can explain that we have been to busy as well but the main information we need is that, "I still need to buy my ticket," to explain that we haven't taken the biggest step to going on our trip.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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