世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


全てのクラスを体験して、気に入ったクラスに通いたいのですが、良いですか?と英語で伝えたいです。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/09/15 13:23
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  • I would like to demo / do a trial class

  • Is it possible to do a demo class before I buy the real thing?

  • Is it possible to have a trial class so I can try it before I buy it?

You can say the words "demo" or "trial class" when requesting a test class. You can also use the phrase, "try it before I buy it" to express that you want a teaser course to try out and determine your favorite.
授業を体験したい時は、demo又はtrial lessonと言えます。 このフレーズも使えます。 試しの授業を受けてみて気にいるかどうかを決めることを言いたい時はtry it before I buy it(買う前に試したい)ということもできます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Is it possible to have a taster of each class so I can decide which one is my favourite?

  • 2. Can I try before I buy?

1. Taster class - when you try the class for the first time, it may not be for the full time slot, but enough to give you an insight on what the class is about and what you will do. 2. We use this expression "try before I buy" to let the seller know we don't want to commit until we know for sure that we will like the class/product. It asks if we can try for free first.
1. Tasterクラス - 最初にクラスを試してみると、通常のクラス時間より短い物であっても、クラスの内容や雰囲気を掴むのに十分です。 2. 私たちはクラス/製品が好きかハッキリするまでは、購入する決断をしたくないことを売り手に知らせるために、"try before I buy"  "購入する前に試しても良いですか"という表現を使います。 購入前に無料で試すことができるかどうかを尋ねる表現です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I want to trial each class before choosing my favourite one. Is that possible?

  • Is it possible to trial each class before choosing my favourite one?

In order to say you want to experience each of the classes and then decide your favourite one, you can say: I want to trial each class before choosing my favourite one. To trial - This means to test, to try out, to experience as a test. 'Before choosing' - In advance of making a choice. Is it possible to trial each class before choosing my favourite one? Is it possible - Is that okay? Is that a possibility? Can I do that? I hope that helps!
それぞれのクラスを体験してから、気に入ったクラスを選びたいと言いたい時、こう言うことができます。 I want to trial each class before choosing my favourite one. trial - テストする、試してみる、試しに体験する、という意味です。 before choosing - 選択する前に先立って Is it possible to trial each class before choosing my favourite one? Is it possible - いいですか?可能ですか?してもいいですか? という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Could I try a few different classes and then make a decision about taking one?

It seems like a very optimistic request! If you attend a few classes first, you may decide that none of them are suitable for you. The school may ask you to pay for every class you attend however as a way of testing each class although it seems an unusual request. "Could I try a few different classes and then make a decision about taking one?" "Sorry, that would be too disruptive for the classes."
とてもあり得ない要求に思えます。 最初にいくつかの授業を受けてみても、どれも自分に合わないと思う場合もあるでしょう。 スクールは、通常ではあり得ないことですが、各クラスのお試し料として全ての授業の料金を請求するかもしれません。 "Could I try a few different classes and then make a decision about taking one?" いくつかの授業を試して、1つに決めることはできますか? "Sorry, that would be too disruptive for the classes." すみません、それは授業の妨げになります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could I try a short lesson of each class and then decide what I want to do.

You can say : Could I try a short lesson of each class and then decide what I want to do. Please explain to me a few of the lessons and then I will decide. I would like a demo of each lesson and then I will decide what I want to do.
こう言えます。 Could I try a short lesson of each class and then decide what I want to do. 各クラスのレッスンを少し受けてみてそれから受講したいクラスを決めても良いですか? Please explain to me a few of the lessons and then I will decide. レッスンをいくつか説明して下さい。それから決めます。 I would like a demo of each lesson and then I will decide what I want to do. デモレッスンをいくつか受けたいです。それから受講したいクラスを決めます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Trial each class before making my mind up!

  • I am very careful in my choices; I'd like to trial each class before making my mind up!

Some of us like to..." take our time:" with big decisions...and spending money on classes, is no small matter! SO we might decide to "try before we buy!" "I am very careful in my choices; I'd like to trial each class before making my mind up!"
"take our time"(時間をかけて)大きな決断をしたい人もいますよね。 お金をかけてクラスを受講するのだから、バカにならないですよ! ですので "try before we buy!"(購入する前に試して)みたいですよね。 【例】 "I am very careful in my choices; I'd like to trial each class before making my mind up!" (私は注意深く何かを決めます、決断する前にすべてのクラスを体験したいです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to take a demo class before I decide which one is my favorite.

  • Can I have a trial class on all the subjects to find out which one I like most?

  • Can I have a few demo classes to find out which one is my favorite?

You can say the words "demo" or "trial" when requesting a test class. This lets the seller know that you want to first try a few different classes before you make the final decision on which class or classes you want to attend and sign up for. It informs the seller you want to join or commit but want to first find out which you would like more before you commit 100% to the class.
「体験授業」をお願いするときには、"demo" または "trial" という言葉が使えます。これで、どのクラスをとるか決める前に何回か体験授業を受けたいことが伝わります。「参加したいとは思っているけど決断をする前に何がいいかを確認したい」と伝えます。
Anqia DMM英会話講師
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