世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/01/16 12:59
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  • ① This university was my second/third choice

「① This university was my second/third choice」は「この大学は滑り止めです」です。 「滑り止め」は「second choice」、あるいは第3志望なら「third choice」。順位に則り「third」,「fourth」とも使いますが、一般的に「second choice」で済みます。 「大学受験などで浪人したくないので滑り止めをいくつか受けておくつもりです。」を英語で言うには:「I plan to take entrance exams for second and third choice universities because I don't want to end up without a university」 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • This was my second-choice school/university.

  • This school/ university was not my first choice.

This was my second-choice school/university. これは滑り止め校です! This university was not my first choice. これは第一志望の大学ではありません。 「すべり止め」を直訳しようとすると、”nonslip / nonskid”などとなりますが、これは床やタイヤが「すべらない加工」と言いたい時につかう表現ですので、学校に対して使うのは不自然です。 受験について日本語でよく使うこの「滑る」は要は「失敗する」の意味ですから”slip”ではなく”fail”や”not accepted”を使うのが自然です。 fail:失敗する、落ちる pass:合格する be accepted:受け入れられる お一緒に覚えておきましょう!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • This was not my top pick.

  • This was not at the top of my list.

These expressions can be used in the context that you had made a list of potential universities you want to join, in order of which are more favourable in your opinion.
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • This university wasn't my first choice.

  • This university was my second choice.

  • I wasn't going to go to this university, but my first choice was full/unable to give me a place/not available etc.

The first two answers are simple and the third could give a bit more detail. :)
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • This university/ college was not my first choice.

  • This university/ college was my second choice.

  • This university/ college was lower on my list.

"not my first choice." explains that there was other options you liked better. "Second choice" is 2 "third choice" is 3 "Lower on my list" explains that it was one of you choices but not the first.
not my first choice. 他にもっと好きのものがあるということを説明します。 Second choiceは2番めということです。 third choiceは3番目ということです。 Lower on my list 自分の選択肢の1つだが、1番目ではないということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • This university wasn't my first choice.

  • I would have preferred to have gone to a different university.

  • On the subject of uni, I'd rather have gone elsewhere.

'Uni' is an abbreviated form of 'university'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This university/college wasn't my first choice.

This university/college wasn't my first choice. - This means that the university was maybe your second/third option.
This university/college wasn't my first choice. これは今いる大学が第二、第三希望なんだろうということがわかる表現ですね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) This university was actually my second choice.

  • B) This university wasn't my first choice

A) This university was actually my second choice. *This-used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced. Example-"is this your bag?" *Actually-as the truth or facts of a situation. Example-"we must pay attention to what young people are actually doing" *Second choice- Not the university you wanted to go to it is your second option B) This university wasn't my first choice *Wasn't - Was not *First choice-First choice means that out of a selection of different options, this is the option one you would pick first or consider the best. I hope this helps :-)
A) This university was actually my second choice. *This-これ、この...など近くの物や人を指す。 例-"is this your bag?" これは君のバッグですか? *Actually-実際には、実際は 例-"we must pay attention to what young people are actually doing" 若者が実際何をしているのかに目を当てるべきです。 *Second choice- 第二志望 B) This university wasn't my first choice *Wasn't - Was not *First choice-第一志望 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • This was my second-choice university

  • This was not my top pick

It's very simple to say. To explain it, I recommend you to use these sentences because they both explain it.
これはとてもシンプルに言えます。 上に二つ例をお示ししました、どちらの言い方でもこれについて説明できます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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