世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/07/08 11:59
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  • Give me some good advice for making a self-introduction.

  • Tell me a good way to introduce myself.

作成する = to prepare, to write, to make, to create 「ください」と書きましたが、英語では「please」というとなんか硬すぎると思いますので、使いませんでした。
Tim Young 主催
  • How should I introduce myself?

  • Please advise me on how to introduce myself..

  • Please provide me with tips on how to introduce myself.

Advise - means to offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone Tip - a small but useful piece of practical advice ________________________________________________________ How to introduce yourself: 1 Provide person with your full name 2 Briefly describe what you do 3 Follow up with a question 4 Respect personal space
Advise - means to offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone Tip - a small but useful piece of practical advice Advise=ベストな道をアドバイスする。 Tip=有益なヒント、助言。 ________________________________________________________ How to introduce yourself: 1 Provide person with your full name 2 Briefly describe what you do 3 Follow up with a question 4 Respect personal space 自己紹介の仕方: ①あなたのフルネームを伝える。 ②職業または学業について簡潔に説明する。 ③相手に質問する。 ④パーソナルスペース(個人空間)を敬う。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What is the best way to introduce myself?

  • How do I introduce myself in a way that is interesting?

  • I need some tips on how I can introduce myself.

"What is the best way to introduce myself?" When you ask this question you should also specify whether you want to introduce yourself to : -business people -classmates -strangers you meet *There different ways of introducing yourself and so give your teacher as much information as possible when asking this question. "How do I introduce myself in a way that is interesting?" This is a good way to ask this question as you are asking for specific tips that will will make you interesting when introducing yourself. "I need some tips on how I can introduce myself." Although this is not framed as a question,your teacher will understand and give you the tips you need.
"What is the best way to introduce myself?" When you ask this question you should also specify whether you want to introduce yourself to : -business people -classmates -strangers you meet *There different ways of introducing yourself and so give your teacher as much information as possible when asking this question. 「自己紹介するベストな方法は何ですか?」 自己紹介をする相手によって、自己紹介の仕方が異なるので、相手がどのような人なのかを明確に説明しましょう。例:ビジネス関係、クラスメート、初対面の人。 "How do I introduce myself in a way that is interesting?" This is a good way to ask this question as you are asking for specific tips that will will make you interesting when introducing yourself.  「どのように自己紹介すれば、相手の興味を引くことができますか?」自己紹介する際、どのようにすれば、相手の興味を引けるか、自分を魅力的にアピールできるか、に関するアドバイスが欲しい時に聞きます。 "I need some tips on how I can introduce myself." Although this is not framed as a question,your teacher will understand and give you the tips you need. 「自己紹介するときのアドバイスを頂きたいです。」質問形式ではないですが、このように言えば、先生はあなたがアドバイスを求めていることが分かります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Can you teach me how to make a self-introduction?

1例をご紹介します。 自己紹介文の書き方を教えてくれませんか? This is for CV/resume. 履歴書/レジュメのためのものです。 自己紹介文は誰/何に対するものかで性格が変わります。 I am writing my resume, but I cannot write a good self-introduction. 履歴書書いているんだけどなかなかうまく自己紹介文が書けないんだよね。
  • Could you help me improve my self-introduction?

  • Could you please give me some pointers to improve my self-introduction?

  • May you please share some tips as to how I can improve my self-introduction?

