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2016/09/28 17:59
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  • Do the rates go up over the New Year holidays?

  • Is it more expensive over New Year's?

「rate」とは、何か一個当たりの値段。例えば、一泊でいくら払うか。 「年末年始」は英語で「the New Year holidays」、省略して「New Year's』。
Tim Young 主催
  • Will the prices increase over the New Year's holiday period?

  • Will the prices get more expensive over the New Year's holiday period?

英訳1:increase は、数や量が増えることを表す動詞で、料金が上がる場合にも使えます。 「年末年始」は、ある一定の期間のことなので、period を添えた the New Year's holiday period が自然です。 英訳2:「料金が高くなる」は get more expensive でも言えます。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Do prices increase much over Christmas and the New Year?

  • Do prices shoot up during the end of year holiday season?

To shoot up = to grow in size, or increase in number or level, very quickly: "David has really shot up since I saw him last." "Prices shot up by 25 percent." Over (a period of time) = during something, or while doing something: "I was in Seattle over the summer." "Shall we discuss it over lunch/over a drink?" "They took/spent an hour over lunch" (= their meal lasted an hour). "It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops over time." (= as time passes).
To shoot up = サイズが大きくなること、数やレベルが素早く大きくなること 例: "David has really shot up since I saw him last." ーデイヴィッドは前回会ったときから急に成長した。 "Prices shot up by 25 percent." ー値段が25%も急に上昇した。 Over (a period of time) = 何かの間、何かをしている間 例: "I was in Seattle over the summer." ー夏の間シアトルにいた。 "Shall we discuss it over lunch/over a drink?" ランチをしながら/飲みながら、これについて話し合いませんか? "They took/spent an hour over lunch" (= their meal lasted an hour). ー彼らはランチの間1時間も過ごした (彼らは1時間も食事をしていた。) "It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops over time." (= as time passes). ー赤ちゃんがどのように変化して発達していくかを見るのはとてもわくわくさせる。 (時が経つにつれて)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do hotel and flight prices rise during the festive season.

Do hotel and flight prices rise during the festive season. - This means that you would like to know if prices go up during this time. The festive season is usually the end of December to the first week of January. This is usually the time people go on holiday.
Do hotel and flight prices rise during the festive season. - これは、この時期に価格上昇があるかどうかを尋ねる文です。 The festiaval seasonというのは、通常、年末から年始にかけてを指し、こういった時期は普通ホリデーシーズンにもなりますよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Are the prices seasonal?

  • Do the prices vary season to season?

When we use seasonal for things, it means things change like price/style/offers/etc. Therefore in this case, ‘are the prices seasonal?’ this asks whether the price increases or decreases depending on the season/time of year. The second phrase is similar but just using more vocabulary by directly asking if the prices vary.
私たちが物事にseasonal(季節的)という言葉を使用するとき、価格/スタイル/オファー/などが変化することを意味します。 したがって、この場合、‘are the prices seasonal?’と聞くことで、価格が年や季節に応じて増減するかどうかを尋ねることができます。 2番目のフレーズも似ています。 単語は多いですが価格が季節によって異なるかどうかを直接尋ねる表現です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Will it be more expensive around the New Year?

  • Do the prices rise duing the New year?

  • I am wondering if the prices are higher more towards the end of the year and beginning of new year?

All of these sentences can be used to ask if prices for goods and services are higher around the new year.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Do flight prices go up during the holidays?

  • Do room prices go up around Christmas and New Years?

1. The end of the year is the end of December, which is generally near Christmas, and the beginning of the year is around New Years. Therefore, most people commonly refer to these times as "the holidays." If anyone says "the holidays", everyone understands it as Christmas and New Years, because they are some of the most prominent holidays celebrated in the U.S. 2. In the second example, you can refer to the end of December and beginning of the year specifically by the holiday, and you will be understood.
1. 年末は、12月末のことでクリスマスに近い時期です。年の初めはお正月辺りです。なので、ほとんどの人はこの時期のことを「the holidays」と呼んでいます。「the holidays」と言うと、クリスマスとお正月のことだとみんな理解します。アメリカで一番有名な祝日(holiday)の一つだからです。 2. 二番目の例文では、年末年始を、より具体的に(祝日を挙げて)表しています。これでも伝わります。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
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