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2018/01/06 12:44
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  • Can I please have a desk lamp the room is too dark?

  • Could I please borrow a desk lamp for my room it is a bit dark?

"Can I please have a desk lamp the room is too dark?" This politely asks them to get you a desk lamp because the room is too dark. "Could I please borrow a desk lamp for my room it is a bit dark?" This is another polite way of asking for a desk lamp to make your room brighter.
例文 "Can I please have a desk lamp the room is too dark?" 部屋があまりにも暗いので、デスクライトを貸して頂けますか? 部屋がとても暗いので、デスクライトを貸して欲しいと丁寧に頼んでいます。 例文 "Could I please borrow a desk lamp for my room it is a bit dark?" 部屋が少し暗いのでデスクライトを借りることができますか? 部屋を明るくするために、デスクライトを貸して欲しいと丁寧に頼む別の表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you have a desk light I could borrow for my room?

Explanation: WOULD YOU HAVE..? = a polite way to start a request. To borrow = to have something belonging to someone else for a period of time - and then return it. Example sentence: "Would you have some change for a cup of tea please as I am homeless?"
 WOULD YOU HAVE..? =何かを尋ねるのに丁寧な表現です。  To borrow = 借りること   例文: "Would you have some change for a cup of tea please as I am homeless?" ホームレスなので、お茶を買う小銭はありませんか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a desk lamp I could borrow?

  • Do you have a spare lamp I could borrow during my stay?

  • I'd like a desk lamp to read or study at night. Can I borrow one?

Do you have a desk lamp I could borrow? My room is a bit dark.' This is a simple and polite way of asking to get extra lighting in your room. 'Do you have a spare lamp I could borrow during my stay?' spare lamp: extra lamp Here you are asking for an extra lamp that you can use while you are a guest in your hosts house. It is also another polite and simple way to ask. I'd like a desk lamp to read or study at night. Can I borrow one? This is a nice way of explaining to your host that you need some more lighting in your room. Perhaps for reading or study purposes. I hope this helps :)
Do you have a desk lamp I could borrow? My room is a bit dark.' 「部屋に明かりがほしい」とシンプルに、礼儀正しくお願いする言い方です。 'Do you have a spare lamp I could borrow during my stay?' spare lamp: 余ったスタンド ホストファミリーの家に滞在している間余ったスタンドがあれば貸してほしい、とお願いしています。これも丁寧でシンプルな言い方です。 'I'd like a desk lamp to read or study at night. Can I borrow one?' 部屋をもっと明るくしたい理由を説明しています。読書や勉強のためかもしれませんね。 参考になるといいです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • May I please borrow a desk light? My room is rather dark.

  • Please assist me with a desk lamp. My room is rather dark.

  • May I please borrow a desk light? My room is a bit dark.

The adverb 'rather' used here means 'to a certain extent or degree'. So, 'rather dark' can be used instead of 'a bit dark'. The phrase 'a bit dark' means not very dark but not so bright either. The phrase 'rather dark' also means being dark to a certain extent or degree, but, not so bright either. In this case, you may not be able to read a book because it is 'rather dark'. So, you may request for a desk lamp as follows: May I please borrow a desk light? My room is rather dark. or Please assist me with a desk lamp. My room is rather dark. or May I please borrow a desk light? My room is a bit dark.
副詞の "rather" は、ここでは「いくぶん」という意味です。"rather dark" は "a bit dark" の代わりに使うことができます。"a bit dark" は「すごく暗いわけではないけど明るくもない」という意味です。"rather dark" も同じ(いくぶん暗くて明るくない)です。 ここでは「"rather dark" なので本が読めない」ということかもしれません。 以下のように電気スタンドをお願いできます: May I please borrow a desk light? My room is rather dark. 〔訳〕電気スタンドを貸していただけますか。部屋がちょっと暗いので。 または、 Please assist me with a desk lamp. My room is rather dark. 〔訳〕電気スタンドを貸してください。部屋がちょっと暗いので。 または、 May I please borrow a desk light? My room is a bit dark. 〔訳〕電気スタンドを貸していただけますか。部屋がちょっと暗いので。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Please may I borrow a lamp for my room?

  • Please may I have a desk lamp for my room?

A lamp has a base with a bulb and usually a shade covering it, and it is portable and plugged into an electricity socket to power it. A light is most often used to refer to a wired connection light, securely attached to ceilings and walls and not portable. 'Please may I..?' is the correct and most polite way to ask (as opposed to the informal 'please could I..?)
"Lamp"という単語は、土台があって電球があり、その周りにシェードがついているものです。簡単に持ち運ぶことができ、電源をコンセントに指すことができます。 "Light"は、壁や天井に配線が固定されているものを指します。 "Please may I...?"は”Please could I~"より、より丁寧で正しい表現になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please borrow a desk lamp? I have trouble seeing because the room is a bit dark

  • Do you have a desk lamp I could borrow because my room is a bit dark?

When you want to ask your host family for a desk lamp because your room is a bit dark, then you may ask in the following ways: -Can I please borrow a desk lamp? I have trouble seeing because the room is a bit dark -Do you have a desk lamp I could borrow because my room is a bit dark?
部屋が少しくらいのでホストファミリーに貸してもらいたい、ということなら、次のように言えます。 -Can I please borrow a desk lamp? I have trouble seeing because the room is a bit dark (デスクライトを貸してもらえますか。部屋が少しくらいので見にくいです) -Do you have a desk lamp I could borrow because my room is a bit dark? (部屋が少しくらいのでデスクライトを貸してもらえますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Can I borrow a desk lamp? My room is a bit dark

  • My room is a bit dark, could I borrow a desk lamp please?

If you want to ask someone to give you something that you will give them back it is called to 'borrow' By adding 'my room is a bit dark' you are explaining why you need the lamp
後で返すつもりで何かを使わせてもらうことは、'borrow'(借りる)といいます。 'my room is a bit dark'(部屋が少し暗い)と加えて、ライトが必要な理由を伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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