世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/05/01 09:30
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  • Sorry for the late reply - my phone was in for repairs.

  • Sorry for the delay in replying. My phone was getting repaired.

  • Apologies for the late reply. I had to send my phone away to be repaired.

「返信遅れてごめんなさい。スマホを修理に出していました。」= Sorry for the late reply - my phone was in for repairs. / Sorry for the delay in replying. My phone was getting repaired. / Apologies for the late reply. I had to send my phone away to be repaired. ボキャブラリー sorry/apologies = すみません、ごめんなさい late/delay = 遅れている reply = 返信 repairs = 修理 be repaired =修理される、修理してもらう
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Sorry it took me so long to respond, my phone was out for repairs.

  • It took me longer than usual to respond because my phone was being worked on.

  • I can respond more quickly now that my phone is fixed.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, my phone was out for repairs. It took me longer than usual to respond because my phone was being worked on. I can respond more quickly now that my phone is fixed. I normally don't take so long to respond, but my phone was in the shop. I apologize for not responding sooner but my phone was broke. My phone had to be repaired so I couldn't respond until now.
Sorry it took me so long to respond, my phone was out for repairs.(返信遅れてごめんなさい、携帯を修理に出していました) It took me longer than usual to respond because my phone was being worked on.(携帯を修理に出していたので、いつもよりも返信に時間がかかってしまいました) I can respond more quickly now that my phone is fixed.(携帯が直ったのでこれからはもっと早く返信できます) I normally don't take so long to respond, but my phone was in the shop.(いつもはそんなに返信に時間がかかることはありませんが、携帯がお店にあったんです) I apologize for not responding sooner but my phone was broke.(返信が遅れて申し訳ありません、携帯が壊れていたんです) My phone had to be repaired so I couldn't respond until now.(携帯を修理しないといけなかったので、今まで返信できませんでした)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • "Sorry for the late reply, I was having my phone fixed"

  • "Sorry for the late reply, I was not ignoring you, I was having my phone fixed"

  • "It took me longer than usual to respond because my phone was broken"

If you have replied late to someone because you was having your phone fixed and you wanted to explain this and say sorry, you could say any of the following: "Sorry for the late reply, I was having my phone fixed", "Sorry for the late reply, I was not ignoring you, I was having my phone fixed" or "It took me longer than usual to respond because my phone was broken".
「携帯を修理に出していたので返信が遅れてしまった」と伝えて謝りたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Sorry for the late reply, I was having my phone fixed"(返信遅くなってごめんなさい、携帯を修理に出していました) "Sorry for the late reply, I was not ignoring you, I was having my phone fixed"(返信遅くなってごめんなさい、無視していたわけではありません。携帯を修理に出していました) "It took me longer than usual to respond because my phone was broken"(携帯が壊れていたので、いつもより返信するのに時間がかかってしまいました)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the late reply, I was having my phone fixed.

  • Sorry for the late reply, my phone was being repaired.

  • Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I was having my phone fixed.

"Repaired" is another way to say "fixed". "Was having" puts the action in the past continuous or past progressive tense because the action wasn't finished at the particular time you are speaking about. "Being" is a verb you can use if the subject changes from "I" to "my phone". "Get back to you" means "reply".
"Repaired" は "Fixed"(修理する)の別の言い方です。 「修理をする」という行為が過去の話題になっている時点において完了していなかったため、"Was having" と過去進行形になっています。 主語を "I" から "My phone" に変えるなら、動詞には "Being" が使えます。 "Get back to you" は "Reply"(返事をする)という意味です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the late reply, I was having my phone fixed

  • Sorry for the delay in my reply

  • Sorry it's taken so long for my response, I was having my phone fixed

All of these sentences are apologising for the late response, and you could also give the reason as to why you took so long to reply (it is polite to give a reason). Delay is the most formal, followed by 'the late reply', followed by 'taken so long for my response'. 'Reply' and 'response' mean the same in this context and neither is more formal than the other.
これらの文はどれも返信が遅れたことを謝罪していて、返信に時間がかかった理由も伝えることができます(理由を伝えると丁寧です)。 最もフォーマルなのは "delay" です。次いで 'the late reply'。次いで 'taken so long for my response' です。 'reply' と 'response' はこの文脈では同じ意味で、フォーマル度にも違いはありません。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for messaging late, I had to get my smartphone repaired

  • I was getting my phone fixed hence why I ended up messaging you late. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  • Sorry for replying so late, my phone was being repaired and I was unable to use it.

There is a range of ways to explain how you were unable to message due to your phone being repaired. "I was getting my phone fixed hence why I ended up messaging you late. I apologize for any inconvenience caused" - this is a little more formal explanation and would be suitable for someone older or in a work situation. "Sorry for messaging late, I had to get my smartphone repaired" "Sorry for replying so late, my phone was being repaired and I was unable to use it. " These two examples are less formal and are perfect to use for a friend! The second sentence provides more of an explanation.
携帯を修理に出していたのでメッセージが送れなかったと伝える言い方はいろいろあります。 "I was getting my phone fixed hence why I ended up messaging you late. I apologize for any inconvenience caused"(携帯を修理に出していたのでメッセージを送るのが遅くなってしまいました。ご迷惑おかけして申し訳ありませんでした) - これは少しフォーマルな言い方で、年上の人や仕事で使うのに適しています。 ---- "Sorry for messaging late, I had to get my smartphone repaired"(メッセージ遅れてごめんなさい。スマホを修理しないといけなかったので) "Sorry for replying so late, my phone was being repaired and I was unable to use it."(返信遅れてごめんなさい。携帯を修理に出していて使えませんでした) この二つの例の方がインフォーマルで、友達に使うのにピッタリです!二つ目の文は、より詳しく説明しています。
Carolyn M DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the late reply, my phone was under repair

  • Apologies for the late response, my phone was getting fixed

  • Sorry for not replying. My phone wasn't with me because it was being repaired

(1) Sorry for the late reply, my phone was under repair 'sorry' =「ごめんなさい」 'late reply' =「遅い返信」 'under repair' = 「修理中」 「返信が遅くなってごめんなさい。携帯修理中でした」 (2) Apologies for the late response, my phone was getting fixed 'apologies' =「ごめんなさい」 'late response' =「遅い返信」 'getting fixed' =「修理に出していた」「修理中」 「返信が遅くなってごめんなさい。携帯を修理に出していました」 (3) Sorry for not replying. My phone wasn't with me because it was being repaired 「返信してなくてごめんんさい。修理に出していたから手元に携帯がありませんでした」というニュアンスの訳出です。
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