In all three questions, your aim is to improve the way you introduce yourself. Whether it may be to a teacher or to someone you have just met, you are looking for the quality of your introduction to be better than it's current state. When asking your teacher for pointers or tips for improvement, you are in effect asking for a list of suggestions on how to improve. Since this is a list, try not to be too discouraged if there are slightly more tips than what you had in mind. Your teacher's aim when providing you the list on what you need to work on, is to help you and not to point out all the things you are doing wrong. Having this list makes you aware of what you need to work on to give a better introduction next time. This also shows what needs attention but also areas which you are excelling in. Example: Student: Could you please give me some pointers to improve my self-introduction, teacher? Teacher: Yes, of course ~san. You might want to to add what your occupation is. Also, tell the person whom you have just met, a little bit about yourself such as any hobbies or interests, etc. Student: Thank you so much for those suggestions, teacher.
こちらの3ついずれの質問も、自己紹介を更に良くするための アドバイスを求める表現です。 教師であったとしても、今会ったばかりの人に自己紹介をするにしても それは同じです。 現在の自己紹介よりも少しでも良い自己紹介をするためですね。 Pointer (指針)やTip(コツ)を知るためには、具体的な提案リストを 聞くことになります。 あくまでも提案リストですから、期待していたものと違っても がっかりしないでくださいね。 提案リストを出す際の教師の意図は、間違いを指摘することではなく、 生徒をサポートすることですから。 こういった提案リストを心に留めておくことによって、 次に自己紹介するときに、どのようなことに気をつけたらいいかに気づくでしょう。 また、気をつけるべきこと、強化するべきことは何なのかを知ることが出来ます。 例文: 生徒: Could you please give me some pointers to improve my self-introduction, teacher? →先生、自己紹介をする際の指針を教えていただけませんか? 教師: Yes, of course ~san. You might want to to add what your occupation is. Also, tell the person whom you have just met, a little bit about yourself such as any hobbies or interests, etc. →いいですよ、~さん。そうですね。職業を付け足したらいいと思います。 それから、初めて会った人でしたら趣味や好きなことなど、自分自身に対することを話してみたらいいですよ。 生徒: Thank you so much for those suggestions, teacher. →提案をしてくださって、ありがとうございます、先生。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Could we practise my self introduction this lesson?

  • Would you please help me with developing my self introduction?

There are a few ways that you may do this. Firstly, you could plan out an introduction yourself and bullet point the key information you would like to include. This would save time during the lesson. Secondly, you could plan the presentation with your teacher during the lesson. Whichever way you decide to do this, the most valuable part would be actually rehearsing the presentation in class, and fine-tuning it together with your teacher.
自己紹介の練習をする方法はいくつかあります。まず最初に自分の自己紹介の計画をしっかり練り、自己紹介に含めたい重要な情報を箇条書きにします。こうすることで、レッスンでの無駄な時間を省けます。 次にレッスンで先生とプレゼンテーションの計画を立てます。どちらの方法でやるとしても、最も重要な事は、レッスンでプレゼンテーションのリハーサルをして、先生と一緒にプレゼンテーションを微調整することです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please advise me on the best way to introduce myself.

  • How do I effectively introduce myself teacher?

  • What is the best way to introduce myself?

You would politely ask the teacher to advise you on the best way to introduce yourself. The verb to 'advise' used here means to give someone an idea or a method on how to handle or deal with a particular situation, in this case, the best way to introduce yourself. Regarding the the second question, the usage of the adverb 'effectively' refers to the achievement of the desired result, in this case, the best way to introduce yourself. So, you may say: Please advise me on the best way to introduce myself. or How do I effectively introduce myself teacher? or What is the best way to introduce myself?
例:Please advise me on the best way to introduce myself. 「上手な自己紹介の仕方を教えて下さい。(アドバイスください。)」 例:How do I effectively introduce myself teacher? 「先生、どうやったらうまく自己紹介できますか?」 例:What is the best way to introduce myself? 「自己紹介するのに一番いい方法はなんですか?」 あなたは先生に、上手な自己紹介の方法を聞きたいのですね。 動詞である"advise"は助言や方法を教えるという意味で使われています。 この場合、「上手な自己紹介の仕方」ですね。 2番めの例文に、"effectively"という副詞がありますが、ここでは「上手な、うまく」といったところでしょうか。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "Could you instruct me the best way to introduce myself?"

  • "Could you please give me some tips, I do not know how to introduce myself?"

  • "Can you teach me the best way to introduce myself?"

If you wanted to ask your teacher for some advice on making a self-introduction, you could ask any of the following: "Could you instruct me the best way to introduce myself?", "Could you please give me some tips, I do not know how to introduce myself?" or "Can you teach me the best way to introduce myself?".
自己紹介文をつくるとき、先生にアドバイスをもらいたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Could you instruct me the best way to introduce myself?"(良い自己紹介の仕方を教えてもらえますか) "Could you please give me some tips, I do not know how to introduce myself?"(アドバイスをもらえますか。自己紹介の仕方が分かりません) "Can you teach me the best way to introduce myself?"(良い自己紹介の仕方を教えてもらえますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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