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DVDを借りたのですが、 延滞料金がいつから発生するのか忘れてしまったので WEBで確認しようと思っています。
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2018/02/26 21:54
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  • Late Fee

  • penalty

  • fine

The fee you pay when you return a DVD or book after it is due back is called a "late fee" or it can also be called a "penalty" or "fine". The late fee is 2 dollars. I have to pay a penalty for bringing the DVD back late. I was fined for returning the DVD late.
返却日の後にDVDや本を返す際に支払う費用は"late fee"(延滞料) 又は "penalty"(罰金)、"fine"(罰金)と呼ばれています。 例文 The late fee is 2 dollars. 延滞料は2ドルです I have to pay a penalty for bringing the DVD back late. DVDの返却が遅くなったので、罰金を払わないといけない。 I was fined for returning the DVD late. DVDを遅く返却したので、罰金を課された
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • There is a fine when your DVD is overdue

  • You must pay a penalty when your DVD is returned late

  • There is a fine to pay when the DVD is returned after the due date

The first answer is the typical usage in libraries. Fines are also imposed by courts of law. Penalties are less specific.
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • fine

  • penalty, to charge

example "i incurred a fine, because i took the DVD back late". or "i was charged a penalty fee for being late". charge, penalty or fine
例文 "I incurred a fine, because I took the DVD back late". DVDの返却が遅くなったので、罰金が課された "I was charged a penalty fee for being late". 返却が遅れたので、罰金が課された 罰金はcharge, penalty又はfineです。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • A penalty charge

  • A late fee

  • A late payment charge

Explanation: It is a symptom of 21st century living that companies providing services monetise every facet of their business and punitive late payment charges are one of the most unpopular charges for struggling customers. Example sentence: "I got hit with a late payment charge by my internet provider this month."
解説:21世紀の生活の一環として、企業は扱うビジネスの全ての面をマネタイズしようとします。その中で懲罰的な延滞料金は、苦しむ顧客が最も嫌う請求のひとつです。 例文: "I got hit with a late payment charge by my internet provider this month." 今月インターネットプロバイダーから延滞遅延金を申し立てられました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Late fee

  • Fine

  • Penalty fee

If you return a book or dvd after the deadline or date given then it is more commonly called a 'late fee' although you could also call it a 'fine' which is the amount of money you have to pay A more formal term is a 'penalty fee' meaning you are charged a penalty amount for returning it late
期限を過ぎてから本やDVDを返したのなら、'fine'(罰金)も使えますが、'late fee'(延滞料)の方が一般的です。 よりフォーマルな言い方は'penalty fee'です。返却が遅れたことによる罰金(=penalty)という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "late fee"

  • "penalty fee"

  • "fine"

If you miss the deadline to return something and the business whom it affects charge you as a result, this is called, a "late fee", a "penalty fee" or a "fine". All three of these words are directly related to the punishment of charging money for not returning a companies property at the appropriate time. You could use any of them to explain this situation.
返却期限を過ぎることで生じる料金のことは "late fee" "penalty fee" または "fine" と呼ばれます。 これらはどれも、期限までに借りた物を返さなかったときに発生する罰金をいいます。 どれも、この状況を表すのに使えます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • late fee

  • late penalties

  • overdue balance

If someone does not meet the deadline or due date and there is a penalty fee for it, the most common phrase is "late fee." Depending on the context, there can be different ways to say this. For example, when you fall behind on paying your credit card bill, you can say, "overdue balance." If you are late returning a book to the library or if you are late in paying your taxes to the government, you can say, "late penalty."
締め切り期日を守らなかったときに発生する罰金のことは、一般的に "late fee" といいます。 これは、文脈によって言い方が変わることがあります。例えば、クレジットカードの支払いを滞納したときには "overdue balance"(支払い遅延)と言えます。 図書館に本を返すのが遅れたり、税金の支払いが遅れたときは、"late penalty"(延滞料/延滞金)と言えます。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
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